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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. The Mk12 uses a heavier 5.56 round than the standard M16s though, so it will likely have higher penetration. It actually helps back up the fact that heavier ammo goes further with greater accuracy lol, it's just like airsoft.


    3 brick walls sounds about right for a 7.62, I'd have put that on the lower end of its penetration tbh, would've expected more.

    Though I'm thinking 3 brick walls that are set up on a range with only 2 inches between them, whereas it probably means, through one house and half way through the next one...


    Also, I've seen videos on YouTube of people hitting balloons at 900m with AR15s, whether or not they were modified or there was some dodgy camera work going on, I've no idea, but it can be done. So anything that's been altered to be better at that is going to be capable of it and I also know a guy who used to be an LSW gunner and an ex para who claims to have hit targets on a range at 900m with an LSW, so if they can equip them with the same ammo the Mk12 uses they'd probably be pretty effective.

    The Sharpshooter is supposed to be for targets around the 800m mark though, but a site owner at Skirmish once casually implied whilst giving me a lift to the site that he'd dropped a guy at 600m with a standard L85, which are only supposed to be effective to about half that, so I guess the only limitation is the shooters ability lol.

    That said, the longest range kill with a 7.62 is in the 1200m region, so 800m for the Sharpshooter sounds about right considering the record was done with a bolt action, getting that range accurately and consistently with a 5.56 would be exceptionally difficult/impossible. It was probably just the volume of fire that made it possible to hit targets at 900m, that or utterly perfect conditions.

  2. I'll definitely be there, going to start putting money aside for the walk on this coming payday, but then at the start of August I'm house sitting for my uncle for a week, so I ought to get a fair sum from that which can go towards a new shiny...

    Anyone who has the means to get there and aren't 100% sold on it - do it! I was sceptical last year but it was a blast, reintroduced me to high caps and I've never had so much fun lol.

  3. I've been playing this on a Facebook group for literally hours, it's quite good fun and you get to know what people's tastes are when it comes to films/gaming, I guess it wouldn't hurt to include lines from TV shows, or maybe even songs as well.

    The idea is; someone quotes something, then the other people have to guess what it's from.

    Then the person who guesses correctly submits their own quote for people to guess.

    For example, if I say;
    "Nothing takes five minutes"

    Then the next person would say "Black Hawk Down" and then a quote of their own from a different thing.

    Also, I think it ought to be fairly obvious, but don't look up the quote, that's boring! Wait until someone comes along who actually knows it. Or if it goes stagnant for ages, just post a new quote.

    So to get the ball rolling, my quote is:

    "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

  4. Ahh, must've been lying through his teeth then, what a nobber.

    One of my mates came up with a pretty clever idea that might interest some of you though. Instead of buying a shotgun primer adaptor, just knock the primer out of a 12g blank, or even a used 12g shell and just file the edge down a bit.

    Looks like you've got a 12g blank in the BFG, but it's just a handy adaptor for primers.

    Considering this is the same friend who shot a laptop screen because he was stupid enough to balance his target on the keyboard and missed, and then went on to obliterate the HDD with the magnets in a motor just the other day, I was amazed he was capable of such brilliant innovation; but there you go lol.

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