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Everything posted by MiK

  1. @Druid799 That’s a proper shitter matey, this is one reason I pay with either PayPal or my Credit Card - there is always a way to turn about bad service but bad manners need punishment wether it’s financial in form of a card chargeback or to the council where you can cite lack of safety of minors
  2. they will take .PNG or .JPG files buddeh - so just draw/edit/rob that image I was thinking a polymer one > https://www.stitchmeup.biz/emb-kawaii
  3. It’s one thing I can’t actually craft (yet) but I look like my avatar and I’ll be rocking my reverse bandoleer with my AFUK patch on it so I’ll be easy enough to spot (and the fact I swear like a trooper when I get tagged 😜 )
  4. You’ll be fine and besides some Airsoft will take your mind of it!!, majority of the “jab-side effects” are psychosomatic (yes I got that puppy spelled checked) so many of my clients have had painful arms, tiredness, headaches because they where going on about getting the side effects before actually getting the jab, those who didn’t seemingly where fine
  5. There could be another reason to this, you might have hit your photo storage size, every time you slap something up on site your allowance goes down…. Might be time to prune some of your older images ? /on a side note if I have a masssssoooive image I just drop it into my discord channel and then copy the discord link and let discord host the image your profile > my attachments
  6. @Rogerborg No matey, this attempt was with lots of Shoe Goo & being clamped up for a couple of days to cure and seems solid enough admittedly I’m not planning on trying to rip them apart for now but I have some Gorilla two part epoxy resin and some JB Weld steel stick ready but I was using the cheapest/already opened first.
  7. The battery box has a on/off switch on it - nice & simple
  8. @ShamalThe Goggles have had some heavy tweakage to fit around my glasses but my glasses still did the fog thing so I attached a couple of 25mm brushless fans in the corner it’s wired up to a small battery box which I used to tape to the strap but now will Velcro since I have got some for another project and a rechargeable 9v battery from my bass, and when my glasses started to fog at any point I would flick the switch it worked a treat a very very low fan sound - so faint someone stood next to me thought they had a gas leak This was before lock down since I have added the mesh, the goggles came with 3 colour of lens but since these are for indoor I went with the clear. The mesh mask is just a cheap one I got off Amazon with some heavy application of gooooo and it seems sturdy enough - I’ll give it a whirl if the Z-Mart meet up happens in July. Probably cost me £40 in total, but as I had some of the materials anyways it would be closer to £50 from scratch version 2 will be just the cost of goggles.
  9. Yup and the sad fact is that the un-initiated will think all us ‘Softers look & carry the same “Do”
  10. Finally finished my integrated goggle/mask combo with fans for indoor CQB
  11. Bar the title of the news headline and one single sentence Airsoft isn’t really mentioned, but lots of people who have issues with Airsoft will be on the title citing that and not bother to read the whole news item.
  12. its a 1200noon - 1800 Yea ? Prefer 31st but as I said I can do the 17th - sooner date is confirmed I can plan my clients
  13. @Shamal Getting you to confess to your murderous actions just goes to confirm said statement
  14. Hate to be the bearer of bad news ….. There’s no such thing !
  15. 101% agree - seems that this sneaky way is common place
  16. Heheheh not really shady TBH as the Hamster says a standard flanking manoeuvre but I would have dropped a couple of flash bangs and fired off like a crazy person shouting in full suicide bomber mode
  17. @Robert James try this bud it might make things a little easier for those who ‘need” to see the options >> https://www.strawpoll.me it’s free and simple
  18. @Adolf Hamster I dare you, I DARE YOU, I DOUBLE DARE YOU !!! :P
  19. 17th is doable for me (I’ll just have to move a couple of clients) 24th is better tho as I’m actually free that weekend, could even do the 31st but the 3rd &10th sadly are no-go’s for me.
  20. Soon??? FFS That’s what I get off my misses when I ask her for a “brew” when I’m outside in the cave ;/ i wonder how more frequently Mr Nov will have sales since I doubt he is doing such good business from the UK and it might also explain why lots of “Y-Tubers” with a smaller base of subs are getting lots of freebies to “unbiasedly” review said freebies to get some more sales from the young’uns
  21. @Druid799 Nah M80, it’s just from the pile of old duvets that the wife got from her mum as I was asking after material for prototyping before I use the expense stuff - if you check my bandoleer images you will see the Hawaiian duvet I used to get the “kinks” out but the reverse/other side of the jack pattern is plain white and it would’ve looked full 3-K’s
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