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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. welcome aboard sir, all of us are complete hard core players who study techniques and tactics whenever we are not out in the field winning is everything and if your K-D goes negative your are fined heavily and continuos whimpy losers are booted out NNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH can't keep this bollox up no more...... Airsoft is just a load of us refusing to grow up and enjoy messing about with toy guns really Some like any sprt are a little more serious at it than others but there is a massive mix of us All ages - youngsters still at school, right up to old farts who are 6 months away from retirement homes (moi) Some have all the kit(s) - different style loadouts as they say, higher end Automatic Electric Guns Others have lower end stuff but still do more than ok Some on here are rather good and compete, me I just have a laugh, get out and realise how unfit I am Apart from myself I have never really met a miserable sod, nigh on all have been really friendly There are mainly 2 things that airsoft really requires - well 2 main ones I can think of Safety - yup a toy gun in effect but can still lose an eye so eye protection plus don't be a dick and take gun outside the area - keep eye protection on at all times, remove mag + clear gun returning to "safe zone" listen to marshals respect other players - basic common sense you could say.... Play fair - take your hits, if you even think you have been shot call it, hand up and go to dead zone/respawn without this the game just falls apart and if we don't at the very least try to play fairly then we may as well go home or just do target shooting instead - you may not see the guy who shot you most of the time but call it (one shot = loss of life, it ain't COD a shot in elbow or head shot all the same your hit) the other things is to not take too too seriously it is just a game and perhaps a budget that you will deffo won't stick to if you get grabbed you will be like a kid in sweet shop always wanting more guns n stuff to play with Really is a right mixed bag of people on here, some ex-services enjoying it and "keeping their hand in" so to speak but many are just ordinary people young & old, but all with a friendly attitude and passionate about this sport/hobby of ours Only thing you may ask yourself like most of us here - wtf didn't I get into this sooner ???
  2. Bolt cutters ??? Are you going to a site to play or turn it over ffs ??? Why on earth would most people need bolt cutters is what I'm thinking good luck explain that defense in court - RIF - even a little Glock & set of bolt cutters Slightly off topic but kind of fitting to a mega load-out..... A chap I know very well wanted to nick some sheets of lead from a builders yard So to smuggle it out he hit upon a great idea of wrapping it around his waist/chest Managed to smuggle out quite a fair bit of lead under his coat and was feeling quite good Until he tripped on the way and the dough-nut couldn't pick himself up was lying there like some upside down insect trying to thrash about but to no avail true story btw So if ya taking all that with ya - watch your step perhaps Think most on here run with a less is more loadout rather than kitchen sink As Chock take the lot with ya, but keep most of it at safe zone or car
  3. They are much the same really and politics like religion (and ukara) none of it is worth bitching about..... All of them are liars and just tell you anything to get ya vote never listen to you any other time except when they want your vote be glad when its all over and we have another load of deaf selfish out of touch f*ckwits running it badly - again
  4. I agree - we should be using bio's but the limited options/stocks/slight price increase means that most places mainly stock regular plastic ones Hmmmm - Quorn BB's, solves the enviromental issue and handy if ya feeling hungry out in the field plus keeps the vegan's happy too - well except Mr Spock but he is a Vulcan not Vegan soz getting silly again - back on topic screw the green's
  5. kudos - I put my hands up to not being more constructive on that - good point indeed http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/
  6. yup true, but GiantKiwi had beaten me to listing numerous good sites or alternatives and so I was giving cold & possible harsh or stern warnings about the site in question for OP soz
  7. We will be fine chaps - just much easier targets to pick off with 2-tones (won't matter to me coz I suck at it) suppose I'd best start ordering Bio's now or will they asked that we all use dried peas or corn now maybe help farmers sow the fields a bit oh yeah feel the love already - yeah right Take that ya greenie with my non-eviromental firendly plastic bb's ah crap, we might even be demoted to spring plinkers to save global warming ffs
  8. Not all "plastic" guns are the same and some "real" modern guns are plastic anyway (abs polymer or whatver else they may call it) Everybody thinks it "has" to be metal - G36c ain't for starters Also some are quite a bit heavier if you carry it all day with loads of gizmos up on top too Metal gearbox yes deffo - metal receivers - hmm not an absolute must for me it is more important to hold it if possible, get a nice feel and comfort with it, happy with it all day long how good and reliable it is made - the external materials are not that important as I first thought Though in general it is perceived that all metal guns are the higher end quality ones (there are some good abs ones out there too is all I'm saying) decide on the look and what you "think" you like then others here might be able to advise on the various make/models
  9. Who is ya local gun shop JustBBGuns ???? Any sight with BB in the name is not a professional shop !!! Most of the stuff is very low end, their reviews are not quite as good as they make out JBBG lie & bull$hit, BBG4Less - I don't think they actually lie but more not so well informed I would put it OnlyBBGuns are a tiny bit better but still noobish Solid Metal = Brittle Plastic Quality = Crap Fantastic = Utter $hite most stuff is very low end designed to be sold to kids and noobs and you will get owned with their stuff out on a real skirmish site Most of us have been duped/mislead/lied to after we made a mistake buying from these pro's BUT there is a "few" things they sell that are ok or not too bad but just be mislead so easily Ask here about this or that and tell us exactly what you are after you might have to spend a little bit more but trust me it will be worth it in the end than buy crap Or if you want I can flogg you some of the crap I have bought in the past but I will tell ya its crap (seriously - think twice before buying a "pro gun" at such a cheap price)
  10. Airsoft World's 2-tone or blue "snakeskin" does leave a lot to be desired (next they will be 2-toning the bb's instead) nice one all the same
  11. no worries, hope ya ok - only a patch and not got out there anyway to upset peeps whatever whenever - hope ya on the mend a bit cheers for update
  12. faster rate of fire (slightly) aprox 10% over 18:1 deans + better wire & fet will do same if not more about 15% over stock wiring & small tamiya (good wire & good fet coz most heat/stress takes place on shotting semi repetatively)
  13. Just saying if one of them 2 seperate prongs is not completely touching the selector plate it "can" create problems especially if one of them prongs or strips is higher than other I found..... it "can" push the selector plate copper or bow it a bit and not make great contact on the other prong it seems more likely to happen on semi than auto coz maybe the selector isn't in the selector "tracks" so much on side of gearbox on semi (further back in tracks & less chance of bowing maybe on auto) pinching the switch contacts or making sure they engage switch is great but if them seperate prongs behind selector plate are not 101% touching then the circuit is not completed = problems Well that is my hunch - very noobish for what it is worth - see what others might say but might be worth either getting a shs blue switch or do your own link to rule out that problem area on selector plate contacts Finally please note - I not got my G&G box to hand so they might have them contacts "linked" already but if they are seperate like some are then that could be one area to investigate further the bottom single contact prong - on the other side inside box runs to motor the top single contact prong - goes to one side of switch contacts if selector plate doesn't complete circuit 101% perfect then you will have iffy circuit even if switch contacts are soldered together the blue shs type has these linked so they will be making a perfect contact - heck you could remove the copper clip of selector plate on these switch types UPDATE - Red SHS also has them linked - just colour difference it seems: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/S/H/SHS-AEGPT-NB0027_1_MARK.jpg&imgrefurl=http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/shs-heat-resistance-switch-for-ver-2-geabox.html&h=600&w=800&tbnid=HkYEfnnMGul4HM:&zoom=1&docid=mwf6ySUsIBBl8M&ei=WG7YVOzTBMSP7AbFpoGAAg&tbm=isch&ved=0CCcQMygGMAY and yes the whole design is poxy and dated but does kinda work - well usually
  14. think it might be more electrical rather than mechanical them contacts if seperate behind selector plate both have to be perfectly touching the selector copper plate and making a perfect circuit with all 3 or you get problems - I feel more often on semi edit - HAHAAA found the pic to explain more: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://tigertacticalairsoft.com/images/NB0027a.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tigertacticalairsoft.com/trigger-switch-gearbox-blue-p-734.html&h=338&w=450&tbnid=fzsZ8PBaq488HM:&zoom=1&docid=qpBkw3ln7fxbyM&ei=aePXVJnxGuav7AagqoDYBQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CCkQMygKMAo see - them two strips are linked on this one so selector plate copper is doing jack $hit not safe is safety lever arm fails but bet it fires better coz selector plate don't need contact
  15. might be other stuff but taking a noobish guess it could be from iffy contacts creating some or most of them problems
  16. not cycle properly on semi might be iffy contacts on switch/selector plate or selector might not 101% perfect position/contact 3 or 4 bb's though rolling out that is strange feed issue but only does this on semi so it might be "stuttering" and not smooth uninterupted cycle, jittering halfway and perhaps where more than 1 bb gets loaded normally there are 2 copper strips behind switch that make contact with copper on selector plate quite a few makes actually have these 2 strips linked but a few do not in a nutshell the "linked" strips could fire on safety in the safety lever arm fails/removed but as they are linked already the copper on selector plate is doing jack $hit really the unlinked ones can't fire in safety coz selector plate doesn't short them out but if BOTH of those copper strips do not make perfect contact on selector plate then you get bad connection and fire problems I don't know if G&G have these linked or not just behind switch assembly http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://i.imgur.com/UKfir.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.airsoftforum.com/board/topic/238922-shs-switch-assembly/&h=468&w=781&tbnid=aEvmACnyaiDMmM:&zoom=1&docid=yKhr8K4HP5kzxM&ei=PN3XVLzvF_LQ7QbYg4GAAw&tbm=isch&ved=0CHAQMyhGMEY but deffo seen these wired as seperate contacts which in that case has to have both on a complete circuit to fire and also seen these with a link in which means the copper slip on selector is not needed if 2 seperate strips - then it is yet another area for carbon to build up and create an iffy connection plus both strips need to make good solid connection on semi/auto and have seen these strips not make great connections on a APS gearbox build that was crap on semi but was perfect on full auto - will just short them strips next time I have it in bits
  17. what voltage battery ? up volts and she should go past & cut off lever return ok you got an Active Braking fet in there ??? I presume you are saying it fires ok but switch screws up as it stops too quick on that dead zone of cut off lever rather than trying to double cycle - doubt that coz neodym motors stop real quick over ferrite motors or is she not always firing one cylce on semi ??
  18. Damn it, I KNOW I got the bits, but can't flippin find 'em. I blame other half for making me tidy up. 2 weeks from Hong Kong or 2 weeks looking ???

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Got a Jiffy bag of this & another of that plus more with various thingy's too - atm I not got a clue where bearings n bushings jiffy bag is - if no joy I'll have to just buy another gun instead & blame her

    2. team flex

      team flex

      always happens, lost my phone and have turned my room upside down to find it but still missing

  19. Don't worry about any of it - it is working so leave it as it is thought you might be on a 328/330 cqb site But as they allow up to a 350 max - same as mine and it is the absolute max at mine Anyway they allow up to 350 - you are at 345...... in say a month or two it is very very likely it will drop a bit - all springs lose their tension over time so really don't worry about it coz you won't be hitting that in 3-6 months time often when guns may start to drop to under 300 say then it might time to tweak / service / check seals blah blah blah until then don't worry if you just scrape under atm, very likely won't last that high it is hard to say but for all we know you could got a M150 or something though I think you would of noticed the difference when fitting (it would of fought back a bit putting in box) could be a M130 and stock motor says f*ck this for a game of soldiers who knows - no real way of telling without testing it but a slim chance it could something else other than a M95 its working & leave it as is - coz 345 is ok and it will decrease a bit
  20. weird ??? but kudos to Spoon & RR01 presume that perhaps a M95 might have been an Element one ?? have used the M105's in a few builds and been fine anyway if 345 is a big problem for your site, then maybe look at doing Angle Of Engagement a small sorbo or rubber pad washer placed on cylinder head that moves the position of piston back so the initial bigger tooth or pickup tooth engages better & smoother the piston is drawn in a smoother straighter pick up path so to speak G&G black piston has a tooth missing - 2nd tooth already place one or two max on cylinder head, sometimes shave a little on the next 3rd tooth This AOE results in smoother operation, reduces the piston breaking on the large initial pick up tooth but as the piston is further back and the volume of air it can pull & compress is slightly reduced it is quite common to lose a little power or fps - aprox 10-15 fps so if your site is running at say 330 limit then maybe do AOE with a couple of sorbo pads and acheive same result but will run smoother http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Neoprene-Rubber-Penny-Washers-Adhesive-Backed-M4-M5-M6-M8-M10-M12-SN0001-/250981193606?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item801394491d is what I use - M4 hole size & 20mm outer diameter (cylinder bore is aprox 23.8mm so 20mm is ideal) there are others but you want self adhesive washers, aprox 2mm thick might need just 1 or 2 might be a bit too much they go on cylinder head - not piston head google it and watch some vids, it is one of the tweaks most recommend but often lowers fps a tiny bit not a massive operation at all to do yes some say it should be this grade or that grade of rubber but does the job for me
  21. Ahhhhh now I see the potential problem with law, ricochets/safety aspect (though 15m is actually a little low distance - range wise unless is based on a JBBG gun) soz - now chock has explained it a bit more to moi it might be wise to maybe avoid raising suspicion so close to the alley alas we have to be a little careful in the way we conduct ourselves to avoid agro & all that sorry once again for not quite grasping it how close & potentially risky it really might be my bad once again
  22. UHmmmmmm not being funny but a couple of members have had some - shall we say not quite so brilliant levels of service from JD's tech guys.... http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/statuses/user/7335-bottledtorment/?status_id=6012 might just be a rare thing or the young trainee did those guns but just letting ya know
  23. 5 mins is fine, if you had a responsible grown up with ya if you are u18 then you are gonna look less suspicious with a 2-tone IF doing some target shots in ya back garden I don't know how much a passer-by could actually see clearly with their own eyes only you know that for sure so it is up to you to judge if what they can see in I know some people are thick but a kid shooting a 2-tone "toy gun" in his back garden is hardly an all attack from IS, but then the world is a bit more jittery atm but you get the idea and suspicion won't be too high if you are careful and discreetly use common sense I'd be more worried about some guy storing a load of fertilizer & chemicals in a garage looking shifty than a kid plinking in his back garden once in a while with a painted toy gun LASTLY - ffs don't be tempted to show off or be stupid like say ooooh lets see if I can hit that can from bedroom window......... That isn't just f*cking stupid it is seriously gonna raise alarm bells coz that will be seen from a way off as a possible threat and that is extremely likely gonna get a visit you don't want End of the day - only you know the situation at home/alley so YOU have to make the choice But you sound sensible and wouldn't make it a regular annoying habit..... Once you got it all set-up, zero sight, hop sorted roughly and then get the urge bug out of the way then you probably won't be chomping at the bit with the urge to empty a few mags will subside a bit Most of the time if I fire some shots its to test a gun's fps on chrono or if I have down anything to it and see what it does now - a lot less than when I started a year ago
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