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Everything posted by Cr0-Magnon

  1. That's good, a fairly minor issue too! Have you done any modifications, such as epoxy? (or is that not needed on the newer gen?) What sort of FPS are you getting out the box?
  2. Hope you're keeping safe n' sound! Long-story, short - In terms of usability my preferred RIF's are SMG's & PDW's. In my collection I have 2 x EVO 3A1's, 2 x DE Honey Badgers and a fairly short CYMA Platinum M4 (like @L3wisD I was also a Sad Panda over not being able to impulse the new platinum MP5). I also prefer to only have guns I think I would enjoy using in a game, so while I Love the look of the TM M4A1 and other bigger/heavier guns, I think in terms of GBBR I'd get along a lot better with a GHK G5. Because I've got 5 x very easy to use AEG's, I'm not worried about winter use etc, just want to play a more challenging style where I'm not tempted (or able) to just spray n' pray. Are they fun, reliable and decent performing guns? I actually briefly owned one but it was second-hand, beat to hell and functioned like crap.
  3. Regardless, it's still over The UK legal limit of 1.3J for a full-auto capable airsoft gun.
  4. Have you checked trademarks? Usually the Aplus ones have a few more added. In this case looks to be "MADE IN CZECH REPUBLIC" on the left side of the frame where the KJW one is blank. Like the APlus Glocks I owned, had trades on the slides but KJ markings on the frame. Whereas the KJW only has KJ markings.
  5. I feel like that's the sort of "IF" that's traded from one trackie wearing teenager to the other. Every time with the line "Bruv, cost me nearly £270. Will take £250 tho"
  6. Imagine having £1200 to spend and using some of that on a Raven 1911.
  7. Again "in my experience" but I found that the AA mags worked best in the AAP and using Umarex or TM mags, I sacrificed FPS. So no, this was with AA mag in the AAP and Umarex mag in the G19X. The only thing I can think is it's possibly just a good system. Negative airsoft has stated that the best GBBP is the VFC HK45CT (from memory he was getting over 100 shots from one mag) and of course the Umarex G19X is also made by VFC. I know indoors I was getting 4 - 5 mags worth of BB's from one gas charge, so that matches the HK45CT.
  8. As @Tommikka has touched upon and correct me if I'm wrong but surely in real life scenarios you want to avoid being shot at all costs, where as often in airsoft you just want to complete the objective as quickly as possible. Obviously some airsofters may still be in to the former, I saw a player who was also a police officer hang right at the back for the entire day, no-where near where the action. I guess they managed to avoid being killed or at least killed too much but in terms of completing objectives, you sometimes just need to charge forward and hope enough of you survive to start breaching villages etc.
  9. The AAP is definitely fun and having a small bolt rather than full slide of course helps massively with efficiency. However I was surprised to find my Umarex Glock 19X to outperform it in that regard. Of course that's just the experience I had under the conditions I was in, I couldn't guarantee it to anyone else as it doesn't seem to make sense to me.
  10. They're legit but from what I understand it's just a one man band or at least very small team and he'll get to it when he get's to it kinda thing.
  11. I can't click on the vids atm but what's the gun? Which gas exactly are you using? At what temperature? Are you filling holding everything vertically? Have you cleaned and lubed the gun?
  12. I always have worry about running out of fresh batteries and as such accrued way too many, to the point of having to worry one would swell and burn my house down before I noticed. In reality I rarely get through more than two decent 11.1V lipos, even shooting as much as I like.
  13. @osteoshot - You can be entertaining with doing the trolling/clickbait bit. Or maybe they can't because without it they're not witty, charismatic or really have any way of attracting people to their channel.
  14. It's a difficult one, in a sense you can't blame them. Most started off innocently enough and because of it only had about fifty subscribers. There are also the ones which shill every gun/product they review, in fear of not being sent free stuff again.
  15. They realised that clickbait and trolling generates more clicks/revenue than portraying airsoft in a positive light. Most of the commenters on their videos don't even play or own any airsoft guns, they just get a kick out of the footage of full-auto to peoples faces from three metres away etc. If anyone dare suggest it's poor sportsmanship, they're met with a barrage of "Snowflake! You go to shoot and be shot!" (again, by non-airsofters).
  16. Sorry yes, you're totally correct. I was getting confused between which one he is.
  17. I'm looking forward to being featured in your next video @Skara What will the title be? "Professional Sniper DESTROYS Forum Snowflakes with these OVERPOWERED Posts"?
  18. Oh, so he's the sidekick - Name's Nicco is it?
  19. You're way off..........it's already been confirmed that @Skara is actually Novritsch. Reverse psychology n' all that.
  20. I get this as well. I went to a skirmish shortly before everything shutdown again using my £600 worth of upgraded Scorpion Evo, whilst I lent my friend a £100 Double Eagle Honey Badger that I'd kitted with a £14 ZCI barrel plus maple leaf bucking I already had lying around. My gun crapped out (ARL spring broke, now sorted) almost immediately and he had a great, problem free day with the far cheaper gun. I definitely started to question the value of a not-so-cheap base gun plus upgrades etc. Also I think a problem especially with the more "mature" of us, is we can do what we like, with no parents to convince and jobs that allow us the luxury of spending on toys etc, we value them less. Imagine how excited you'd feel if you didn't have any or only a rubbish gun and you'd worked hard at your paper round or whatever just to save up.
  21. Of course you don't "need" one, we're not talking life and death situations here. In terms of staying in the game as long as possible they can be useful when fighting room to room (even in a woodland village situation). Depends on your primary too, if it's short to medium you'll likely rarely even think about drawing it. Saying that, some of my most satisfying "kills" have been with my pistol. Anyone can spray 100 BB's from an AEG and hit a couple of people along the way but there's a real sense of achievement when you manage to take out a charging foe or skilfully clear room to room, winning the exchanges with a 20 round mag - of course the blow-back action and noise add to the drama.
  22. As others said, don't feel like it's burning a hole in your pocket. Just be content in the knowledge that there's a guilt-free purchase at some point in your future. I'm actually tempted to buy a KWA RM4 T10 as had one of their ERG range before and preferred it (or at least the recoil element) to my NGRS. Overall it was excellent stock, the mistake I made was messing with it. I can't say I'm overly interested in the design the new one though as it's very much generic M4 with a M-LOK handguard, in that respect I preferred the RM4 SR10 I had but they seem difficult to find now.
  23. How may do you get for £35? Also are these the Battleaxe ones which are usually £7 new?
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