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Everything posted by Samurai

  1. Don't buy airsoft red dots for guns with recoil. Even if it's expensive, it's not built for recoil, it will probably fail after some time. Get a red dot that is for real steel guns. There was a topic about it not long ago and there were links for excellent red dots in airsoft red dot price range. Not only they handle recoil well, the red dot itself is way better than the airsoft ones.
  2. It's not better than watching a youtube video IMO. But of course if there is demand for it, then do it.
  3. No BBs are coming out of the barrel if it's empty. Where are your eyes guys when shooting? I hope you are not like the bad actors who close their eyes when firing a gun. Actually I was amazed when I read about this. Some old time western actor trained himself not to blink when shooting.
  4. Skirmish is playing paintball with airsoft guns and gear.
  5. ^^ This It would most probably burn down the car. However it is perfectly fine to link the charger to the car battery and charge the lipo from it. It will light up green when finished.
  6. Yes. I imported my guns that way and they opened the box, and removed the letter with my ukara number and explanation.
  7. That too. And the RIF needs to be shipped to the address in the ukara database, so even if someone would lend theirs to a guy named ololol, wouldn't help.
  8. Spray it while in Poland, because you can't bring it in otherwise.
  9. Keep in mind that being already a big guy and wearing a plate carrier will very easily overheat you in minutes.
  10. This: http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2011/aug/24/earnings-by-qualification-degree-level
  11. Great. I didn't know it has such lens. Or is it something you modded on it?
  12. Judging from your post your experience with sniper rifles is from movies / games. If that's correct then don't start airsoft with a bolt action rifle, you will be greatly disappointed. Start with an AEG and if you are into sniping, get a scope and use single shot, placing shots 1-2 seconds apart. If that works out for you then get a sniper rifle. You will be able to buy almost new ones from beginners who sell it after the first skirmish.
  13. If it's not broken, don't fix it. As Duck said, clean it, use proper BBs and you get the performance you can get from a gun.
  14. Nickname, because ppl can't pronounce my surname. Not that anyone in the world actually calls me Samurai.
  15. If you are going to upgrade it, get an A&K or cyma M24. If you intend to leave it stock, go for the TM. Taiwangun or Gunfire are great sources if you know what you want.
  16. Believe it or not, there are people who can hit with the first shot. The trick is to not to shoot until you know you can hit. These people did spent hours on a range, setting the hopup, the optics, finding the best BB weight and brand, fine-tuning the gun, and learning what their gun can do. Then spent many many games learning to stalk, to use cover, to learn how to out think the opponent, fine-tuning the gear every single game and reading about it between games. There is a play style like that and there is the one with lots of BBs, high ROF and no sights on the gun at all, and everything in between. I made a lot of first shot hits and I took many showers of BBs too. There is no superior way. You feel success if you are successful with your chosen play style. Success in airsoft is not measured by others or by who wins an objective. It's only measured by how much fun you have.
  17. As long as there are people standing in plain sight and shooting full auto, there is need for hicaps. And people do that. It's a skirmish there are every kind of players. If you go for the more tactical way where you actually aim before you shoot, sneak, etc. then midcaps are better.
  18. Similar thing. Milsim event. Our firegroup of 6 was ambushed and mostly taken out, except for our medic who was hiding in a ditch. The marshall points at him "There is one more". F*** ***
  19. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/25627-the-billet-ambush-adventures/
  20. He wrote last week that he stopped selling guns.
  21. It installs a service that regularly reports to their server even if you don't have the actual app running. If you can control your firewall you are most likely able to stop it, but their protection is quite clever and you can't be 100% sure.
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