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Everything posted by Cr0-Magnon

  1. Yeah but Confucius was only 22 in that depiction....
  2. What are you actually looking to achieve? Just something which is externally different to anything currently on the market? If that's the case, you can get something with an M4 receiver and usually add the handguard and stock of your choice (although even with that some are incompatible and require modification). If you're talking more about internals, you'd be best off working with your chosen tech, as at the end of the day it'll be them who's putting their name to it.
  3. I'm starting to sound like a shill but seriously, if you're looking for a CQB gun that takes M4 mags and costs less than £150, why would you get anything other than one of the Double Eagle M904 series....
  4. OT but with a ZCi barrel, (£8.50) hop unit, 60 degree maple leaf bucking & omega nub mine's over-hopping 0.32g's with room left on the wheel.
  5. Well they were released in 2003, so you're only 17 years late to the party 😉
  6. Is this locked to semi? You've stated it's 430FPS.
  7. Can you list upgrade parts used?
  8. Yeah mate, cost me like 90 quid new. Save a fiver innit....btw bung us an extra £25 for Paypal and postage. Cheers.
  9. What weight BB's are you using?
  10. Not only feeding but I feel let down when you swap the stock for an expensive CNC one and it means you have to start slamming the mags in. With the plastic ZCI in my Double Eagle Honey Badger, the Double Eagle mag actually goes in much easier than with the stock unit.
  11. I've got a ML yellow (60 degree), AK2M4 omega copy nub, ZCI plastic rotary hop unit and ZCI 229MM inner barrel in mine. Feeds well and numbers look good on the chrono. Looking forward to seeing what it can lift at the weekend, just a shame I won't be able to test full potential this month. However it'll only ever serve as a back-up anyway. I wanted to ask though, has anybody worked out how to utilise the externally threaded flash hider? Would be cool if there was a tracer unit out there I could just screw over it.
  12. Will definitely look to pick something up from him, when I see a pre-built one I really like the look of.
  13. Are you enjoying the experience or wishing you'd just sold this and bought a pre-built from them?
  14. Thought this was going to be the Saddam song from The South Park movie.
  15. @VeniVidiVici - We can change, just give us another chance! You'll see! 😭
  16. Buy Cheap, Buy twice? This is the CYMA Platinum edition M4 I had delivered yesterday. Not entirely impressed with the externals (a few different areas quite wobnly/flappy). The worst offender is the suppressor moves around off centre to the barrel very easily and the inner barrel is even chipped on the front. Saying that the double Eagle seems to be far better put together and was half the price!


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. ak2m4


      hehe I don't hang around 🙂 Let us all know how it get's on with ZCI parts

    3. Cr0-Magnon


      @ak2m4 - Think I may have ordered the wrong length barrel but we'll see.

    4. Cr0-Magnon


      @ak2m4 - Parts arrived today and couldn't have been simpler to install. All I can say is it feeds well. Excited to see how it performs with 60 degree maple leaf bucking and omega nub. The stock setup it was a bit lack luster on 0.28g's but with it getting dark so early now I may have to wait for the weekend.

  17. Just had confirmation my second Taiwangun order is waiting for me!
  18. Yes! That's the kinda thing I was inquiring about! How about the Resident Evil Marui releases? I know they brought out the Lightning Hawk last year and it seemed loads of people picked them up as an "investment" but I was sceptical.
  19. @EvilMonkee - Just things which have gone up in value really. I mean you would still pay less for a secondhand MWS or GHK as they are readily available new, whereas KWA Kriss Vectors have been discontinued yet are still desirable.
  20. Yes, yes we all appreciate RIF's obvs....what I'm referring to is examples of those super-rare occasions where something has been bought for X amount and sold for more at a later date (because of market value, not someone being ripped off). I suppose the first one which springs to mind is the KWA Kriss Vector but what else has there been?
  21. ....but is that your duvet cover!?
  22. The dimensions are on there. How much space do you have to work with?
  23. Not sure this is much of a discussion as I know most will agree but can we somehow make it clear to sellers on here that £10 off the price from a retailer (plus postage and Paypal fees?) isn't the bargain they claim. Regardless of condition, one of the main benefits of buying from a retailer is that you have legal rights should something go wrong. As someone who has sold a number of RIF's through the site, I have always been as honest as possible about current condition but there's no way I can guarantee the piston isn't going to break after 100 shots or something. Knowing this, I have to accept that sellers rightfully expect a significant reduction from the actual new price.
  24. Apparently so. I just don't like them as you have to load through the feed lips.
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