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1st commando

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Posts posted by 1st commando

  1. 8 minutes ago, Krisz said:


    Marui is already in the making of the Gen. 5 G17. But it's gonna take some time to get aftermarket parts for it (it happens eventually).


    GHK is known about their abysmal QC problems in the last few years so I woudn't get too exited about any of their guns. More importantly it's insane how much money you have to pay for them.

    I think you underestimate the difference between the GHK glock and a TM. Also the GHK is actually cheap compared to the TM plus a steel slide kit and thats without the other parts needed to make a TM push that slide reliably .

    I do agree that GHK has had horrendous issues the last few years though but the latest M4s have been back to how they originally were and the new AK looks very promising indeed 

  2. 1 minute ago, woody_2231 said:

    I hope the Gen 5 glock is only delayed and not abandoned because the cool factor of the steel slide gen 5 is just too high 

    I wouldn't hold your breath sadly 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Galvatron said:

    What an utter idiot. That's the crap the media will use to give proper airsoft players a bad name.

    Add this to the number of reasons why proper Airsoft should distance itself from two tones and non realistic stuff

  4. 58 minutes ago, Tackle said:

    I agree 1000%, was actually thinking to myself yesterday, does he actually enjoy playing anymore, did the revenue generation change HIM, OR was he an absolute thundercunt before he started playing ?.

    Pretty sure he didn't set out to be the most hated figure in airsoft, 

    But here he is smashing it lol

    I'm pretty sure that like a couple of similar YouTubers before him that he wasn't an airsofter before YouTube . I think he came from online gaming where the same style of content and titles were prevalent and profitable . Some content creators saw an opportunity in Airsoft for that same content without the saturation and moved their channels over

  5. 2 hours ago, Nick G said:

    Spent a while fettling the fit of the box mag today. Shortened the air line more and filed out a slot for it on the top of the mag. Nicer fit and the bullet belt is much easier to fit now too. Also removed one round from the belt as it was a bit too long. Mine is made up of deac rounds with the top one from the vfc belt so it fits the 'wiggler' 

    I removed about an inch of tube and cut the space for it in my real 200 rnd bag too . However I fitted a longer belt as it sits in place better and doesn't fall out when elevated

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