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Everything posted by Russe11

  1. Decided I needed a bit of retail therapy after finding out I am soon to be unemployed. Decided against anything big and expensive as that would be rather silly right now. I didn't therefore get the Aussie Jungle greens I have been after for a while, but I went for some hat bling. Australian Puggaree £9.08 delivered from Singapore When I bought my slouch hat these were not available separately so I bought the hat with the woolen band as these were often preferred in combat. The Puggaree, although it stands out more and is therefore not great for camouflage, does look much sexier
  2. looks like I am losing my job :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      Definitely play the sick card!

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      try to go in there all co-operative so to speak but if it starts getting sh*tty then turn it around about the pressures recent put upon you in the role have meant difficulty sleeping due to stress etc......

      That should make them ease up and back pedal

    4. sp00n


      first and foremost they have to prove you was asleep, you could have just blinked your eyes ;-) 2nd go to see your GP, your suffering with stress caused by being suspended etc

  3. Russe11

    SMLE Woes

    150PSI is higher than I go with my tyres, my point is that it is within the same region pressure wise. Did once see someone's road bike tyre blow, I thought someone had been shot. Anyway my point being that if a tyre can hold that sort of pressure, then surely the mag doesn't have to be entirely metal?
  4. Russe11

    SMLE Woes

    I looked up the vapour pressure of Propane to work out what sort of pressure a gas mag has to cope with and it's only about 150PSI at normal temperatures. This is comparable to the tyres on a road bike. CO2 is more like 1000PSI. If I take a cast of the magazine upper and then make a copy using epoxy and fibreglass, it would then be possible to drill it for different valves. If I wanted extra mags I could take a cast of the inside of the mag and use real SMLE mag shells to provide the support.
  5. Russe11

    SMLE Woes

    Yeah, I know Dom and had already contacted him on facebook.
  6. Russe11

    SMLE Woes

    I have been waiting months for Iron Airsoft to do another production run of the SMLE which was planned to happen this May. I was told that when they do a production run it will be possible to get a replacement mag. I need a new mag because the gas release valve blew up and is unrepairable. Now I have been told that they no longer have any plans for another production run I cannot find a replacement valve. My options now are: Option1: Find a way to fit a different mag. The Well/Aries gas powered G96 mag is the only one that looks possible. Does anyone have one that they could measure? Option2: Get either the top section of the mag or the whole mag custom made using a different gas release valve. Option3: Take the whole gun apart and fit the inners from a spring sniper. Option4: Keep it as just a non firing replica.
    1. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      can appreciate in such memorial days the ratio of glory:horror is often bit biased against the horrid reality of war and the hundreds of thousands slaughtered in it's name but think he def went bit far.. wonder if he's one the people who sent a death-threat to the poppy garden creator in UK!?

  7. I had a foolproof idea to get some free beer. Saturday is ANZAC day and the 100yr aniversary of Gallipolis, I have a full Australian uniform and there are lots of Aussie pubs...

    1. Russe11


      only problem is that when you check the web pages and facebook pages of Aussie bars, none of them seem to know that Saturday is anything special :(


    2. SeniorSpaz87
    3. Esoterick


      You should send around educational flyers a week or 2 before ANZAC day ;)

  8. Russe11

    kid kit

    britishmilitarysurplus.co.uk does some good bundle deals.
  9. At the time of the video, they didn't include CBT access. They changed it a day or 2 later.
  10. nope. There are 3 ships in the premium shop. If you read the descriptions they all say that access to the CBT is included. When you buy one, you're in.
  11. Anyone else playing this yet? It's still on closed beta but you can get access by buying one of 3 premium ships. The cheapest was about £15. If you are wondering what to do with the gold currency you get with them, I suggest the Tier 5 Russian Cruiser Murmansk. I am having so much fun with this ship. I know it's effectively the same ship as the US Omaha cruiser but it's the 1942 version of the Omaha not the prewar version. This means awesome anti aircraft firepower and 14km range on the guns.
  12. For CQB especially you will want no exposed skin. Getting hit point blank hurts like hell but it hurts more where there is no flab to absorb the impact so from the neck up and the hands hurt the most. Baggy clothing absorbs impact better and will keep you cooler. Scrim net scarves are great for protecting the neck whilst still allowing air flow or a shemagh is the other alternative as it is bigger and can be tied numerous ways either very loosely to cover exposed areas or less loosely to cover the whole head area. A boonie hat is great cheap head protection as it helps cover the ears and the gap above your face protection.
  13. 1) I don't have a UKARA licence but have joined first and only which says it gives you one, I already have some rif's - am I okay and legal to take and use these? It's not a licence, UKARA is a database used by retailers to check that they are not breaking the law by selling RIF's to people. RIF's are perfectly legal to buy or own just not to sell, manufacture or import without a defence. 3) Will they explain the rules before hand? I've watched a ton of videos but that's nothing compared to when you're there and of course they're site specific. They will explain the rules especially any concerning safety. 4) should I preload my guns before going in for the first round or is there time to load before the first game? Load them once you get there, its safer not to have them loaded when transporting them. Also I'm planning to wear combats, boots, belt and a tshirt/pull over jumper, and of course face protection, this enough for cqb? No. Gloves are very important, a hat is a very good idea and I would advise a scarf to cover the neck and ears.
  14. WW2 game at the sandpit on 23rd May, trying to decide if it's worth staying for the Sunday game to make the travel nightmare worthwhile?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. BBrotherwood


      Bluewater is also a massive shopping centre so a good place to grab some food.

    3. Russe11


      From Bristol it's Paddington, then tube to charring cross and train to greenhithe

    4. BBrotherwood


      Ah yh not the greatest :/

  15. Last game I went to was a 2 day game and I had to get there by a combination of train and bicycle. Gear I carried strapped to my bike is as follows: 2x panniers: Australian pattern Khaki drill shirt and trousers Basha, pegs and string Spare socks Ammo Mini Trangia and meths Hurricane lamp and Parafin Front rack of bike: Owen gun box Owen gun, 3x batteries, sling, charger, goggles and 1 mag Saddle bag: 2 bottles of wine Waterproof jacket Spare inner tubes Puncture repair kit and some tools pump etc. Rear rack of bike: Sleeping roll comprising sleeping bag, goretex bivvi bag and foam mat Gear I was wearing: Australian Service dress jacket and trousers Slouch hat M36 leggings P37 webbing: Belt, cross straps, water bottle in water bottle holder MK3 pouches containing 6 mags, pipe, tobacco, lighters Large (P08) pack containing inflatable pillow, tins of spam, packet of cheddars, 3 packets of Anzac biscuits Brodie helmet strapped to the pack. It was 17 miles from the station to the game.
  16. Without the folding stock, the F1 is able to have a longer main tube. This means that you can separate the cocking lever from the bolt so that dirt doesn't get to the bolt and jam the gun as easily. For some reason the Aussies liked the idea that if you drop your gun in a muddy puddle, you can pick it up and it will shoot. The vertical mag again balances the gun better and doesn't catch as easily on heavy vegetation. Of course if you want a good looking gun rather than one which will work then the Stirling is much better
  17. The Sten mag was not an issue in Europe but the Sten had a number of shortcomings in jungle conditions, the magazine was just one of these. The Owen was superior in reliability to any sub machinegun of it's era and as I said, the magazine position was not a problem. If the magazine position had been an issue, they would not have replaced the Owen with the F1: <--now that really is an ugly gun
  18. The Owen was used in jungle fighting. The Austen (Australian version of the sten) was found to snag on vegetation a lot more. The shape does seem wrong until you hold the Owen, then it becomes clear that it is actually genius. All the weight is at the rear of the gun so unlike the Sten or Thompson, once you have the stock to your shoulder you can do other stuff with your left hand (Vietnam photo's of Australians indicate that radio operators tended to use the Owen). A side mounted magazine would put the gun off balance and require you to hold it with 2 hands. The magazine really doesn't affect your field of view much, as when you aim down the right hand side of the gun it is central to both eyes. If you hold up 2 fingers together at arms length directly in front of you, you can see everything behind them (as long as its a meter or more away), this is about the same width and position as the mag on an Owen.
  19. Can't wait for Summer, will be able to go to skirmishes in the Jungle Greens
  20. WW2 Aussie Service dress: Slouch hat and jacket by Spearhead Militaria, Moleskin trousers dyed to match the jacket. M36 US leggings and tan boots. Pattern 37 webbing: 2x Mk3 pouches, cross straps, belt and Large (P08) pack. You can just see the top of it in the 2nd photo, but I have a rubber P08 bayonet on my left hip. I also have a British water bottle in a modified holder on the back right hand side of the belt. The Goggles are vintage style motorbike goggles converted to mesh In my Right ammo pouch I have 6 magazines for the Owen gun, in my left pouch I have my pipe, tobacco and some Anzac biscuits. Pyro are in pockets. On the pack I have my Brodie helmet which is a cheap resin replica and inside the pack I have ammo, speed loaders, spare batteries, spam, crackers and an inflatable pillow to make the pack look fuller. Insignia: I have corporal stripes on my right arm only, AIF rising sun badges on my collar tabs and on the left side of the hat, 'Australia' shoulder flashes in blackened brass, and 2/31st battalion colour patches on the right side of the hat and both arms. I am of course carrying an Owen gun on a Lee Enfield sling.
  21. With all these status's about revising, I just want to tell you that I have a degree and have never revised for an exam. I'm just one of those lucky people who are just good at exams :P

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      What do you have as a job Bbrotherwood?

    3. BBrotherwood


      I'm part time at Halfords and im doing a A2 History course ATM. Off to uni to do International Politics in September so no more fecking maths :D !!!!!

    4. Russe11


      I bet theres maths involved in a Politics course. May just be simple economics etc but still maths.

  22. You could get a longer G36 or SL8 and have the benefit of interchangeable parts and magazines. No-one is going to tell you that this isn't a DMR.
  23. Try getting the pouch damp and then leaving mags in it while it dries. This worked for my P37 webbing, it may work with modern materials too?
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