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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. As said D68 or bad G36 - only at cqb it will hit aprox 300fps on 0.12's & 250fps on 0.20'g bb's fine for back garden target or plinking as they say but out on woodland sites you won't have the range at cqb and close range engagements you can scrape by and maybe use .12's that they might feel ok but as most run with some gear on they may not feel the lighter pellets at range especially (plus lighter bb's will be really all over the place with a fart of wind hence cqb sites for the very low end plinkers) Yes you could go to woodland but bright orange is massive give away, low power means you are at disadvantage you will get picked off if they catch a glimpse - yeah bright orange - may as well buy a hi-vis vest too CQB - camo don't mean much so hi-vis low power gun would get ya by as most engagements will be shorter range If you can - go to a cqb site, try it out, speak to a few regulars and they may show you what a "proper" aeg is like if you can stick out a few visits with d68 you will be on ya way to ukara then get a more decent JG-608 G36 or Cyma AK or G&G M4 Don't worry - most of us have bought these plinkers - it ain't a bad gun plinking wise but low power plastic gearbox with plastic gears means low power but still ok for 1st time GARDEN plinking
  2. G&G GC16 MOD0 30th Edition - that's it for my G&G collection Deffo the better 30th edition model - sturdy front handguard/battery compartment with rail on top Even the front sight is easily removed which I didn't notice before ordering Very happy as got a little bonus from work to buy this with - no not a banker but just over a weeks extra profit share Yup she is a nice looking gun indeed - not even fired her yet but happy to add her to my G&G family
  3. uhm - shotgun maybe ??? not sure just how quiet the cocking might be but suppose you could always slam fire it or wtf - just get a fishing/baiting catapult - load with bb's, burst in room unleash silent hell - job done Actually that could be a fun thing to have if ya getting owned or half the enemy team are closing in ya "Have some of them bb apples !!!!" Yeah kinda illegal site wise and most deffo way over 350fps if pulled right back etc..... But would be kinda funny to do........ "Think there is just one of them left guys, lets light him up and finish this quickly....." TWANG - "$HIT - hit hit hit hit hit hit hit - JEEEEZ THERE MUST BE 12 OF THEM LEFT" (yeah I got a wicked sense of humour sometimes)
  4. Hmmmmmm - well if cleaning don't work try cleansing or if still no joy at a push try polishing maybe :)
  5. Clean it - getting running nice as possible and get to KNOW YOUR GUN By that I mean - understand what you CAN hit and what you CAN'T hit You will NOT out-range a bolt action sniper or a £450+ AEG, so live with it You learn what and when you engage and what you avoid - picking your battles accordingly If you get owned by snipers then avoid those areas or hang back at base/built up areas or go to cqb sites Only reason I'm saying this is that people think they can hit past 200ft with AEG's no problem - yeah right 100 to 150ft is most likely what most players may be hitting in real terms despite people thinking that target @ 60m - wow this gun is good, is really 40m when PROPERLY measured Its a toy gun, yes some toys can shoot better & further than others but that takes time & money tweaking etc... AND they have to be cleaned/maintained to achieve that sort of optimum performance I'm sure it will improve with a bit of cleaning and once you got to know your gun a bit more you will understand and no doubt will be able to engage targets more consistently within your gun's range
  6. Daft questions............. Short or Long Raider, have you cleaned barrel & tweaked hop up ??? Also you say 305 with .20's - that isn't too bad yet, when it drops below 300 then maybe service the box but fine for moment TM's don't shoot much higher but are dogz nutz they say - just pointing that out to prove you don't HAVE TO open up box .25's "can" be a bit qwirky, I bought some .25's and they are just $hit in all guns I tried - so bad I mainly stick to 0.20's (them .25's just don't fire consistently - about 1 in 5 ya get a "jimmy" that fires at like 200fps and goes anywhere it wants) Just saying - don't assume it is the gun, try a few different bb's before you strip the gun down Clean the barrel - alcohol wipes or white spirit on tissue in jamming rod don't use silicone - that is last resort and if you get on rubber bucking you will have to strip hop/bucking down to clean Clean barrel - really helps no end Order up another rubber if still no joy - then take time to check clean all hop/barrel etc.... (should still be a tiny spring on front of hop up - check that is still there) "Generally speaking" - accuracy/grouping & range is due to hop/bucking/barrel area, fps & smooth operation is ya box area The reason I'm pointing it out is you can easily start messing with stuff that is in fact quite ok Clean barrel - try other bb's first and enlighten us as to what exact range are seeking/expecting: 30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100metres - ahhhh c'mon it ain't a sniper ffs Also would point out that that a good clean set hop/barrel will perform & also fps will improve too Bad or worn/split hop with crap seal will lose fps along with dirty barrel etc.... Though to be fair a s/hand CM16 like most guns you would expect to lose aprox 10% in 6 months All springs loose a little tension so 330fps new G&G hitting now 305 is about right and to be expected the accuracy/range improvement is gonna be in the barrel/hop/rubber area.... Take it from somebody who has bollox'd a few guns "steaming in" to replace stuff that don't need replacing Same as feed issues - must be nozzle/tappet - NOPE often some mags and maybe some bb's are just crap So try another mag often helps/solves feed issues I have found out the hard way Same as your accuracy/range - would reckon it just needs a clean and maybe try some different bb's before you go nutz If it is firing consistently and smoothly the box is fine - power is F*ck all if you got no control/consistent range/grouping/control of bb's (Again TM's are firing at 300 which highlights that power is not the be all & end all we often think it is)
  7. Lipo's have the edge, 7.4v with a deans connector will give you good performance Probably a rating of 20C or 25C if price/size is good 1300+ Would maybe advise getting 2 x Lipo's - especially if you buy the 15C (would say 20C min myself) Do not go for 11.1v lipo - stay at 7.4v - they perform great compared to 8.6v nimah's If you fit a deans on there it will give an extra tiny bit of oomph & response - but don't go higher than 7.4v ffs (or you need to fit to fit mosfet etc.....) Maybe stick to a nunchuck battery type lipo as though a few "block" batteries may fit up front in handguard you would probably be better/safer to get the twin stick nunchuck type to fit in the compartment & wrap around outer barrel etc... length of sticks would probably be 100 - 125mm max I reckon but I don't have the CM16 carbine - this is a GUESS !!! Best speak to component shop or maybe another member like Team Flex can enlighten us as to what Lipo's he used in his carbine Like I say I can't offer you an exact model to get but I think 7.4v lipo nunchuck may be best type of battery to get Nunchuck or Crane stock batteries are the popular type for airsoft - though some guns/stocks can use almost any type of battery But with your choice - CM Carbine - think nunchuck is what you seek with its twin stick layout 100-125mm length & aprox 18 to 20mm in diameter/square - do not go over this as fitting may be very tight This is just a rough rough guide though please double check any battery will fit BEFORE you purchase it - or ask around (Team Flex ??)
  8. I'm still 12yrs old just trapped in a 47 - soon to be 48 year old body
  9. tracer wiring aside...... is the actual hop unit much better or about the same and you just paying for name & tracer option ???
  10. TWG & GF have recently put up the free shipping Also their prices have risen too..... GF - is crap atm - they did some great deals in Jan obviously they wanted buyers to vote for them to win best retailer 5th year running Well it worked but atm their prices are more expensive than TWG But TWG shot their prices up in Jan anyway Some of this is probably down to pi$$ poor £ to $ exchange rate plus the £ to Euro rate is very good so stuff does kinda seem cheap but again most crap is bought/sold worldwide in $$$$$ - so people in France must be really feeling it TWG & GF are - or rather was really great for cheaper stuff: Cyma AK's, JG G36's, basic bolt snipers, some pistols But TWG don't do G&G & though GF sell them they are more expensive than UK Maybe those 2 cheapo places buy in massive bulk from them china gun makers and can get great discounts Where as in UK most retailers don't sell so many cheapo china makes and stick to G&G & ICS etc..... Like I said only UK retailers that can stump up decent amounts of working capital to fund say 100+ G&G's can get a good deal May not sound like much but if you take an "average" buy in cost of £100 x 100 - that's 10 grand !!!!!! compare that to say cheapo china guns at say £50 = £5,000 I think also Poland has 23% vat tax so I don't think it is down to UK import/taxing structures too much Just think most of the time many will take a chance on buying cheapo guns but if there isn't much in it then most of us will buy from home - especially if paying say £200+ on a gun that should work very well out of box Well that is my take on it anyway..... I also think UK retailers will prefer to sell G&G's ICS that perhaps might be built a little better than some china guns plus these will come in at correct UK fps limits - so less messing about for them downgrading spring etc.... Not saying cyma or jg are crap - they are quite good indeed but often may need a tweak to be ok for UK sites Perhaps UK retailers could get good discounts on Cyma/JG's but again that is if they can stump up the capital When they know say a G&G M4 will sell no problem - so is perhaps a safer investment/bet for them I have reached a point where I nigh on have most of the guns I could possibly desire for the next year or two but I am a bit pi$$ed at GF no longer doing free ship on £50 orders That wasn't a bad idea to grab a few spares, bits & accessories each month and get some nice bits for £50 alas that has gone and price rise means atm it ain't as good as it was a few months ago So I am left at present just having a swap around and make do with a fair few box of bits/upgrade/parts for now Zero One are great - but shipping is dearer than LWA but ZO 2-tone free and all that for newcomers Zero One - never had a problem - well they sent something incorrectly ordered - but was fully refunded LWA - well they messed up my first RIF order but got from Pro Airsoft so all worked out ok in the end Fire Support - another great place to buy from - not the cheapest and though I never had a problem, I have heard their customer support is second to none from a few on here I will continue to buy from any place if the price is right and they have the stock I prefer to buy local but as always try & keep my eye out for any decent savings elsewhere Don't think there is one best all round retailer at home or abroad - the prices have started to rise overseas I just wonder how long before some of those price rises start to take effect over here at UK retailers ????
  11. At best cutting a barrel down is perhaps a temp measure to see if it all shoots ok still with shorter barrel If all ok and no bad drop in performance then look out for a decent one "properly" manufactured to size especially if you can get a reasonable decent barrel for £15 to £20 that should perform better than most DIY ones
  12. Try still waiting for a delivery a whole month after posting from far east Think it has landed in UK a few days ago but if it don't arrive real soon... I think all I will get is letter demanding import tax from robbing RM bastids
  13. TWG are usually a couple of days quicker than GunFire TWG = 300 Euro for free shipping - no paypal charge GunFire 175 Euro for free shipping - does have paypal surcharge Evike & Airsoft GI ship to UK but you will get shafted by UK Customs tax TWG & GF will go through fine as long as you provide UKARA (they don't sell 2-tone stuff) TWG & GF were cheaper and did free shipping for 69 Euro orders but prices have risen since Jan along with free shipping - otherwise its about £12 aprox Good for China guns & parts (if in stock), but G&G's are cheaper in UK I found
  14. Yeah but would you really have wanted the fast track route and be one of those many people who can talk it but haven't a f*cking clue how to walk it so to speak..... I'm sure with all your years & wisdom you are helping out or showing these graduates how it really rolls in real world Got loads of them upstairs and yup they got degree in graphical design & layout say and yet they seemed to have failed the 11+ in common sense ffs It is a tough call - one I really don't know what I would if I had to choose today I look back and know I have been fortunate with breaks & oppotunities - many have not University Of Life - now that is a great Uni and I am still learing - ain't we all
  15. My own personal usual do I suggest anything else ffs G&G Raider S - good cqb & will do well also at woodland medium ranges - UK purchase seems best price MP7 - nah cheapo Galaxy MP5K from taiwangun would be a better option I think Also could get a cheap GG105 green gas non blowback pistol at TWG when ya get ukara'd (or shotgun very cheaply - whatever floats ya boat cqb wise) you have to be 18+ btw to get ukara'd - in fact have to be 18 to purchase IF or RIF but ya knew that
  16. Ian bought a v2 spring set ??? he ain't going over to more western stuff - nah I must be missing something here
  17. straight - obviously then crown it cut it with a dremmel then file it as straight as you can possibly get it then crown it by using a pointed grinding stone on a dremmel often it don't work quite as good or perfect as a proper decent barrel the right size but how bad is all down to how well you finish it off with crowning don't think there is a better way than a pointed grinding stone on a dremmel and taking your time but if anybody else has a better way I would like to know more please if you are going to cut off more than say 25mm you may find your fps affected by cylinder/barrel ratio so be sure you really want to shorten the barrel quite a bit or you may find fps dropping and will need yet more work to get it back up again - (changing cylinder port or using a higher spring)
  18. Indeed - but that is just the retail side of things really 99.9% is all made in far east anyway All human beings are their own worst enemy - we throw away stuff at first chance Places like Cuba who have had sanctions for so long are experts in making do and repairing stuff even crude manufacturing of brake fluid and stuff on top gear a while back We - UK used to be envy of world with our skills and engineering but we became lazy and too expensive so we import stuff that so much we could make ourselves Not gonna dwell on this but best talk to M&S Primark etc.. about where their clothes are made in Eastern sweatshops But yes we could try and be a little more patriotic ike the Yanks trying to buy USA stuff if possible but also we need to make items that are not too highly priced especially when money is tight for so many Dunno what the answer is but would deffo say we can be a lazy lot of bastids - myself included
  19. That funny odd shape V3 cylinder head - fits lovely in a JG AK gearbox Kind of handy coz stock JG cylinder head would of needed 2metres of tape to seal it was so pants Thought what's that cut out bit on box - damn where did I put that funny head - ah found it RESULT - all closes up nice - should help compression no doubt Good to know I guess they fit JG AK's & probably G36's But not Cyma's so may need to get some SHS ver 3 heads as well EDIT - minor update notice the cylinder head nozzle was tad too long so cut off aprox 3.5mm Turns out yup it is a ver 3 head but seems like a G36 type ver 3 nozzle which is longer (gotta love those accurate ar$ehole descriptions overseas ffs but seems ok now)
  20. How the f*ck can kids/youngsters really make choices - even us old farts can't predict where we are gonna be or do in 5 yrs 47 & was a LOT different when I left school - jobs were a lot more easy to find of some description Now you got people with degrees working in fast food places/shops for not much more than min wage 50 graduates+ chasing 1 frggin' job My own kids are going to uni - 1 next year and I don't envy that one bit tbh Employers want qualifications AND experience AND the correct attitude - which I will agree 101% above To get a job you need to sell yourself 200% BUT you gotta stay with that 200% attitude or you won't last long Trust me - companies won't carry any dead wood like perhaps they used to, time keeping, attendance, even attitude to say - "what do you want me to do now" - rather than scratch your ar$e & check ya fone & if somebody helps you out or shows you stuff that they spent years learning the hard way.... "Thanks" - always a good start and show some interest... "how/why did you do that" - this is two fold as it demostrates your interest and hopefully they may explain the solution a little so you learn a little more & they don't have to show you again/so much next time I've seen first hand the attitude of youngsters and my own kids even trying to lecture me on this n that yet in my book they still have so much to learn never mind back chatting me and asking for full explanations or try to outsmart me..... Whose house are you in - yours they reply Bills paid by whom - you & mum Long story short - ok when you got your own money and your own place THEN you can tell me I am wrong ffs to which they reply - yeah ok but can I have this/that/some money to go out with now Think carefully and pursue a decent further education in something useful as well as you enjoy That is the part you need to study and research - FACT Too many people have got super duper grades/degrees in $hit like music/media/fashion retail and are f*cked trying to get employment with that sort of stuff, I know quite a few that have a bit of paper that tbh isn't gonna leapfrog them further up the line when trying to pursue a totally different line of work Architects - yeah think a couple of my kids teachers got that degree and hated it - ending up teaching TD in schools This is just a tip of the iceberg - but keep studying yes, but in something useful that you might enjoy and maybe see yourself doing in later life - I mean think about it not like "Yeah that would be alright I suppose" Try and get some crappy job if possible whilst studying - it all helps both prepare you and looks good on ya CV that at least you could get & keep some sort of job Amount of people in this world with a bit of paper thinking they are so great..... Uhmmm - that company interview you might be going to, well that company somehow just about survived before you came along and will no doubt survive long after you sat there telling how super duper you are In fact even when the top top mofo MD goes on holiday the company scrapes by and survives Nobody is that good or that irreplaceable - this may come as a shock to a few people but sooner this is learnt the sooner they may find out the world owes you nothing and won't come knocking on your door Attitude is also important as no matter how outstanding you are even if you are the best in your field/department If the boss don't like you or your face don't fit - YOU ARE F*CKED Nowt to do with ar$e licking, it is a balance of doing your bit to best of your abilities, trying to get along and learn but also if you are not performing brilliantly at least keep ya head down under the radar and not pi$$ into wind Oh and even if you think of going it alone and not taking any $hit - ergh you will from customers Everybody is somebody's bitch - well of a sort, do ya best and if you do have to make a stand/point pick your battles carefully and all that For the record I thought I was gonna do this/that with computers or plumbing/building or engineering Ended up stumbling into my present career after working in retail - settled in the print industrty for last 28yrs but has seriously gone through major changes so have had to adapt or end up working as a mini-cab driver or something like so many of my old work mates Best of luck - think and choose your course carefully and maintain a well rounded willingness to learn rather than think you already have the qualifications and experience on a piece of paper Oh and good luck paying back your tuition fees as well
  21. tbh I wouldn't really want the hassle of the buyer coming back and saying "That crappy gun you sold me - its shagged" "I know - that is why I sold it, if it was any good I would have kept it of course" Seriously - I've outlined in detail why they are crap I own more G&G's than any other make of gun - none of them were the £300+ guns all of mine are £123 to £155 and they are worth every penny compared to the first lot of crappy guns I bought from BB sites If you was gonna shoot in your back garden it wouldn't really matter a toss but when you go out to a site where you will face people with £400+ guns at woodland sites you won't be able to hit past 30m and be facing snipers who shouldn't pull the trigger if you get 30m or so near them So the £400+ gun and a Minimum Engagement Distance of 30m with a 500fps sniper that you got little hope of reaching them with a lame gun You can see you will be getting your ar$e kicked big time and really have the hump even more after spending £70 £80+ on a gun that just doesn't begin to cut it out there Plus those cheapo guns don't accept the usual replacement parts 101% as well so in some cases if they play up and break - very likely btw, then you will probably looking at just chucking it in the bin But no worries - think most of us have bought crap at first - its kind of an initiation test I guess that you have to experience We learn by our mistakes on our road to gain wisdom - that is normal but to ignore good sound and proven advice is perhaps a little unwise or foolish Seriously - its your money and your gun so the final decision is yours and yours alone in the end I'm done on all this
  22. coz its crap - wanna buy my crap off me ???
  23. go and reg at zero one forums and try n buy the clear G&G like what was suggested in ya other thread if you don't buy it I or somebody else will
  24. Great point sir....... I could say ICS ahem but still not as good as G&G you could get a crappy AK with a "proper gearbox" but still no way as good as Cyma AK's and trust me Epsom is not a place you want to be with a lame ar$e crappy unreliable gun
  25. oh and here is another gun I got mugged with: https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Double-Eagle-M901C-Metal-AK47-Krinkov-CQB.html the write up and video says metal gearbox - BOLLOX unless metal is now what they call a white very brittle cheap nasty material alas I joined here after I raped & mugged by JBBG & BBG4Less otherwise I may have read this amusing review: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17012-double-eagle-m900a/
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