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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. yup deffo gonna ensure any fet I put in is "Gate" ready but tbh - once the trigger contacts are done then that is it really I mean send up a dedicated supply/return or 2 thin leads to trigger & back to fet and motor leads with own dedicated 16 awg rather than longer positive lead to switch & motor at trigger contact like the quick existing wire option yeah that is a bit confusing like most crap I type but I kind of understand it (jeez my posts are more confusing than Merf programming - and that is saying something) will now go for dedicated 2-wire trigger fet is basically what I was meaning
  2. Blimey - been looking at Gate Merf 3.2 burst/rof/voltage programming & options got well lost trying to follow all the bells n whistle options - jeez tempted to get that mofo from bullseye country sport about £45 del if use a 10% discount code (or buy something else and get 10% on mulitple items) clever stuff if ya like all them options, if ya have a little room for that bad a$$ module & easy to change but for now will stick with basic fet but will ensure I prepare the wire/connectors ready for easy fitting to these Gate's if ever I wanna go to next level (provided I can get my head around advanced programming options of the mofo)
  3. depends where site is located - Bradford, Birmingham etc..... soz to avoid upsetting anyone if playing in other inner city areas and the newbie loadout of hoodies, jeans falling down ya ar$e etc.... the more seasoned players might find them in the "oiky chav look" easy targets to pick off........ then the pro's find out them oiky players have ripped out all the car stereo's quicker than the pro's could change a mag see - I upset everybody loadouts - very personal thing but jeans n jacket does me... (I'm $hit at it so a cool looking loadout won't make my aim no more accurate - though it might help me not get picked off so easy)
  4. to be honest though I think it is a good idea I doubt if I will buy one as I have 2 oshi's impact & 2 dynatec impacts with 9mm & 6mm adapters but to be fair sometimes haven't used them (mainly play woodland - cqb room clearing is different) I do see both sides of the argument and the other team should not be able to use it but in real terms what happens in-game all pumped up and kick bfg away etc...... impact grenade x 6 shot is saving some time but not that much coz if you got another blank ready then oshi takes only time to unscrew replace and tighten - 5 secs aprox timed mofo's - yeah that is a bit more pi$$balling about in heat of battle so that would be good if they could do that in a multi option All sites operate different rules - some are a bit daft it seems but perhaps the best decisions are when sites listen and take on board what maybe the majority of the players are saying - after all they are the ones playing and PAYING Better equipped teams have a major advantage of course - often if it getting too crazy teams might be split up a bit Radios BFG's all them goodies help give ya the upper hand but there has to be some balance OR we could all roll up with nooby 5k box mags, $hitloads of bfg's etc......... actually sounds crazy fun but not exactly the most skilled or tactical way of doing things Think there should be some "reasonable" limits or guidelines to amount of bfg's per member/team per round though (pity the poor sods in room if say 8 guys each chuck in their "unlimited" supply of bfg's first go) depends on area/number of rooms but maybe a rough limit might be 3 per team in one round but this would vary on area/size number of rooms etc...... gotta have some ceiling or it could get mental - and you may not have a ceiling left
  5. Hmmmmm - tricky one coz AirsoftWorld were doing the snake skin 2-tone as an option Me personally I feel the pattern or snake skin look is not the same as the "normal" 2-tone (certain parts of gun 1 continuous colour to easily distinguish as first glance it is an IF) Technically we the user are not allowed to paint/modify the guns, where as retailers paint as they see fit should be 51% of gun but so much is open to interpretation in a sense..... If retailer thinks that a snake skin 2-tone blue meets the criteria for an IF then that is up to them at AW but my own gut feeling it falls a little short of the vivid 51% yukk orange or puke green most "BB" retailers sell The coverage & colour of snake skin at AW is way too subtle in my opinion and hope AW don't get any kick back should be a much brighter blue - still better than crap orange or a slightly milder puke green - anything but orange (They "could" in my book perhaps spray the mag n stuff like flash hider a bit more to cover their ar$es) probably yet another subject to start rows & quarrels and all with a sprinkling of various people's own interpretation.....
  6. thinking of getting this for a more stealthy look this time of year..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OLAF-FROZEN-Snowman-Adult-Mascot-Costume-UK-FOR-SALE-NEW-kids-party-/251808915164?pt=Adult_Fancy_Dress_UK&hash=item3aa0fb1edc soz - bored ProAirsoft Supplies had a cheap G&G Chione which would look bitching with it though would be a laugh turning up in this though but might get accused of not taking ya hits "can't feel it m8 - must be going straight through me"
  7. Everybody has their own preference and is up to owner what they use..... Me personally don't need extra bits really but I know it is nice to have burst options I do not like the "all in one" inside the box - yes it makes it neat & tidy and I'm sure ASCU's walk on water but think I would prefer the fet/burst externally so I can change/replace easily if required (easy/cheap replacement or experiment/upgrade with whatever I could hold of) That is just my very noobish view on things - don't flame me, like I said it is up to owner what they do/fit in there
  8. think like many things there is an element of luck of the draw springers - bolt snipers & shotguns only come with a 6 month warranty I think AEG's usually 12 months - how good retailer's guarantee is will vary but the lower warranty on spring stuff must mean something I guess my own mossberg from bbguns4less - fecking mag often dropped out and on top of that fps was about 150 !!! yeah sod that - poxy lemon shotgun and I'm sure loads have got really good ones for ages would like to try a tri-shot for a bit of cqb room clearing fun like I said or might have a look at lame mossberg or get another from say TWG and use the other "drop-out mag"
  9. http://gunfire.pl/product-eng-1152202730-ASCU-Gen-3-for-GearBox-v-2-Hop-Up-chamber-Free.html under £70 free shipping think I'll stick with plain non-ab for the moment but it does make a nice cuppa tea I'm told
  10. yup fine - battery should go in fine but may take a little careful practice to get the fiddly hang of it (may have to extend stock - pop in 2 longer sticks and then fiddle carefully with shorter middle one and tamiya connector as you shorten stock but that should last ya being 2200mah) the charger has the large tamiya connector but they chuck in a large to small tamiya lead - sorted if you get it all in one place then the shipping is all combined (zero one are good but they do charge a bit more than most for one gun but 2-tone is free so can't have it all) get it all, maybe a bag of .20g bb's (5k bag usually) unless ya m8 is gonna give ya some don't forget a mask/goggles - might have to be full face if under 18/16 - most sites say young players MUST have full face mask or a properly fitted goggles & face guard, if they see a gap by nose they can get funny hence some say full mask - but check your site as a few operate slightly different policies eye protection is a MUST - don't scrimp on it, the bb's don't sting that much but lets keep ya eyesight intact
  11. Ambush Adventures http://www.ambushadventures.co.uk/ u18's young guns but as you are 16 you would be fine with waiver form and go to any skirmish site they got a new urban site - the billet or something - not been coz not my local alas I'm over Kent/Surrey Side only dropped son off at Young Guns u18 once - bit kiddish he said and prefers the general skirmish rather than kids only skirmish days but they seem to be around your area Surrey/Hampshire way
  12. if you get a good make of battery eg: vapex 1600mah you might last a day ok if you wasn't going nutz most peeps tend to take 2 batteries and change at lunchtime rather that bat 1 go flat halfway through afternoon batteries do lose their holding charge as they get old (old laptops often have a battery that lasts 15mins) but a brand new battery "might" be ok if you go easy - but everybody plays different (some will do say 500 (sniper) or 1,000 bb's & others can do over 3k of bb's in a day) you need small tamiya connector on the crane/nunchuck battery and try to get a cheap-ish smart charger Smart chargers can cost about £12 upwards and they charge but turn off so they don't cook/kill battery place battery on worktop or old table and charge it - never on carpet/bed keep checking it - there is a small tiny heat/fire risk like with all battery charging - so don't be silly and go out just keep an eye on it now & then and keep watching it - common sense really 1 battery might last you or you might find you crap out on the last round of the day - but you say you not spray n prey hard to say but reckon you may be ok but you may need to get another at some point in future would suggest 8.4v (3+4 sticks) or 9.6v (4+4 sticks) max some may say lipo - not 11.1v and also you need to ensure lipo nunchuck/sticks fit in stock/tube usually the 8.4v or 9.6v nimah's go in most places fine - well unless you get the really fat diameter ones but in general most nunchuck nimah's are the thinner sticks and pop in crane stock really easy
  13. it is indeed but I have to keep reminding my "clever" kids.... Oi - ya mum & me passed our feckin exams without the invention of Google ASCU - wow that thing is all singing & dancing - even makes the tea after it spots, aquires & fires at target for ya
  14. all I can say is on a budget then maybe go to cqb sites where lower power stuff won't be at such a disadvantage like on woodland mid/long range (plus you may find snipers will pick you off before you get within range of your low power guns) soz can't give advice on shotty's either - bought a mossberg cheapy and was pants and just kept to AEG's - one day will like to try a tri-shot one though
  15. Showing my age...... DOOM - all your buddies are dead/slaughtered so instead of getting the f*ck out of there you are gonna give them what for - yeah right !!! mind you that is same with most stuff I guess Oh and not really in-game but in the classic "Beat 'em up's" how many times have we shouted: " I F*CKING BLOCKED THAT !!!! "
  16. Mesh ones are ok - still sweat a bit but was grateful it just covered my jaw got a point blank shot at bunker on my jaw and f*ck me was I glad the CRACK was the mask and not my handsome boat race........ edit removed other gun coz G&G is way way better for OP
  17. Raider is great choice Long or short version if you play woodland Short might be a little better for inside/cqb As well as being a great starter gun it will be easy to sell (Try giving some of them crap guns away) Battery - nunchuck 8.4v or 9.6v max or 7.4v lipo (Don't go nutz on 11.1v out of box) Smart charger for nimah 8.4v/9.6v Or lipo charger if using lipo It req nunchuck battery - 2 sticks joined together Decent full face mask might be needed for u18's (Depends on site rules - deffo full face u16's) Extra mag might be nice but think you get 300 or even 450 on raider Decent bb's 0.2s either zero one or local site will sell them Some old clothes n boots - that's you sorted for bare min Other goodies clobber can wait if ya on a budget But that above is best way to start out (No point buying some kit & try to use a crap primary)
  18. Nigh on most guns under £100 are not very good There are a only a couple which are not too bad But even then they are way below par on say spending £125 on G&G CYMA JG models In a nutshell you buy those guns they won't last too long You will be at a major disadvantage with them on a site When - not if they go wrong, you will have a major headache Coz the normal spares don't fit in there easily (If at all) Oh and this guns will hit 250fps max on 0.2s despite what they may claim Better guns will hit 330 - 350 and last longer etc.... Trust us coz many have bought those proxy ones and regretted it
  19. All of us were noobs at some point - I still am tbh - I love being a noob coz there is $hit loads still to learn keep the learning curve steep or life can get boring Welcome to forum - kudos for knowing how to search - too many love be spoon fed you seem to know a little and more importantly want to learn more like most of us G36's are very popular in cqb & site rental guns but its all down to what suits you in the end in here it is a little more relaxed and more noob friendly than some mega ultra serious tech sites so less chance of getting flamed for asking dumb questions (my speciality dumb ar$e questions)
  20. http://www.airsoftsociety.com/forums/f10/v3-cylinder-head-question-30778/ and yup I was jesting about that black cylinder head thingy - i knew it was a tiny lipo thingy watsit some cylinder heads are labelled v2 & v3 heads - though usually the v3 head has a slightly longer "spout" than v2 then again have seen v3 heads in the "long v3" & "short v3" - jeez and I thought v2's were agro
  21. got some with lump on them - they "might" be for say aug or some certain makes of boxes say hello to my friend mr dremmel head meet dremmel dremmel - do ya usual, what's the worst that can happen ??? yeah the minor tweaking has crossed my mind but still got to work on v3's yet Oh and the other black thing deffo not a cylinder head (i think - just kidding )
  22. is it just me thinking this but...... 2nd pic looked a little like some old dumb blonde 10 pinter minger out on the pull but first pic looked very good, maybe a tiny bit blonde but depends on where ya buried I guess
  23. tut tut tut - non takers they fail to see how they can f*ck it up for all plus I have found they can be the biggest whingers if boot on other foot you always get 1 or 2, plus the odd genuine time when we are all pumped up and not seem to feel it straight away but we "try" to play fair n call hits - christ its just a game with toy guns besides no matter how good some people "think" they are.... when you see some experienced & co-ordintated teams play - yeah I still have so much to learn when I do then I might pop down to the more serious sites - is a long way off though but I'm having fun all the same Glad you had a good one - loads more to follow I'm sure & ukara etc.....
  24. at least ya knife worked ok then - bet that felt good stopping that mofo's gallop stuff like that and the odd pmsl funny stuff - that is what makes for great day win or lose in my book (yeah its good to be victorious but I mainly go for fun & enjoyment first)
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