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Mr Monkey Nuts

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Posts posted by Mr Monkey Nuts

  1. I'm liking the look of the Punisher logo and am considering putting it on my rough finish desert Mk12 style SPR once I finish building it.


    However I know it has been used by the US military, but is based on a Comic and adopted by the military as opposed to being for the millitary.


    So simple question is it acceptable for a Civillian to sport the Punisher logo or is taking the piss?





  2. Here you go a little light reading on the subject http://www.ar15.com/


    As cheese has said (not that he needs my validation) an accurate MK12 will cost silly money and still be no better than the base gun it was originally, The barrel length, scope and bipod are alomost worthless in airsoft, other than for looks and willy waving rights.


    I'm in the process of building a MK12 Impression out of the necesity to use some very nice spare parts I have. Even a vague impression is going to cost nearly £200 in parts ontop of your base M4.

  3. It sounds most likely to be the piston sear, pull it apart and look for wear on both the piston and trigger sears and make sure the piston is still in good condition.


    The sears are made of cheese and is common for them to fail.

  4. Ontop of all of that, you need to consider SEO, building a site seo optimised from the ground up is significantly easier than doing it retrospectively. SEO is essential to a successful website, do not underestimate it. We allocated 2/3 of our development budget to SEO.


    I'm going to say it again, if sales is your goal, then I would recommend an Ebay Merchant account or an Amazon Marketplace account. Yes, It costs in fees, but you will instantly have access to a huge segment of the market you will in most likeliness never touch doing it yourself.

    Then by having a simple cheap webpage for your local shop, keeps the costs down significantly.


    I will be brutally honest with you, running a successful web store is not an "hour a day" job. It requires a significant financial and personnel input and will cost your business dearly in the first few years. If you skimp on it customers will know and will avoid it.


    Some good info here:


  5. I had a bottle of Bulldogs, bought on site and they were fine in my G&G, but jammed up the glock. Some are misshapen and not perfectly spherical, mis matched weights and covered in a horribly tacky release agent.

    Once they have been washed they do become a bit more consistent. The release agent and hop up rubber don't interact well.

    However they are reasonably serviceable if you don't expect too much of them.


    [Addendum] I wil not buy any again, they were fine as a pinch, with the bog standard cm16, in a high cap where you can overkill to make up for inaccuracy, but any decent hop up unit, TBB, or if you actually want the shot to go where you aim there are much much much better options for not a lot more cash.

    ASG Blasters are the minimum and BB Bastards get my money everytime now, even in my DE shotty.

    I also highly rate the P&J Bios from Taiwangun.

  6. 7 days, including a weekend generally, if you order Sat / Sunday it should arrive Friday.


    In comparison gunfire only takes 4 days excluding weekend, they are closer to Germany and only take 1 day to leave Poland as opposed to two days coming across Poland from taiwangun.


    [ETA] although gunfire did sit on my order for 3 days and still sent the wrong sized lid.


    It amazes me that airsoft world will charge £10 to UPS a gun, yet for £11.50 UPS will shop it all the way from Poland.

  7. You need to find a shop and try some on, most gloves are sized for adults and even small mechanix gloves will be a bit big I'm guessing.


    Alternatively. Just don't bother, it still hurts being shot in the hand with gloves, just a little bit less.

  8. Where did you find the photo? Most legit SF guys wouldn't be having hi red photos like that taken of them when operational. Especially ones with the identifiers on his lid.


    That, combined with the mishmashed kit, wrong weapon and what looks to me like a set of car keys attached to his belt makes me think he's not legitimately SF and most likely an airsoft player himself.

  9. Give me a stock every day of the week! they are very front heavy and without a stock feel quite unnatural to hold on target. The way you would intuitively hold one means you will shoot the floor for anyone less than 2m away from you.

    With a stock you hold it much higher and much more balanced as they have a fairly hefty counter weight attached. which in turn means you can actually accurately aim it rather than just point and click in someones general direction. (and inevitably miss them)

    If you want to make the stocked version shorter for small corridors and room entry, simply shoulder it and drop the gun down under your armpit and draw the pistol grip up against your nipple, the gun is now the length of the shorty, but is still in a braced and (relatively) aimed.


    I really like playing with my DE M65a, its a completely different set of tactics to running an aeg, and takes more aiming, more patience and you need to count your shots, but its very rewarding. I will out range some AEGs and in static target ranges its as accurate as all but the top guns.


    Airsoft world have it for £50 +£9 UPS delivery + Shells. http://www.airsoftworld.net/ay-m3-ris-tri-shot-tactical-stock-airsoft-shotgun.html

    Taiwan gun in Poland has it for £30 + £10.50 UPS. http://www.taiwangun.com/en/replica-of-m56c-ee

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