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Posts posted by SSPKali

  1. My daughter is still a bit young (7) but has shot my GBBR at targets in the back garden.

    She played her first LaserTag at the weekend at a friends party. She racked up 20 kills in a short game and was mainly annoyed that once the whistle sounded the rest of her team ran off like headless chickens 🤣 

  2. Some good stats there! Nice to see a scientific approach.


    The spread of FPS seems pretty usual, Joule output seems reasonable. Heavier ammo will give a tiny rise in Joules (due to joule creep) but in pistol length barrels it is negligible.


    Heavier ammo will, in theory, wear hop rubbers faster but probably not noticeable unless you fire THOUSANDS of rounds each weekend!


    I would be interested to see grouping sizes at 10m and 20m for the pistols, not really useful at ranges over that, that is what the rifle is for.


    I would decide what you want from your pistol (CQB at sub-10m? Out door secondary out to 20m? Sniper back up that has to reach to MED?) Then test at that range with different BBs and see what the grouping is.

  3. 1 minute ago, ConradHackett said:

    Having a couple issues with my MWS, it keeps switching between being fine and working inconsistently. The mags themselves seem to be filling fine but after the first couple of shots it starts to slow down rapidly as though there is barely any gas in the mags. Mags have been checked for leaks and the nozzle has been checked for damage andI don’t have a clue what it could be as I’m not experienced in repairing GBBRS, any help is greatly appreciated as I have a game tomorrow and I would love to use my mws again

    Couple of things to check:


    If you have done the “green gas mod” to the mags, check that you are not over filling the mag with liquid gas.


    Are the mags filling correctly? I tend to fill mine in 1-2s blasts, leave it to warm up, then do again. A 8-10s fill (in stages) is plenty for 100+ shots.


    Is there an air lock in the mag? Give it a blast of gas while holding the release valve open, then try filling in stages again.


    let us know how you get on

  4. 22 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


    tbh i'd have rather they just had an ammo limit, eg you get 500 rounds for the day but how you use them is up to you.

    As a GBBR user that sounds fine to me 😀 Carrying 7x 35rd mags is a killer workout!


    One gun that is always fun is a little AK, the Cyma CM045 (AKS-74U) is a cracking gun for the money and mags and chicom chest rig are cheap and very different to an M4. Sometimes fun to play “the bad guy” Also the v3 gear boxes are easier to work on if you want to start tinkering…

  5. Low tech solution here - dual pane glasses from Pyramex I-force slim.


    Using them with FogStop they were perfect EXCEPT when you pelt it to the 4th floor of C wing and then stand in the corridor defending “Dave” (UCAP VENDATTA players will know!) when I started to fog up in the left lens only (my shooting eye and the only one I wear a contact lens in…weird!)


    I then took a dremel to the outer gasket frame part (having removed it from the main glasses body) and opened up the scalloped areas to allow more air flow. Still can’t fit a BB through the gap and none should be coming directly UP or DOWN anyway!


    Result is now that I do get a tiny strip of fog at the top of the lens, probably because the baseball cap slows the airflow but the main part of the lens stays clear.


    Pics below show one side modified vs the standard vent size



  6. 38 minutes ago, Groot said:

    This is not a which BB am best0r thread. 

    I have googled and I have failed to find an answer. 

    Has anyone here done or have a link to a decent test of a normal 1.1 joule rifle, (so not DMR or Sniper power) test of ammo weights to see which actually does get the best range? ( carrying an acceptable hit accuracy ) 


    Current lore is that 0.32 in an AEG am best0r
    Other Angry techs say its 0.28's 
    Today someone swore to me that he has consistently out ranged others with 0.25s

    I have all the hardware to test but no where to do it. So hoping someone else has



    There was a spreadsheet produced by someone on here that allowed you to plug in the numbers and it would give an estimate of the range attainable, it even took into account hop up (Magnus effect) It might have been @Adolfhamster? 

    Heavier BBs carry their energy further and have a more pronounced hopup effect, with no increase in drag caused by air friction. I can see what some angry airsoft techs are saying that some builds work better with, say, 0.28g vs 0.36g ammo. Best bet is to get samples of ammo and give it a test! 

    I will try and have a search for the thread later once tea is cooked and small person put to bed :)

  7. 13 hours ago, ash12 said:

    Just bought a load of brand new MWS magazines, but none have the number 2 at the bottom. Is this still a thing, and should I return/hold out for them? From reading this thread, the Gen 2 mags are better with gas retention? 

    The number 2 is engraved underneath the bottom plate….watch out for the mag spring when you take it off!


    The Gen2 mags seem to give better gas efficiency with out the need to trim the fill tube. Nothing to do with gas retention.

  8. I have the Olight Valkyrie as a main weapons light (and the smaller 1 CR123 for the pistol) and while it is a great bit of kit and very bright it can be too bright and the reflected light from use in small, painted rooms dazzle the user! 


    I have a scope flip-up cap (with the cap and spring / hinge wings cut off) holding a 2mm thick red tinted lexan over the lens - this moderates the output and preserves *some* of my vision! Easy to pull the cover off and dazzle the opposition if needed (say, outside or in larger spaces)

  9. G&P reborn....again!


    Carry handle and classic fore end with BHD-type camp paint done in a hurry. Will be my go-to for woodland games (GBBR is NOT ideal when you need to put down lots of covering fire!) 


    Now I need to find some metal STANAG mags in stock somewhere so I can paint to match!


  10. 8 hours ago, EDcase said:

    As I understand it, you just have to pay Guinness a rather hefty fee to come and 'witness' your record attempt.


    As someone who tried to get them to come and certify a world record I can confirm this is not the case, they generally tell you that yours is too silly (really?! Have you seen some of the stuff they certify?) and then threaten legal action if you call it a "world record" with out them verifying it (even if you never mention the G word) 


    Last email to them was pretty much summed up as "Go away in small, jerky movements' :)

  11. 16 hours ago, Whereismyhammer said:

    It is 


    and thanks for the mag advice folks I will look into it 

    If the mag corner is bent FFS don’t try and bend it back! I guarantee it will fracture 😢

    Use a small file and file it flat a little at a time.

  12. This thread gave me the kick I needed to get an SADF M83 chest rig. Probably one of the best purchases I have made!


    Can take M4 or AK74 mags easily, side pockets fit my timed and impact BFGs and the skinny pen pocket takes the reloading tool. Throw a tin of primers in the tiny pocket and I am set!


    Even with 6 (!) TM M4 gas mags and 2 BFGs it is comfortable with no hot-spots on the straps. My Viper Spiritus clone is ok with 3 mags in but add any more and after a while it starts to kill my shoulders. I will be keeping that for CQB and short games; for woodland / OPFOR / and long games the M83 will be the go-to 👍


    I will be adding some Velcro OneWrap to the strap ends to tidy them up and might add an elastic section to the waist strap (along with cordura “concertina” cover) to allow for pie intake 😂🍔


  13. 2 hours ago, Whereismyhammer said:

    Hello folks.


    I’m having pretty consistent bolt lock problems on all three of my mws’s. I’ve moved the stock tube back as suggested in baddabing’s video but still the problem persists. Any suggestions on parts or modifications that would make my rifles lockback more reliably. 

    Check the little catch on the mag is moving smoothly. Press down the bb follower then check that the little catch at the back of the mag moves up and down smoothly. It is easy for dirt to get in there and make it sticky.


    I have had some that were sluggish due to dirt and another where the corner of the mag was bent inwards half a mm and stopping it moving at all!

  14. 3 hours ago, TacticalPossum said:

    I’m looking to buy a MWS and trying to decide wether or not buy a stock gun and start buying parts or a G&P Strike Industries MWS (which looks like what I want).

    This one at airsoft tiger 111hk


    Does anyone have any experience of this version of the MWS? I can’t seem to find any reviews or anything. Wondering if it’s just externals or also internal upgrades in it?


    thanks MWS legends!

    For that sort of money just buy a regular MWS, change the stock / rails / grip and get any bits you fancy Cerakoted in a suitable pimpy colour :)

  15. 6 hours ago, Cyberlawyer said:

    The high level claw mount that TM did was a copy of a RS item. The real ones are now pretty affordable as they have fallen out use in favour of the lower profile screw down mounts due to their weight and the fact that the newer style mounts give you a much lower height over bore, so a noticeably smaller shift in zero at close ranges. I often see them going for not much money at airsoft sales or on various selling sites. However unless you are going for an authentic retro build I wouldn't bother.


    I have a pair of WE apaches that I run eotech's on and I just used the following from Amazon, they work well are as cheep as chips and you can get it delivered free next day if you have Amazon Prime.






    I have found that the MP5 doesn't need a high mount sight due to the drop on the stock (even with face-pro) unlike the in-line M4 style. Can't imagine using a red dot on a high mount even with my giraffe neck!


    Also....lovely collection there! GBBs?

  16. 10 hours ago, reddotscope7 said:

    Hello everybody, I'm looking to make an integrally suppressed build, something like this https://www.silencershop.com/sig-sur300-suppressed-upper.html,(I don't have that kind of budget of course), with a 9 inch outer barrel, suppressor and handguard with the ideal sizes but I do not know where to start, any ideas? Also Thank you!

    I would start with selecting a hand guard and measuring the internal diameter and then working from there as that will dictate the suppressor diameter. You will also need to check the length of the hand guard vs barrel and see what overlap you need.

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