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Tariq last won the day on April 27 2014

Tariq had the most liked content!

1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    WE HK416
    WE G36C
    Umarex G36V
    TM SPAS-12
    KWA P226 PTP
    Dan Wesson 6" Chrome
  • Loadouts
    Vegetato BDU
    Black Mesa Security Force
  • Sites
    The Grange, Warminster Airsoft, Anywhere.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Melksham / Coventry
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Bass Guitar, Motorbikes, PC gaming

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  1. A newbie player had his rental run out of battery mid game once. I just gave him my ģ36 and ran in pistols blaring. Got no problem lending my gear.
  2. OS Windows 7 Ultimate CPU Intel i7 2600k OC'd 4.5Ghz Motherboard ASUS Sabertooth P67 rev.2 Memory 8GB Corsair Graphics Card EGVA Nvidia GTX 970 SC Monitor(s) Displays Asus 3D 23" Screen Resolution 1920*1080 Keyboard Logitech G110 Mouse R.A.T 9 PSU 850MW Corsair Case Coolermaster Storm Scout Cooling Corsair H50 Watercooler, 5x120mm fans, 1x140mm fan
  3. They can't actually enforce that. For the same reason you can speed by running in a 15/20 zone. Kinda near nowhere. Live in the town next to chippenham and lacock (where they filmed harry potter and pride and prejudice). Still a council estate area with a higher crime rate compared to the rest of town. Guess its because im employed, over 21 and a clean licence with 5 years no claims.
  4. 8 was good. But i was using it as intended on a tablet. (Surface Pro 2) 8.1 had all the windows start buttons etc so was pretty much as easy as 7, if not more.
  5. 22 years old, £400 insurance fully comp. 5 years no claims 1.8, with the LSD Happy sideways times. Poppy headlights are cool, but i know a lot of girls who like them because they look like cute cars. If any of the first 2 series are girl cars it's deffo the mk1. MK2 is a bit less happy looking XD
  6. Indeed. And that doesn't apply any more. They all drive Mk3 now. Mk2s are just owned by old men and people in thier 20's. Didnt get a mk1 because RUST! Saw this mk2, basically rust free so thought why not. All the other mk1s ive viewed were complete rust buckets.
  7. Considering an adult pheasant weighs around 2-3Kg and I was going 60MPH+ yes i expected a dent or at least a scratch. remember a cricket ball weights about 200g and is thrown roughly at similar speeds. so imagine something 10-15 times heavier being a pretty hefty hit.
  8. Some twatty pheasant decided to kill itself this morning on my car. Now i have blood and feathers splattered everywhere No damage strangely.
  9. Within 1 week i've spent £400 on a PS4 and £425 on a new hardtop for my car. Whoops.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      did you cheat on ya girlfriend and she chucked your old console out flat window - hence needing a new roof for car in same week ???

    3. Tariq


      Ha no. Wish there was a girlfriend in the first place. Needed a new roof as my car is very cold in the mornings and leaks in the rain :P.

    4. Tariq


      Just thinking I could have possibly gone polarstar with that cash :(

  10. Im really liking it actually. Only done a few singleplayer missions but i quite like the multiplayer.
  11. Ed, I suppose it's like christmas for you with all these Jennifer Laurence leaks. I gotta say they're pretty good. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Kim Kardashian's stupidity is too major a part of her for me to even attempt to appreciate her visually...

    3. team flex

      team flex

      well she screams nicely LOL

    4. Lord_Metile


      Kim Kardashian, more like. Kim Stupiddashian. TL;DR, she's really stupid and should go to school.

  12. I got something like that when I got stranded in Malaysia during the Iceland ash cloud thing. 3 week Extended holiday and my £900 flight ticket refunded. Win win.
  13. Again, anonymous is not a group. Scientology may have been 4chan, but the "anonymous" mantra is taken directly out of the film. Anonymous is simultaneously both linked to 4chan, and also has nothing to do with 4chan. There have been anonymous movements done from lone individuals with their own agendas.
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