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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Not bad, y'know?

    Been editing some videos, scheduling some Facebook posts, keeping an eye open for news.

    ...But that was this morning.


    Since I saw this post I've just been casually relaxing, hoping my eyes will reinsert themselves into their sockets after they fled my head, face and brain, after reading your plans.

  2. I don't think it's really worth using the dark footage, I might as well just turn my screen off and just listen to what's happening.

    You could try upping the exposure on the darker footage though, it'll make it grainy, but it'll also make use of what little light there is and make it possible to actually see... Potentially.

    I've fiddled about with exposure settings in a few of my videos and it really helps.

  3. Tried it out yesterday and it's insanely shite. =[

    Shots were going everywhere, over hopping, under hopping, you'd get maybe 1 in 10 shots going exactly where you wanted and the rest would be no where even close. It might be possible to improve it with a new barrel and hop rubber/nub combo, but I think the main issue is that our bodging just wasn't accurate enough.

    To sort it out would require buying another hop unit and nozzle to the tune of £50 and then trying the mods again, except I don't know if it's worth it in case we go to far and it doesn't make it any better.



    Probably going to sell it and use the funds to start an L119 project using a WE M4 CQBR as a base, but I don't have the money for it at the minute, so I'll probably sit on it for a month or two and see if I've changed my mind.


  4. Worst gun to take apart. Ever. Hands down.

    But, there are a couple of guys who are well versed in it on Facebook, look for the "SA80 Owners Club" group and post something in there asking for help, ought to be someone on there who can help you.

  5. Patrol Base can probably get one in for you if you ask them, they're good for that kind of thing.

    Today they custom made a stock tube screw for me because I fucked the threads on mine, and they drilled out the hole in my suppressor a little bigger because BBs were hitting it, both for FREE.

    I bought 2 bags of .28 Bastard BBs as well, and they gave me a 3rd for free too.

    Hands down best service you can get from an airsoft shop. Absolutely cannot recommend them highly enough.

  6. The Grange sell them, they're the only UK supplier up to now, search for "The shop at the grange" on Google (that's actually what it's called lol)

    Alternatively, you can buy them in France for about £100 less all in, but my mate Joe actually managed to get The Grange to price match for him because he bought it at the British Airsoft Show, so I think the fact it was a face to face transaction might've swayed them a bit or something.

  7. I've not played a game with it yet, and the Fusion Engine is actually my mate Joes' haha, he just wanted to see the dream become a reality so bad that he's agreed to share the gun with me lol.

    He also works in a diving shop and Skirmish is also a paintball site, so Joe can fill the tanks at work, as well as borrow huge diving cylinders for away games, and when we're at Skirmish we can use the on site compressor used for the paintball guns (Y)


    One thing that's very satisfying about it is that you can actually feel the recoil :P It's the lightest feeling ever, it's like being lightly poked by a toddler, but the fact that you can feel it is just satisfying some how. A .3g BB being fired at 350fps or so, is actually producing a strong enough force for the shooter to feel it, I just find that amazing for some reason.

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