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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Aye Southern Ireland don't need defense & Northern Ireland is part of UK but Eire is not yet NI has a higher % of population of firearms than rest of UK (still not as high as places like France & others) Also there was a few sellers from Eire that sold to others without carrying out proper checks that ukara people have to do (some sales did not always go to plan but buyer often had little comeback if buying buying RIF without proper defense) If gun works ok and buyer is happy - good on ya sir, ya first RIF is always very special - well mine is/was
  2. I don't wanna mod no thanks I'm too immature and laid back or down to earth approach on toy guns Sales should be moderated/monitored and feel 25 min posts is quite low - think 100 myself but that is just my opinion Also just a thought but apart from getting something in writing even a 2-tone gun to somebody well that somebody name/addy should show up on electoral register if details punched into google Obviously ukara check for RIF's etc.... But I am all for safe selling to potential buyers that meet the requirements according to rules/regulations we abide by As well as trying to reduce risks of possible scammers The sales bit both legal and risk reduction is something I'm quite serious about The rest of it - the way I see my attitude to playing & all that, well soz if I may be a little less serious than others (mainly coz I'm crap and try not to take most things too seriously) But I love this place - we got all sorts from all ends of the airsoft peew peew toy gun or military simulation ends of the spectrum THIS is OUR forum - we should go with the flow of what what most people would like too see as long as it remains valid and in line to rules/guidelines but forget being a mod - I love the style overall a few improvements but nothing that badly broken tbh
  3. The only way to fully eradicate it is to fit a complete mosfet board like the BTC Spectre or ACSU - but heard the ACSU is no way as good as BTC BTC's are made in limited batches, £100 and fitted internally with more bells on than St Pauls Cathedral They both completely replace the normal switch & cut off lever operating the switch trolley to disengage and fly back on semi The cut off lever instead is triggering another microswitch telling the unit exactly when lever is raised on semi The unit completes the cycle in semi or burst or full auto even with just a quick flick of trigger.... it continues to fire the selected fire mode even if trigger is released until the unit senses the cut off point - then parks the sector gear correctly (coz it has the microswitch sensing that required point) Ares, G&G and some others do a basic burst option with their control systems but are very very basic systems compared to BTC A prog mosfet like Gate Merf 3.2 or Kong Burst does not have the cut off sensor inside the box and uses the conventional switch system Instead they "guess" in burst modes when to park the sector after completing the cycle/burst or in semi - a quick flick they will continue to complete the one shot cycle even if the trigger is flicked very very quickly... it will complete the single shot you started in the first place They are all quite clever, user may need to fine tune some settings which can be a headache to get your head around at first But to be truely honest it would probably be easier to learn a bit of trigger discipline as to when you release ya finger of the trigger This is quite straight forward once you get ya head around it and rarely would you get the lock up or dead zone problem after a while So in order to eradicate it with BTC you are looking to spending the same amount on the Raider as the gun was new or Fitting a prog mosfet is gonna be £50+ and still you will have to get your head around it at first to configure it all up Your best bet imho is to tweak the gun up a little and boost her speed to about 20rps At this speed the cycle times will be less and you will greatly reduce the chance of letting go the trigger too early (especially once you get the hang of trigger discipline) You could fit the Spectre, and still have the G&G running at about 13-14rps or 20 on 11.1v lipo (you should be using 11.1v then as you have a mosfet now but still need additional tweaks like AoE) Or do the tweaks, basic mosfet (you can replace with a prog fet later if you wish) add in a fast neodym motor and hit 20's on 7.4v or 8.4v Up to you how far you go with it all but reckon for what gun is worth a few tweaks, easier trigger discipline at 20rps well that is what I think many on here will run with or put the money towards a better snappier gun out of the box yes you could get a G&G ETU gun but they have their qwirks too needing higher juice say 11.1v lipo's to run and still G&G may have to replace some units for some people ahh technology is wonderful - when it bloomin' works that is
  4. A good guide review here: http://www.booliganairsoft.com/2013/03/aps-uar-urban-assault-rifle-aeg.html very little needs changing tbh - it isn't that bad but room for improvements: motor - shs torque (short) if you want to pull higher springs and snappy response piston head - good pom light as possible piston - shs blue full steel rack - plastic/metal mix on higher springs may strip - so best light steel piston is shs blue correct AoE, m120 if seals are good to m125 spring for dmr stuff (m130 but should place you over unless seals are crap) if over expected fps and you are a sad speed freak wanting to run 11.1v on shs motor you could shortstroke up to 2 teeth but would advise only maybe 1 tooth if going for dmr trying to lift heavier bb's Then rest of improvements should be focussing on hop/bucking area barrel is decent according to review but make sure it is clean and then get the hop the best you can get it As long as you get good seals in piston/cylinder/head & nozzle-hop it will be fine as is yes you may get a cylinder with port a bit further back - type 1 and you could change gears but tbh no more than 16:1 if pulling stronger springs as dmr (16:1's are in fact 17.25:1 and 18:1 are about 18.65:1 so 16:1's aren't quite that much of increase as we think) therefore unless the gears are shot then stick with 18:1's (should take 6.25 turns of bevel to rotate sector gear = 18:1 gears I'm 99% sure it should be 18:1 in there) stock motor is ferrite and can struggle pulling springs over 425fps the long trigger pull can be reduced by doing a hairline trigger mod but it is something that takes a lot of messing about and not for a quick mod project at all - lots of testing/glue/file/testing etc....... if not done 101% correctly then it won't work on both modes correctly and more strripping down and testing - only for sad bastids with time to spare phew - think that just about covers it - mosfet can just be shoved in the back - loads of room as v1 is stick battery up front
  5. Get a programmable MOSFET like Gate or Kong burst 2 or 3 wizard Set resume full auto delay to Max and she won't fire full auto for say 2 or 3 secs plus in auto and should pass any inspection V1 should have battery up front V2 rear wired Place fet as n where you got room Most sites I think are 425-450 if they trust you on DMR (Well my site rules but thought that was about the norm) 50 fps extra - is it really worth it but quick spring is one of the UARs good points Hop is slightly adapted AK one That is where it all matters be it AEG or DMR
  6. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30203-hot-cqb-aeg/#entry233854 M100 ish but there are reasons or variables why you may get a smidge more/less than 328fps
  7. Uhm there is a small event called National Airsoft Event I think..... Google is your friend
  8. could be my motto and why I talk some much bull$hit how else do ya think my post count became so stupid and new keyboard each month I blame the OP's for asking the dumb questions - hence you get my dumb answers
  9. just n+1 ??? as for getting lost - I still don't know what my local site are referring to when they respawn back at badger base is that the bit with small ditch - the big ditch next to the fallen tree - what fallen tree there's loads of them down around the place Where you was attacking the first game... I didn't make it that far that sneaky f*cker sniper kept picking me off I'm constantly fumbling my way through airsoft, life, work etc..... but don't matter as long as the fun continues - that is what counts
  10. characteristic ??? military/outdoor/camping..... lover f*ck it I put down: other - please state well hung lover - I wish
  11. Can you take a picture of the box ??? Reason being I "might" have what I suspect is a vfc box in bits the sector n spur gears have a spring on them 8mm black bushings etc.... If ya stuck it might be an option but no point if it won't work or totally different. Think loop is on right side of gearbox shell But at work so can't check jack $hit atm But pic would help to see when I get home
  12. Surplus Store in Crawley is another either shop or when you go to a local site be inquisitive and nosey and oooh that looks nice.... people love to show off their guns so you may even get a chance to hold and take a few shots with a gun you like look of just avoid JBBG and sites with BB in their names selling crap to younger players or complete idiots (like moi - I bought some crap from there so avoid)
  13. New members or players section... The guides / stickies I know people say read or search but they REALLY REALLY REALLY CONTAIN LOADS OF INFO (wish I read them before diving in and buying JBBG crap) Honest 99% of what you need to know/ask is there Welcome btw to grown up toy gun club
  14. if ya 18 and played a few games then get ukara then at Airsoft World a good consideration is a 30th edition GC 16 http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-gc16-30th-anniversary-limited-edition-aeg-airsoft-rifle-black.html but tbh there are loads and loads of options - that is just say 1 of about 5 G&G M4's that are nice get ukara - if you are 18 played a few times then it would be daft to get a 2-tone have a look and read up - compose a list and like I said we can tell you pro's n cons of each one
  15. AEG for first gun G&G Combat Machine if you like M4's (well they also an AK in that range) read Ian's guide to noobism in new players section for loads of great - no brilliant info have a look of possible guns - G&G, ICS, Cyma, JG etc.... compose a list of possibles and we can give you our thoughts on pro's n con's r u 18 ? are you getting defense/ukara or two tone
  16. and the popular "being an ego dick head" showing it off in public to ya m8's coz they not got maturity or responsibility or respect for out sport/hobby/toy guns Spiteful to wildlife - kind of crime and/or being a dick covers it I guess As well as a poor attitude - again being a dick thinking with little logic/common sense "it's my gun I can do what I want with my airsoft gun" crap.... Luckily there was some good sites of FB that did try to monitor and kept reminding people about age/defense etc..... And in the same style all we can do is remind people selling to try and carry out a few checks please in accordance with the law soz - you guys already covered what I was saying already - just trying to protect our peew peew peew's really
  17. Thing is we all sometimes have a moan about this n that from time to time.......... but without the newer members - often making same noobie mistakes/posts we all did This place can get a bit quiet tbh Its a good mix on here - sometimes I feel we are too noob friendly but we all had to start somewhere I used to be a trainee noob but now feel I had gained a little wisdom so that I can call myself an apprentice noob instead As long as we don't have so many ukara/vcra wars like what we have had on occasions - noob on chaps no I'm not assuming all FB people joining up are noobs - referring to them as "new members" I should be (ah bollox - sometimes I can't be ar$ed to tip toe around being politically correct n crap - noobs it is) Actually excuse the typo's about me - I'm not a noob - I'm a nob
  18. Or buy a poxy DSG FireHawk - no semi - no lockup can't use it in cqb but it don't lock up - well until it busts in theory it happens on most boxes and the L85/R85 with precocking lock up too it is just something that new users and slower responsive guns can happen more frequently if releasing trigger in wrong place/too early
  19. Deffo twice a year minimum - screw NAE the AF-UK is a type of thing we can all just turn up & peew peew everyone no ego's - just having a blast like the big kids we all are As a smoker - I was wishing I got myself a vape kit (think tbh vaping should be in one room out of the two rooms in safe zone) Anyway - if I can vape then I can stay inside more next time and have a chat more with you guys putting names to faces better Perfect - could of been a bit longer but some travelled a fair way and others were playing next day for whole day so them 5hrs went quick but what a nice chilled out laid back time - good laugh & all One bloke in peacocks - I saw his reflection in a mirror on a post/pillar gotcha ya bastid, spun round nobody there - wtf ??? in actual fact I must have seen his double reflection off a couple of mirrors and he wasn't where I assumed he was he saw some duck looking the other way searching for something that wasn't there - by the time I sussed out my bell-end mistake.... Out for a duck - again, what a plum I must of looked brilliant - cheers guys
  20. No one missed me - I got shot to $hit if I failed to acknowledge the odd hit on my fat ar$e or chubby belly or flappy arms/sleeves I'm soz Anyway Andy / Sacarathe has met played at TWA a few times best thing is - get another meeting on in May and we should remember each other more (not that I'm gonna pick out curtains with any of you lot but I'm up for another meet up say 1 to 1.5hrs drive from London)
  21. thought it was user error then squeeze trigger harder & harder.... crack - ooh heck = now it's broke
  22. Can your own team shoot you too - I'm a bitch (also think 33% of my kills were against my own team I'm that $hit)
  23. depends on the task - ferrite motor low volts = stock guns once you start putting more juice through or drawing more juice like neodym motor etc - NO if you can't squeeze in 16awg - turnigy 16awg is quite fat, Eco wire is a bit thinner on 16awg or failing that: http://www.taiwangun.com/en/silicone-wires/2-meter-wire-with-low-resistance-ipower?from=listing&campaign-id=19 you can get it on fleabay I think if you look around http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/POISONAPPLE-AIRSOFT-SILVER-WIRE-CABLE-2M-UPGRADE-/221991832360?hash=item33afbe8b28:g:hBwAAOSwEK9T0XUX but 18awg gets quite warm quickly when you start pushing it a bit through gun well that's my thoughts on the matter The silver wire is a little bit under 16awg - normally the wire itself on 16awg goes from 1.3mm to 1.5mm aprox it varies depending on make/type/accurate conversion from imperial to metric just measure some silver wire I got to hand and seems to be 1.2mm thick according to component shop on fleabay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-metres-16AWG-Silicon-Wire-Super-flexible-high-temp-RED-BLACK-BLUE-YELLOW-/230877513949?var=&hash=item35c15f48dd:m:mD68K7bY1o_ExJUrN9ZHNWw 18awg silicone comes out at 0.8mm so it is a deffo improvement that silver wire @ 1.2mm over 18awg wire and on some gearboxes 16awg silicone with 3.1mm thick insulation can be a bitch to fit on some boxes like G&G v2's I found some other brand of wire that is a smidge thicker wire but slightly thinner silicone insulation - 2.75mm Vs 3.1mm but still a bitch to get into G&G's and requires some filing or good ol' dremmel adjustment
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