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Posts posted by Cromulon1994

  1. 9 minutes ago, Arwen said:

    I'd be testing that the bb's themselves don't shatter. Other than that, if it's not a high fps through the chrono then invite marshels to be shot with it to see if they can tell the difference or not.  


    Yeah. Though the bbs are still in production, and guns are still made in 8mm for the JDM, and 0.27g bb in 8mm is going to be no more likely to shatter than a 0.2g 6mm.



  2. 25 minutes ago, PopRocket123 said:

    Again not a dreamer but what is going on with all of the cheap WA 1911s at the moment? At least this guy knows the value of what has got



    It's the same one that was on for £30 the other day. I don't blame him for the mark up though, but it's untested and problems with WAs can be a nightmare as parts are a pain.

    I am tempted as I have a WA mag that should fit.

    The thing is... western arms are worth more than what they sell for but most people see a plastic 1911 that they can't easily buy mags for.


    When people who own them know they're friggin awesome.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

    Whilst i sympathise with the guy, there are countless people who want to take up a hobby but cant afford to, why should we help him specifically get his dream gun, especially if he's apparently too proud to run a budget gun?


    Theres asking for charity and theres taking the piss, this is very much the latter.

    Agree. Theres a huge difference  between "guys, my gun has packed in, could I borrow one medium to long term please" and "I want this really expensive gun, buy it for me"

  4. It should, also be plenty of space for an internal gas tank. However, how are you going to have it mag fed?

    Having had many apart in the past I don't see how you could make one magazine fed.

  5. On 25/09/2020 at 07:37, rocketdogbert said:

    Lol, of course you did 😂😂😂.

    There were 30 shells, one fired itself under my shed whilst I was testing the ejector modification 😊


    I’m pretty sure I’m keeping it, I love it, even though it’s likely to end up in an AA-12 😈


    They fit inside Marui spas 12 bodies.


  6. I've given up hope of gaming now till next year. Had to sell the bikes because of redundancy and the xbox is having a warranty claim. 

    Put in for my SGC just before this started and staffs police aren't processing anything to do with new applications. Made all the more irritating that I now work really close to doveridge shooting grounds.

    I am massively bored.


    Might as well get a build or two on.

  7. I worked in covid wards at a local hospital as a maintenance contractor in March/April, people on ventilators ect.

    No masks for us, working in close proximity. 

    I'm sure I got it. Had the loss of taste before it was advertised as a symptom and the cough and felt rough as hell. 2 weeks on 90 odd quid a week for my trouble.


    I've been to one game, outdoors. Used common sense.


    I would like to go to a cqb game but I think that'll be kyboshed before I get the chance. I reckon we'll have a national lockdown within a month.




  8. On 14/09/2020 at 09:40, EvilMonkee said:

    I am confused by the excitement of the Sten - yes it looks stunning but all the feedback I have seen give it a shooting range of around 25-30m which makes it unskirmishable in anything but CQB.


    They come covered in oil. My barrel and hop was filthy.

    But they use VSR spec barrels and hops, mine had very nice range.

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