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Everything posted by Samurai

  1. That's an A&K. I would choose that over a plastic G&G.
  2. Galaxy is the cheapest one but good value for the money. Only they make that, it's not the same as JG. JG has metal body too. The current cymas are awesome, but heavy as a brick - of course, they are metal. TM is very good but expensive and full plastic. IMO they don't worth that price. The old Cyma 027 are plastic, pretty good, light and well worth the price, but those are mp5, not mp5k. I don't know if G&G, ICS or other brands make mp5k or not, I never had those. So if you need light weight, and it's for CQB or secondary, get a galaxy one IMO. Clean, reshim, regrease it, and put a new hopup rubber in. Put a deans connector on it and use 7.4 Lipo. Don't change anything else. The motor is weak, but fine with the factory spring, the bushings are plastic but they are fine, metal bushings are not needed here. For a primary gun I would not use anything without a stock.
  3. If you do CQB or night games, then torch too. If slings count here then a good 2 point, adjustable sling is very useful.
  4. You really should FET that setup. If you know how to solder you can make one for the cost of about 2 quids.
  5. Samurai

    hop up help

    If you can't change the hopup gradually, then probably the small nub that presses the rubber is too hard. Try a softer one. But first make sure the hopup is clean. Clean the barrel and hopup with rubbing alcohol on the cleaning rod because if there is grease or silicone on the rubber it has the same symptoms you described.
  6. The normal TM gearboxes have weaker internals as the current average GBs. They work forever if you use them as they are but if you want to upgrade then there are weak parts. The sector gear is pot metal, if I remember correctly the bushings are plastic, the nozzle has no O ring, plastic spring guide, etc. The GB shell is strong enough for about 350-380 fps setups. Their recoil rifles have different and high quality internals, but those aren't v2.
  7. Definiately not metal. The body is flimsy plastic. The pot metal parts like the gearbox are not very strong. I would say £100 with the red dot if everything works fine is an okay price for it.
  8. Strange. I have an mtp/brown one from britishmilitarysurplus. My size is XL and I got the L from them - the XL was huuuge - it fits fine except that the sleeves are a tiny bit too long.
  9. One should never fire the gun the stock folded. That feature is for transportation. You don't see any real word units shooting guns stock folded, not even low recoil guns. With the gun floating in the air you are not able to shoot accurately. If the stock in your shoulder gives a reference point you can build muscle memory to point and shoot instinctively, and that's the fastest.
  10. Don't drill, that's irreversible. Also no nozzle here.
  11. Yup. I just found it. Cutting one and a half coils - or what's the proper English word for it - gives you about 370 fps. The guy also said, that you can use a weaker GBB's hammer spring, they should be the same width.
  12. Are you sure you didn't reverse polarity?
  13. You shouldn't get a spark when connecting the motor. Without the trigger pulled, there must be no power at the motor. You must have a short circuit.
  14. I got the email on my way home from the 3rd game. So it is really up to the site.
  15. Don't get the JG in my opinion. Get the pdw because the stock allows you shoot much more accurate. If it is a secondary, then get the mp5k, but for primary weapon, you'll need the stability of a stock.
  16. Are you sure when you are closing the top half, the tappet goes in the right place? The only time I fixed an ICS was years ago so I don't remember if you can close it in a way that the tappet is in front of the sector gear's "thing" (insert the proper English word here) that moves the tappet.
  17. Sorry I don't know if there are any not cheap ones. I had a cheap one, it broke, and it also impeded my hearing that side so I went to find a solution that works better for me and my sweaty ears.
  18. Usually this happens when the hopup rubber is protruding in the way of the BBs. Now how that happens on an unused gun is a mistery. Maybe the rubber dried up completely and hardened. Take out the barrel, remove the hopup rubber, give the rubber a good spray of silicone, wash it with soap very-very thoroughly, then dry it. Check the hopup unit for any crap stuck in it. Reassemble.
  19. Cheap airsoft bowman headsets are pretty crap. The wire breaks very easily in just a few uses and you can't fix it. Go for the bit more expensive ones.
  20. Baofeng 888s if on a budget. Baofeng uv-5r if not from ebay or radiogearpro or 409shop. For the 888s you need a programming cable. For the uv5-r you don't need it, but is useful.
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