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Everything posted by MiK

  1. https://extremeairsoft.co.uk/shop/airsoft-brands/nuprol/nuprol-green-gas-version-2-0-bulk-buy-25-cans-full-carton/ £179 cant find bulk black gas anywhere
  2. @shadowfacex Consider that Questionnaire completed

    That’s how ya feel when you realise you’ve just foobarred your bandoleer by having your MC pattern vertical instead of horizontal………..

    1. Shamal


      Oops! 🤭

  4. You could check tapatalk out but the forum needs to be set up for it and TBH smartphones/tablets can easily handle a standard forum. we do have a Discord channel too so things are pretty much covered
  5. From the limited info about who/what/where it’s looking like something the US Navy Seals wore back in 2001-ish and the labelling seems to be slightly different from “COMBAT PAINT” to “ADMIN/OP PAINT” but it also could come from the USMC (marines) as the two patterns are quite similar but again it does look like pattern a “staffer/cake-eater” would wear.
  6. @mightyjebus Being a google monster myself this is what your looking for is “Crye Precision Digital Desert Tencate Defender M Admin Op” https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/crye-precision-tencate-defender-admin-1815606198 *edit* Dug a little more and I’ve found the part number too
  7. @Colinc1968 be wary buying safety gear off eBay I use bolle saftey goggle and they have stood up to a full frontal hit in CQB with no damage to the lenses and in turn my eye are intact only £13.99 from Amazon or you can also use Dewalt safety Google’s from Screwfix for £9.99 but I personally have t tried those but I have heard they are good, I just don’t like the yellow https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Bolle-PILOPSI-Pilot-Safety-Goggle/dp/B000VDLP4G/ref=sr_1_5?crid=UREZNP5WT77E&dchild=1&keywords=bolle+safety+goggles&qid=1618697245&sprefix=Bolle+%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-5 https://www.screwfix.com/p/dewalt-concealer-concealer-premium-safety-goggles/69051?cm_sp=managedredirect-_-safetyworkwear-_-dewaltgoggles&_requestid=570966#_=p
  8. The big question of the day.... How to respond to Wife when she tells you that your parcel that you have been waiting on to complete your bandoleer project actually came 4 days ago and she forgot about it.......

    1. alxndrhll


      "Thanks for letting me know dear, just in time for the weekend 🙂"

    2. Shamal


      It's a legitimate defense for when you forget anniversary/birthday 👍


    3. MiK


      @Shamal She has done that one too, many a year ago I brought some flowers home and her response was “what have you done/bought now?” 
      Me “happy anniversary!!”

      Her : “oh .......... I’ve left your pressie at my parents” nips out to get it

      a few days later I find the receipt dated & time of the visit home, I do remind her now and then about that :D

      and Please don’t get me started on my engagement present from her 🤣

  9. as many have said this already, I would go easy on buying lots if things before playing - your Lad might prefer a AK or a MP5 after seeing what’s on offer or sees after a few games. Airsoft is/can be a money pit if you let it
  10. @Colinc1968 a “loadout” is term for your gear, ie gun, pistol, clothing & accessories etc
  11. Hope this gets site pimped/used by as many as possible - looks super promising Just need someone with nothing on their schedule to tippy-tap more sites in Locations need some fine tuning tho..... Humberside Airsoft isn’t quite in East Midlands but closer to North Yorkshire & Humberside
  12. @kasaran No worries matey, it does protect nicely but ya head sweats a little more due it ventilation so I wear a “Bulldog under helmet liner” which helps cut down on that and at £3.56 a pop (‘cheaper than what I paid ) https://ukmcpro.co.uk/products/bulldog-under-helmet-liner-skull-cap?variant=5939071385643
  13. https://www.sportsguns.co.uk/air-guns-pistols/bbpistolsfire/dukey2 Even John Wayne approves
  14. Link of what your looking for AH and I’ll do some “goooooogling”
  15. use RIT synthetic dye it’s great for 35%+ polyester combo’s but a cold water dye like dylon would still show the stitching if you want that to show
  16. Depending on the colour of the dying blue - maybe a bright blue diluted 30-70 dye/water and using a synthetic dye (the hot water type) might get something but I doubt it will get close to the colour of the navy uniform.
  17. MiK

    Airsoft World

    Yup can’t disagree - Steve at ASW was super helpful when I bought my T10 from them - delivery was bang on too not forgetting the free packet of bacon fries in my T10 box
  18. @Cannonfodder Yea watched this a wee while ago - full respect for the guy to actually do this, more so for having it televised and his mistakes. 1. Ends up dead 2. Commits murder 3. Gets the right result but has problem to restrain perp with one hand and maybe over use of the knee. My one take away was that the activist was so very quick to pull his gun instead of his voice.
  19. You can get those already matey from the Amazon for around a fiver £5.55 for prime users https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B079KDWN62/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 *edit* the .smile.amazon.co.uk link is because I donate to charity every time I buy something so it isn’t a phishing link
  20. If you want the definition of “Lunacy in Public” you need not look further than a youtuber live streaming in the safe zone at Phoenix Airsoft breaking all of the covid rules of breaking social distancing nor wearing a face mask
  21. MMMMmmmmm interesting concepts - 


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