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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Remove ya crane stock a sec you might have the G&G stock tube with slits at the side making it a bit easier to pull wires to one side pop in modest 1000 to 1200mah lipo then sort out wires etc.... They do a few types but this is what I mean...
  2. It will work ok - but you lose a bit of battery space going for just a lipo in stock tube instead of your present crane stock Plus stock has to be removed each time you change battery rather than just pop the back off leaving crane is comfy place/position you like) yes stock tube has bigger diameter but time you add in wires/connectors you don't get lots more room in there than a single tube of ya crane stock Also - if the receiver stock mount is long you can't retract the stock a great deal maybe only last 3 out 6 position clicks The FireHawk has GOS-V2 with battery in tube and you didn't get bags of room in there - nice looking but limited for rear wired guns a bit front wired G&G 30th's have the v1 or v2 on them so battery space don't matter coz front wired so stock don't need to be removed for lipo change Poxy bloody stocks - nice looking ones with loads of adjustments have little room inside fixed stocks are plenty roomy but no adjustment at all - often a tad too short or a tad too long (somebody make a medium or yummy mummy fixed stock at about 240mm or so - 190 & 290 is a bit hit n miss unless you just run with it)
  3. Think G&G might notice the ETU kickback though, it ain't gonna win more orders if ya £250 Predator has PMS and just turns all weird without warning And yanks aren't that fond of G&G anyway which brings onto Echo1 JG rebrand & Krytac in a similar of doing the job properly - well better (still think yanks dislike G&G maybe coz they couldn't get a heavily discounted deal going for rebranding a G&G into a Made in USA gun) off topic - but my company are a bit like G&G in the way they seem to have sat back and let others play catch up or come out with some daft ideas at times G&G will be fine, still #1 and all the PR and sponsorship etc.... but their reputation has taken a bit of a hammering by their airsofting customers/community Tokyo Marui - can't comment on them but sounds like they too need a little kick up the ar$e a bit perhaps I'm just hoping that established companies keep their eyes on the ball, good luck to any new companies having a go - competition is good for all of us We are still doing ok - loads of choices and in general we are getting better value for money stuff Hoping the old boys start to turn it around a little - not so much for the company's sake but more so for the owner's sake Who wants to be told - oooh G&G - I used to have one of them but then I bought myself a proper gun or Wow - haven't seen one of those in a while - and it still works, that is rare.... OK - don't think I can say much more - well yeah I can but most of you fell asleep hours ago happy shooting whatever toy gun ya use, if it works, you are happy then that is all that matters x x x
  4. ICS & G&G are highly recommended M4 starters on here I'd say they are both good guns sharing joint first or very close second G&G polymer receivers are perhaps a little better but stock motor is lame ICS motors seem to run a little quicker but the ICS starter range is not as big as loads of G&G M4's check fire-support.co.uk for models and offers even if buying s/hand check out the price of new ICS models so you know the going rate new etc..... Model might help - but yup ICS are a decent starter gun - should serve you well
  5. That isn't upgrade - that is willful neglect - shame on you
  6. Thing is the china guns like Cyma JG etc.... have upped their game and are just as good internally as many others now in the £150 price range Note I said - INTERNALLY - G&G plastic/poly receivers are still very good in that area Other people have popped up with in effect better assembled internals to distinguish them from say the £150 starters There is no TM Fairy Dust - these new mid end guns are just better assembled with a bit more thought and attention to detail/improvements I can't really see any manufacture spending time shimming every box to close perfection as possible but I can see some using decent gears that space up well with sufficient tooth width to engage well decent bushings, decent grease and a basic outline of assembly shimming that is reasonable to begin with Above all the parts motor and stuff all tried and tested without cutting costs no matter what - helping to ensure each is a decent build Wiring - wtf is the difference between some old thin crap and some half decent stuff AoE - f*ck me G&G remove 2nd tooth so wtf just shove on an extra bit of rubber to get it at least half correct Mosfet - can be shoved together for what £5 in bulk ?? So those three improvements would be much more than say £10 or $10 add in some other minor minor tweaks of better stuff instead of cheap stuff - say another tenner Call it £25 or £40 if they chucked in a modest neodym motor along with fet Be honest they could maybe get this down to £30 or so easily I'd say but they haven't so others have taken the lead and it does show it seems The others are probably not got the ability to save costs like a major player like G&G have but for not much more than a mid G&G the other guns are showing the difference and gaining popularity simply because of this plus they seem to not trying to run before they can walk and actually caring about their product as well as their customers & airsoft community OK I'm sure Krytac, LCT etc.. are not flawlessly perfect - what is in real life but they are making in roads into the market quickly Whilst the more established companies just seem to be churning revamped same ol' same ol' along with ideas that don't quite cut it There is no super duper £150 gun, but at £300+ or so there are good guns available and most are not the better £150 gun versions If I was G&G and some others I would certainly make sure my £250+ guns are put together better immediately sod the CM range they can use up all the run of the mill cheapy crap around - sorry newcomers but what you expect for such value starters but to ensure the TopTech stuff is worthy of its label - I'd sure as hell make sure it could hold up & perform like some of the competition that is gaining ground very quickly If customers spend £100 to £150 or so more, then after metal receiver they should still get improvements in nigh every area including assembly and customer service - sorry ETU owners but we spent ya money already
  7. Also some sites are not on ukara like Sandpitt Dartford I was informed by Jedi I think And if a site doesn't have a shop/retail outlet then they/you have to pass details onto a retailer and get site to confirm you skirmish etc.... (think Mall might have a retailer they pass you onto but don't quote me on that) Luckily for me - my cheap n cheerful TWA has its own very basic online shop so they do it all quite quickly and painlessly... Alas at time the admin guy was on holiday and had a big backlog of stuff when he returned. But LWA & Pro Airsoft rang the shop and got confirmation about me having a defense now so I did get my FireHawk RIF in the end A week later the guy sorted my entry onto database, think he was getting the hump with pestering from retailers as I started my: VERY EXPENSIVE - OOOH THAT LOOKS NICE SPENDING SPREE
  8. They are all basically the same tbh - same gearbox hop etc..... it really comes down to style & personal choice in the end..... Raider is good - sometimes think they should of done a Medium Raider at 300mm The Short might be a tad too short if the specs of 233mm are to be believed and Long at 357mm is a little on the large size for my ideal length - though whats a couple of inches I tell Mrs Duck Dust cover has to pull down manually on Raider - but really not a massive deal tbh as some make out The entry Carbine is ok but you got Raider with rails - always worth that few quid more imho Though they do a 300mm carbine light version which would be nicer in tighter spaces (again this is just my take as I like the look of about 300mm and extend if I choose with a stfu suppressor or something) FireHawk is nice for close up cqb but not best suited for woodland plus gets very annoying in echoy tight spaces I like the CM18 still with its 2-tone look I reckon - same sights as FireHawk, comes with a 120rnd midcap and hmm not fan of flash hider but still a nice looking gun - just about see where maybe the £30 extra over a Raider went I guess.... The 30th GC16 & GC26 - prefer the GC16 but they are both front wired but a very good buy at the time for what you was getting They were metal/part metal receivers where as the others were polymer combat machines but light to carry round for younger/weak old players The ETU stuff is flawed - I firmly believe that but it will be ok to run on 11.1v lipo if you keep her stock as it will only just hit 18 to 20rps max All same stuff inside, 8mm bronze bushings will wear, gears should be ok - just the recent stuff seem to have badly made/treated gears inside You can get fairly decent compression on stock piston & piston head but likes a stretched o-ring in there rather than the small green o-ring It isn't that bad inside the box - the ETU one I'm re-doing is just a recent bad build imho where I think the changed/cut corners a bit plus gotta replace switch/selector - cut off lever coz I was being ultra fussy and wasn't happy with loose one G&G fitted with lots of play in FFR A2 The cylinder head isn't that bad of a seal - kept the stock one so far just did AoE SHS red nozzle - might be a little whisker too long for some boxes but seems same size as G&G black nozzle 21.5mm The std M4 grip will struggle for thick wire like 16awg so that low resistance silver wire is best unless you like using your dremmel Fire-Storm or F-Storm mosfet or Gate pico baby type mosfet SHS torque motor coz 18k G&G is lame - very lame should get you near 20 rps on 7.4v Thing is do you spend time/money on redoing it or buy another £150 G&G or give him your old G&G - whoaaahhh easy there Just saying - nigh on all the G&G's are same inside regardless of price - except for pbb exceptions but still similar in many ways Gun upgrades/repairs/tweaks - always begs the question how far do you go... A few tweaks, a bit of upgrade, or total revamp inside & out - ergh keep it in perspective it is just a Raider.... No point going too nutz or you may as well buy Hef's bad boy instead Mega waffle - I like the CM18 still as nice sexy looking all rounder type of gun - though tbh this is more the look than anything else They are all the same as a £117 Carbine really - just tarty front ends if truth be told is what you pay extra for
  9. Honestly - you can be all sorts of a team player..... even if you are not mega agile you can hold back, defend base, overwatch etc..... not everybody is a beast or Rambo as long as you know your own strengths and weakness - stick to a sedate style you will be fine holding down a room just moving from corner to corner will annoy the other team a bit until a grenade comes in - but nothing lasts forever It really is a thing where lots of people with lots of styles & types can play and often if a game day is a lot one sided often they will mix up the teams a bit so it is a closer fairer game day btw - I'm $hit - bit mobile but still crap so don't worry normally we tend not worry about how awesome or crap our team is and moan more about: non-hit takers, gobby to$$ers shouting push up, players with larger than life ego's - in short players who are complete dicks As long as your site isn't too ultra serious think most won't give a stuff about looking down at a 13yr old JBBG player or some old fart like moi sweating his nutz off and still getting shot to $hit it is all about fun and peew peew stuff really - only way you will know is to get out there but take it easy at first (we are not as young as we still think we are - very best wishes btw)
  10. yup think it is normally a 3 month total wait for ukara think also some/most sites charge a small admin fee - mine did they are putting their name behind ya and just a small fee to sort out a bit of paperwork subsequent renewals are free for me - bless 'em not much to ask but I feel you chomping at the bit to get ukara and get ya first RIF at last yeah try and support ya local site once every 2 or 3 months if possible - not much to ask imho and need to play some games if you want it renewed - ukara is kinda linked to your local site (you will understand when get your ukara entry)
  11. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/user/598-rock-climby-dave/ mod on here and techy guy over there
  12. I would of bought Hef's one he is selling but Mrs Duck would kill me if I buy or sneak another toy gun in the house Think many people try a decent G&G Combat Machine, and think about sticking with devil you know but really think in the mid-higher range of things they have started to lose ground I'm afraid Shame coz the range is vast like I said - reckon you made a wise choice trying out a Krytac
  13. uhm ergh uhmm ergh honest answer - dunno I just gave you the dimensions of a stock tube bull$hit answer: end of the day - reckon easiest thing is to actually use a stock tube with 25-25.4mm inner diameter/28-29 diameter it will have the lugs for adjustable stock etc.... blah blah blah hack one up blah blah blah..... Normally attached to spring guide in gearbox by a M5 bolt if that helps.... dunno what stock you are seeking to fit onto gun after adapting a stock tube luckily your gun is front wired I guess so stock is really just for comfort/looks - no wires to re-route
  14. uhm just wondering if an ics adapter could work better might be able to fit that on without too much modification perhaps - about £11 at fire-support edit - scrap that idea - thought it might have worked quite easily but stock is built in folding and only when you compare them both you see maybe not such an easy fitting:
  15. Just measured a G&G AEG tube 25mm inner & 29mm outer diameter is what my digital vernier said so I guess 2mm thick wall but had an SRC that might have had 1.5mm wall and maybe 26mm inner FireHawk has battery in stock tube, one battery was tight fit in G&G tube but fitted inside a SRC no problem go with 25mm or perhaps 1 inch - 25.4mm
  16. Well - change battery at lunch time if battery dies before lunch it is f*cked or a low capacity one and you spraying and praying too much most of us use 1 lipo in morning, change battery lunchtime - job done if you think about it, say you put on a crane stock... you still gotta take out the old battery, open crane stock, swap them over, replace old battery in crane and close it all back up again on the field etc...... your battery should last until lunch - if not it is probably a dying nimah 8.4v or something so in that case you don't need new stock but new batteries - lipo perhaps one day
  17. What - you mean all of their range or just the ones that work properly ??? oooh oooh bitch bitch - and that is from a G&G fan G&G are very good at making starter guns - think very few will argue on that basis it is when you start going from £150 to £250+ they fall a bit short of the choice of other good guns (Krytac) Also in the last year I've experienced more poorly implementation of their new stuff than their tried and tested back to basics starter guns Terrible FireHawk DSG no semi - wtf was they thinking with that and poor assembly ETU crap that works on anything battery but the recommended one in manual Older Mosfets in higher end guns failing PBB boxes that can crack before normal non-pbb boxes plus other issues Their other inventions they might be thinking of implementing - the MARS - yeah good luck getting some spares for that stuff They got some interesting and perhaps bold ideas - some even might be a great item to bring to market but their actual quality of these innovations fall far short of good - let alone approaching near perfect Starter guns - yes G&G innovations like G&G Predator that works/doesn't work & £250+ - nah think I'll pass getting one of those tbh and save a bit more for a better built gun Real shame - but that is my honest opinion on their latest stuff - good starter but if buying next higher end gun try to go for Krytac or TM a higher end G&G is not such a great value for money gun imho great range - even the starters offer at least say a dozen offerings that are worth a look Krytac are having success simply because they are assembled better with better parts no fancy bits on their first initial range But sure their later range will be using components that work as they should too G&G need to start at the foundations to use & assemble quality parts in their higher range guns asap or they will steadily just become known for making starter guns - Krytac & some others are taking away sales of other manufactures - they must be And furthermore some of the Krytac sales must have been potential G&G Intermediate & TopTech buyers Yes G&G seem to make nigh on every type of M4 you could ever wish for and some you may not have considered Their range is vast - that bit they got right as they must have a M4 that most people like the look of even Mr AK Ian Gere But no point having a nice looking gun/car or other stuff if it has too many flaws or reliability issues This is what G&G have to quickly remember - not half ar$ed innovations that don't function correctly Decent basic mosfet, correct AoE, modest neodym motor, proper bushings, proper robust gears, decent seals etc.... That is why Krytac have gained ground - you can see where your money has gone coz most upgrades or improvements are not needed Get a G&G high end gun and apart from metal receiver I see little as to where say half the extra money has gone Their range of guns is plenty in the M4 area - now they need to rethink/adjust their quality control on these mid/higher end guns If I spent £250+ on a G&G Predator/Hog that the ETU is playing up I'd feel pretty damn pi$$ed and even I am thinking I'm done with G&G
  18. Yes - you are a beast..... what stock no fit then ??? what was up with old one - its a good stock and front wired means you not gotta mess about removing it to change batteries like on FireHawk
  19. if possible try and resist the blowback option just my opinion but G&G's blowback is just a gimmick and is just more stuff to go wrong on upgraded guns the blowback isn't designed for cycling or firing at higher speeds The blowback box is a bit different to the run of mill conventional non-blowback boxes just say clackety clack when ya fire, shake the gun a bit and less bits to fail/fly off if you gotta get a blowback gun - get a glock gas blowback pistol or something rifle - normal G&G aeg is perhaps a wise first gun choice
  20. you need to look at stock closely..... the locking lever activates a pin going through that pulls down retracting the lug to adjust positions you need to pull that pin down further... slide stock to rear of gun - then once at back you need to pull that pin down a bit further and she will slide off fingers if ya tough enough or use something like flat screwdriver etc to lever pin down further so the lug completely clears the rear of stock tube jeeez
  21. or if ya tough guy use ya fingers to remove the v2 stock are you just gonna put a bit of tape on it to reduce stock wobble or you wishing to rip her open - don't is best advice and it is front wired - I'm sure you know that already
  22. read this first about cheapy cyma M4 guns - good but not quite a G&G Raider.... http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/27302-cyma-cm515-cheapo-plastic-keymod-aeg-l70-aprox/ if the receivers on cyma were a bit better it would win hands down the plastic G&G receivers are a slightly better polymer one - flexes a tiny bit and should stand up to abuse a little more imho than the hard brittle type that might snap/crack in colder weather its close - but think G&G Raider has the edge - mainly coz receiver is better
  23. Ebay's selling policy and airsoft firearm crap is getting silly, now banned my auction 3 times last one coz I included an image they found offensive - a pic of a sex toy being sold on ebay just for the ebay review team - pricks

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      All ok now - ebay finally decided to allow them to be listed - both stocks up there properly. What a ball ache

    3. ak2m4


      I f**king hate ebay - the market is so ripe for a decent competitor. I hate monopoly they have

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      yup - they killed off yahoo, many buyers are idiots scammers or timewasters - hate all 3 almost as much as ebay. Completely dominant in online selling - other sites exist but very little traffic so we are screwed

  24. yup - onlybbguns is slightly better than the other two but you really have to do ya homework if buying anything - more so from the lesser pro retailers a lot of crap but some decent stuff does exist in small quantities if you know what to look for also onlybbguns might still have 10% off with code: RC10 but not shopped there in quite a while same company operate as iwholesalers or something mainly buying from GunFire or TaiwanGun Still be very careful and do plenty of research before parting with ya hard earned money or stick to Zero One, FireSupport etc... for cheap M4 starters read up - ask questions and hopefully your initial purchase will be a wise & happy one
  25. Agreed - but I only have the cheaper Army R85 and "some" others but still prefer the M4 over most of them AK's - I can't quite get my head or rather right hand around the fire selector Guess I'd maybe have to pick a G36 after M4 but this is just my personal findings But M4's I find are a lot more ergonomic and easy to pick up n shoot/use (just a case of getting used to it I guess - but L85's are not always the super gun many think they love to get) Get decent M4, get out skirmishing and maybe you will get a chance to have a little feel & shoot with one before you jump in & buy a L85 btw - I'm not trying to tell what you to buy and all that, just my own personal view on stuff I have learnt when buying peew peew toy guns
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