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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. I didn't watch the whole 4th series, but the half I did see I don't remember actually ever seeing him with an AR, he always had some sort of weird AK carbine type thing that I could never work out what it actually was.

    Nice job copying it though.

    Despite reading that the last photo was the real one, I clicked on that one last, saw the bolt and immediately thought, "Oooh, it must be a GBBR" before realising, no, it's real lol.

  2. No, ownership is perfectly fine regardless of age, it's only ever the seller that gets in shit for anything... Well, unless you run about brandishing it in public like a nut job or something, but yeah.

    No worries there.

    Going back to the OP though, there are a few sites that will allow people to buy RIFs without UKARA, so long as they are left on site until the requirements are met, at which point they can take the RIF home with them.

    My regular site operate the same scheme, but I don't know how it works with regard to the intended owner being under age. I can't imagine them holding onto it for anything upwards of 6 months.



    yeah pretty much, I don't do standard AEGs now, marui and their recoilly goodness have ruined me so I'm looking for a way to make a M4A1 SOPMOD Block 2 without using a PEQ box (I have a working PEQ15 I'd like to put on it) or having batteries in a crane stock. Have spoken to a couple of recoil gurus and they reckon small thin split pack lipos go either side of the barrel inside the RIS2... just.

    I'm pretty sure that could be done, there are some nun-chuck type LiPos that are crazy thin.

  4. A tank? As in well built?

    Are you kidding? He's a total computer, star wars and lego nerd, 'bout as scrawny as they come lol.

    I agree about him though, his videos are probably the best I've seen, he's good at editing, gets the audio balance right, cuts things at the right times and doesn't show footage if it's boring.

    The only thing I hate is that he only started airsofting about 4 months ago, and because he's a YouTube celebrity he's just been given all the best shit ever straight away. He doesn't really have any concept of the value of a lot of the things he has, I don't mean monetary value either, I mean he doesn't realise how badly lots of people want the stuff he has, he has no concept of how, why or to what extent the things he gets handed for free are sought after so he'll just rephrase the stats sheet the shop read out to him.

    He's done videos on the WE MSK, he's got a Polarstar M4 etc etc. anyone else would kill someone for that stuff, he just gets handed it for free by Airsoft GI because they're using him as a walking talking advert.

    His video comments are littered with people asking for advice but the guy doesn't have a clue.

    It's like watching a baby jump in the deep end of a swimming pool, but then enjoy drowning. It's annoying to watch, there's a sense of contempt about him that just grates on me.

  5. That's my pet hate about his videos.

    He essentially made Daedalus famous because he'd show him firing a single shot - because he used a gas rifle and they're in Scotland, so that's probably all it ever did - and then he'd show someone getting hit, that he'll have filmed from another location, hours later.

    People had the impression that Daedalus was a crack shot and he'd hit people with a single shot at ridiculous ranges and it's just pure bollocks.

    It's never the person who gets hit in the video, that he actually shows getting hit, it's just a phenomenally annoying editing trick.

  6. I'm getting there lol, I really need a better computer to be able to do a lot more than I am doing currently though.
    Sometimes my laptop auto shuts down because it overheats because the editing takes so much out of it.
    I do appreciate the compliments though :)

    I have to admit it annoys me when you see videos like this though, which was just posted on Reddit and somehow shot straight to the top of the list due to upvotes:

    Is it just me, or is that one of the most "meh" airsoft videos ever? The guy has more than twice as many subs as me, how does that even happen? It's so off putting finding stuff that's crap yet people seem to like it so much more, when I've clearly put so much more effort into my videos than he has his.

    YouTube is a bitch =[
  7. I like hearing people's opinions on things and see how they tackle certain situations, but if it's not crystal clear what's happening then I just get very bored very fast.

    It's nice seeing good team communication as well, like well put together milsim team videos.

    The only airsoft videos I actually watch are ones uploaded by members of MSK, a French Milsim Team, and LevelCap.

  8. He has the right camera equipment to do some really special stuff with the footage, especially considering the amount of it he must now have.

    But he just uploads it raw and adds loads of horrendously amateurish text edits over the top of everything using iMovie, literally anyone can do what he does and a lot of people could do it more proficiently.

    The only reason he's where he is, is because he did it first, and as a result his videos crop up in almost every airsoft related search you make, so often, the much better videos won't get any views just because his videos crop up first because of his channel status and their view counts.

    He could be making a killing if he spiced the videos up and monetised them, he could show case other airsoft YouTubers every week a bit like Nash has been doing.

    But no. Same crap, different week.

    If you've seen one of his videos, then you have effectively seen all of them.

  9. Is it possible to swap out for an ICS aeg grip do you think?


    How does it shoot so far though- hopefully something of a brighter note?

    I don't think an ICS grip would go on, but I do still have my AEG handy to try. I've actually managed to fix the wobble though, I unscrewed the grip and removed it, then just put it back on... Same screw and everything. Sits fine now, can't understand what was wrong before.


    I have to say I'm not particularly impressed with Milspec's "improvement" though. He just used a slightly larger self tapping screw that was a bit longer than the base one. Not very tidy or professional looking. It also confirms my worry that the grip is clearly held on by a screw that is screwed into a dense polymer, not a metal. So it almost certainly will cave in and break off at some point. On the plus side, all it'll take to fix will be a new pistol grip, which can't be that expensive, eh?


    It shoots a lot better than I thought it would, if I'm honest. Seems to be rather consistent in the sense that it's managed to cycle full mags for all 10 or so that I've tried, but it doesn't like it if you get spammy or use full auto. The accuracy is also a little sketchy once you pass the 30m mark and there's also a rather prominent "issue" whereby the barrel and the receiver don't line up. The barrel sits slightly off to the right, whereas the sights obviously align with the receiver.


    With iron sights you don't notice it so much because you can set them in line with the barrel by the nature of there being two points to the sight instead of one, but with an ACOG or a red dot, you have to set it to a certain distance, then every range beyond that it'll be shooting left, and every range before it'll be shooting right.


    It's a bit of a pisser and I don't think there's anything that can be done about it. It'll make one shot hits at any range other than what it's zero'd for a lot harder than they ought to be, but then, I have so little ammo to spend in game that I'll probably end up altering my play style to ensure I'm close enough to ensure a hit anyway, so I don't think it ought to matter in the grand scheme of things.


    My guess is that since it was shipped in a cardboard box which it was cable tied into, with no padding to stop it from moving around, it might've had something heavy put on it, which sort of bent the whole gun. Except instead of it literally bending, it just put the barrel and receiver out of alignment.


    With the ranges it's accurate to, I don't think it matters particularly, even if it were straight the fact that it's gas would make it inaccurate at range anyway and it's hard to tell without very thorough examination that there's anything out of kilter.


    The range is ridiculous though, and even though it's apparently set for 340fps I'm having trouble tracking even .28s, which you'd have thought would be going pretty damn slow if it's doing 340 on .20s. Obviously I've not chrono'd it myself yet, so I guess there's a chance the NPAS might've somehow adjusted itself, but I'll be rather annoyed if it has, 'cos if it's not going to stay set, what's the point? I've barely had 300 rounds through it so far.


    Despite being told by a fair few people that the CO2 mags aren't worth it and don't perform as you'd expect, I feel very tempted to buy one and see for myself for the hell of it.


    I'm not impressed, Ed. Especially when I think of your ICS L85. Having said that, maybe you need to spend that much on this too :(

    There's not a lot else I can do to this though, I think swapping the nozzle to an aluminium one is just about the only improvement left that I can do, and I don't think that'll change anything other than upping the longevity of the nozzle, so until the plastic one breaks I'm just going to leave it as it is.


    I do think that it's massively over priced though, £500 for the RA Tech one that I have, the standard is about £320ish, same as the ICS.


    But the AEGs all feel a lot more solid.


    The WE to me has a very "hollow" feel to it, and that's in both senses; as it is almost literally completely hollow, but there also feels to be less gun for your money. The fact that the way gas rifles work seems to be so ludicrously simple just seems to make the price absurd. For the money I paid I'd expect everything to work as it should, the fact that there are non functional control surfaces is ridiculous, especially when they work on the AEGs.


    Firing it is satisfying though, but I don't think it makes up for the other drawbacks.


    I'll have to see how I get on with it.

  10. That's not very reassuring. Iain said he'd send me the standard grip screw because he said in my case perhaps changing it made it worse.

    So I'll be swapping them out for a comparison once it gets here. But in the mean time I think packing it out with tape ought to hopefully stop the wobble, which in turn will hopefully stop the wear.

    I've had a PM via YouTube telling me a right horror story though, apparently the O-ring in the bolt kept getting stuck, the mags were shit and the fire selector would constantly shake itself loose.

    I also learned that Iain from Milspec fires barely 100 shots a day through his GBBRs when he takes them out. Which to me seems to suggest "because otherwise they'd be fucked so fast they wouldn't be worth owning". So it's starting to feel a lot like I spent a bomb load of money on a pretty ornament...

    I'm in two minds to return it and get a Polarstar Fusion Engine instead... But I do want to at least skirmish it once before writing it off completely.

    Hopefully I'll be able to keep on top of it for at least long enough to see it work at its peak condition through the summer...

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