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Mr Monkey Nuts

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Posts posted by Mr Monkey Nuts

  1. Hang on a moment can you state the specific legislation that states a private business MUST safeguard children?


    If that's the case then surely every sweet shop , tesco, bus company, bike shop, council gardener and every normal skirmish site would be required to DBS their staff and marshals?


    Yes it's a very good idea to and in the wake of sir jimmy, but to what extent is it it legislated?

  2. Righto, two transceivers both Baofeng, one a 888s and one a UV5R. Both programmed via CHIRP to the standard 8 UK PMR 446 Channels.


    Both transmit and receive on the correct channels, however the 888s will overlap onto the next channel. For example if i'm using C5 on the UV5r I can transmit to it from both C4 and C5 from the 888.


    Any ideas or suggestions? Attached are my settings, feel free to make any constructive comments, I feel a bit out of my depth with all this.


    Likes as a reward xx




  3. Best timed BFG?

    Mk5 thunder flash, cheaper, easier to strike and reload, no pins or parts to lose and you won't go home crying when it lands in a bog / pond / bush / scrotes pocket never to be seen again.


    The SWAT can be bought with 50 9mm blanks for £125 to your door from LWA

    For the same price you can get 65 Mk5s delivered from Airsoft world.


    Yes the next 50 shots will only cost you £30, BUT thats a big assumption that in the first 50 throws you haven't lost it, its not been stolen, you haven't lost the reload pin and it doesn't break.


    Plus you cant put the value on the ability to properly throw a thunderflash and the feeling of vulnerable terror when you enemy hears the ominous hiss.

  4. It takes a standard aeg barrel, but gbb hop up rubber.


    At the end of the day It's all a bit moot really because the extension from 96mm to 200mm+ will make no difference to accuracy and push the FPS way too high.


    It's a pistol, it's accuracy is dictated by your skill, not it's components.

  5. I have been hearing mixed reviews, I can't find anyone on youtube or T'internet who is verified as having them saying they are poor quality, rip, fray and tear too easily, however I have read lots of comments on forums from people saying they do, but very few admit to actually having them, more a friend of a friends uncle who works with a guy who's son went to irakistan, type of comments.


    So ... simple question, whats their durability like? have you seen any? have you used any?


    I'm torn between a Triple Ten Speed or holding out for the Warrior HSGI clone fast mags to come back into stock.

  6. You are paying for the right to access a specific set of frequencies and use a transceiver with an output greater than 0.5w. Those frequencies are not specific or exclusive to you and are shared with many other mostly professional users, so there is a huge potential for crossing over with legitimate professional radio users, such as shopping centres, hospitals, security, taxi firms etc.


    In my opinion and specifically for airsoft, they offer no more benefit than the standard PMR446 channels, just you may legally use a higher power output.

    PMR offer you a defined standard set of channels than everyone can simply access with very cheap equipment, and the reality is that at airsoft ranges, you are rarely going to be sprawling huge distances that 0.5w become ineffective, even in dense woodland.


    If you do find yourself outranging .5w its likely to be at a big organised event, where the chances are the requirement for a wider radio net, will already be handle by someone who legitimately knows what they are doing.

    The more complex you make it, the more chance you have of pissing people off. Unintentionally dropping in on a command level channel to tell your teammates there is a sniper in a tree, is not good drills.


    From what you have said you need, I would recommend a simple cheap PMR446 set (Clicky) If you do eventually find yourself needing access to more bespoke frequencies a UV5r will do everything you need and a lot more.


    Always remember the KISS principle, (google it)

  7. We can play semantics all night long, but a sniper could use a coat hanger and still be called a sniper.

    A gun by all modern definitions is anything capable of firing an explosive propelled projectile of any size or caliber.


    Your term "large" is entirely unsubstantiated, and under your definition a Mortar would also be classified as a gun, which it's not.

    Shotgun, a gun that fires shot. machine gun, a gun that is driven by a machine, sub machine gun etc, your definition is wrong, it may have rang true in 1800, but today it's not.



    Either way, we can be sure that browniee is not human trafficking marksmen and we should stop devolving his thread into an anorak convention.

    That fps ruling is more than a little bit stupid though.

  8. Overall rating (1 - 10): 10

    Would you deal with the trader again (Yes / No): YES

    Any other comments: I bought two conservatively described taco style mag pouches for a brilliant price. They arrived very quickly and well packaged. I am almost 100% they are Genuine HSGI and now I feel guilty that I have ripped you off. Top Seller, Top Bloke!

  9. Contrary to popular belief, a good layout means very little in success of a website. See amazon for example.


    Google can't see a good human interface, it will only see what it wants to see so a good successful website will be built from the ground up aiming to please the search engine. Google the term SEO. Learn about it, live it, breathe it and manipulate it. It's a dark art of witchcraft and they do keep moving the goalposts.


    Time served is also important, as is unique text. Don't just copy and paste the description off another Website or supplier.

    Customer service is paramount, customers should have even their mundane emails answered by midday, each day. And within minutes when arriving within office hours.


    If you can't afford to invest heavily into advertising and SEO, what's your USP you are literally competing with other shops around the world. What can you offer them they don't?


    A fantastic website is no good on the 16th page of google, non one will find you.

  10. "Strip it, clean it, Teflon it, lube it" is SOP for any vsr, especially one that's not been used for a while.

    While its apart check the outside of the cylinder for any scoring to see if it's catching on anything.


    While it's out double check the scope rail screws are not protruding into the breech. Aftermarket screws or too tight can come through and catch on the cylinder, it should be smooth to touch.

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