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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. so a CQB site in Rotherham with a good location and facilities would have a shot at getting my money.

    There is a CQB site in Rotherham, it's run by Skirmish Airsoft, there's one game a month and it's in the old accommodation blocks just around the corner from Wentworth House, it's very good.


    There's also The Stan in Sheffield just outside the city centre, Brit-Tac's woodland site in Barnsley, and a couple of other sites not too far away either, Yorkshire Tactical Airsoft out in the Peaks, Bawtry Paintball which runs airsoft events hosted by other companies on a fairly regular basis, lastly there'sTac-House Spartan in Chesterfield, which is a CQB site too.


    So the area's pretty well catered for with regard to sites. Shops though, are a little lacking, I'm only aware of Op7 on Infirmary Road, there's also a much smaller shop run by The Stan's owner on Malin Bridge, as well as a paintball shop next door. Though their stock leaves a lot to be desired imo and the staff aren't the most knowledgable people in the world either.


    I tend to travel to Patrol Base if I feel like having a physical look at stuff and that's about an hour or so away in Huddersfield.

  2. Nottingham is about an hour from Sheffield, and you're South of me. Add an hour for picking people up on the way, food and toilet stops etc.

    S'about 6 hours. Especially once you get lost in the most white dominant town on Earth. People were staring at my mate Ben as though he were an alien. (He's Asian lol)

    Last year the trip home was one of the highlights, we were all so sleep deprived that we were literally high from tiredness. Talking about service stations being ideal places for tramps to live, 'cos they're open all the time. Then how they must all set out to make it to a service station once they become tramps, but only a very small percentage survive the journey lol.

    Then my mate Joe was like, "Why don't they just live in the countryside?" and we went off on one talking about how there's fruit everywhere and shit.

    Not laughed so hard in absolutely years, seriously.

    But anyway, you can have a go with it if an opportunity presents itself, Tac. Joe bought one at the same time and it actually stripped a piston absolutely months ago, so I dunno if they're just inconsistent in terms of production batches, or if he was abusing his a little more than I was, or what. Hopefully it'll still be around come August time.

  3. 6 hours from me, worth it though.

    There's not really a lot of CQB though, K. Can you imagine 1500 people in CQB? A better name for that would be FUBAR lol

    And Tac. Yes. AK master race lol. I'll be taking mine along assuming my mate doesn't break it at the game I've (probably foolishly) let him borrow it for, tomorrow...

  4. i want an aeg trishot semi auto.... need proper shot guns. have yet to use it on feild though...


    and glocks are uguly! i dont mind how they feel or play but i cant look at it...


    I like the simplicity of them, they kinda remind me of MacBooks, or in fact, most Apple products. There's nothing on them that you don't need, and sometimes features are missing just to keep them looking sleek. Simple, yet sexual.


    I love the angle of the grip and I like the low profile of them, you hold them very high which means that the slide is incredibly close to your hand.


    Glocks and Sigs are all I'll ever buy, can't stand 1911s and although Berettas are nice and I do like them, think they look amazing, I just don't like them enough to buy one.

  5. What about a man bag or something? Slung over your shoulder just for carrying shit about.

    Not the most practical thing ever but if you get the right sort of bag then it'd look proper apocalyptic, I'm sure there's a game or a film or something where someone uses one, got it pictured in my head but can't put a name to it to save my life.

  6. I got excited when you listed the Super 90 with your AEGs.

    I NEED a semi-auto Super 90 in my life =[

    On topic though, I think you should join the Glock master race. My mate Joe was like you, a non-believer. After his M&P died he bought a Glock 18 just because he wanted full auto, within mere hours of getting it, he was instantly a Glock fan lol.

    The WE Glocks are direct clones of the TM ones, they're cheap as chips, truly budget pistols, but the performance is mofudging amazeballs.

  7. Edited your first post to make the web address a hyperlink.


    There are actually loads of very functional airsoft Facebook groups which are doing what you aim to do exceptionally well.

    Though for community driven pages to work they actually tend to be groups, pages aren't designed to be used as community hubs, they're more for advertising.

    The issue with it is the same as the issue with forums: There are loads. So if someone's looking for info they tend to just join the one they find first, or all of them, but then they'll frequent the one they like the best.

    You can't be the one that everyone likes the best and most people will already have a favourite, I'm a member of a few that have over 2000 members, which as far as Facebook groups go is about the same as a Facebook version of Arnies forums or something.

    Also, since you're new to the Facebook airsoft scene, you won't have been exposed to too much of the bullshit fuelled politics of airsoft yet. I would honestly say to just avoid airsoft related Facebook pages because almost every time anyone asks anyone for anything it'll turn into some sort of argument because it turns into an "I know this and you don't so I'm better" sort of ridiculous circle jerk of bollocks.

    You'll no doubt become accustom to it as your page gains popularity.

  8. Generally speaking plastic bodied guns only exist to make it cheaper for the players who don't give as much notice to the realism of the game. Or indeed, players on a budget willing to compromise on realism.

    If you don't care that your gun isn't metal, get a plastic one instead, you'll save yourself about £100 and the insides and performance as a result of that, will be exactly the same as the equivalent metal bodied gun.

    Sure plastic will break easier than metal, but it doesn't break so much easier that it will do so for no reason. So long as you don't wrap it around a tree or something it will be plenty rigid enough for harsh use, just as a metal one would.

  9. The WE Glock is too wide to fit genuine Serpas. I had to dremmel the inner edges of my Serpa down by about 3mm on each side and then submerge it in boiling water until it would flex a bit to take the shape of the Glock.

    The clones are easier to treat to fit by a long way and fine for airsoft so go with a clone if you can.
    The Glock 19 is essentially a 17 with a slightly lower profile frame, it's still considered a full size handgun, I would imagine it would fit (after modding the hostler anyway), but I'd email them to be sure.

    If you want a holster to fit a WE Glock 17 without modification then you have to buy a holster made for the real steel Glock 21, which is a .45 and the same size as the airsoft 9mm Glock 17.

    So you might be after the Glock 21 holster if you can confirm the 19 will fit 17 holsters. Hopefully that makes sense.

  10. What make is it? GFC? What's that?

    I have an A&K SR25 gearbox that I don't ever plan on using because I want to Polarstar my SR25.

    It's a long gearbox and regular hop unit config though, I know that some SR25s use a standard V2 and a long hop unit.

  11. If it is one of the high cycles, then fiddling with the gearbox would not be advised unless you really know what you're doing. It likely already has a very high power spring fitted (probably an M130 or upwards, which are rated for more than 350fps in standard set ups) because 40rps will be achieved by fitting a dual sector gear, short stroking the piston, and adding a more powerful spring to first and foremost, forward the piston fast enough for the dual sector gear not to catch it early and strip it, but also to give you a more standardised fps, hence the 330 mark.

    It's a very fine balance set up when dual sector gears are part of the equation, changing the spring could literally be the difference between a perfectly functional gun, and a bag of stripped gears.

    If you want to alter the fps then do it via barrel bore changes instead. A standard tight bore ought to give you a nice boost in the 350 direction.

  12. I'm now partnered with Thrive Digital under the Freedom! Network.

    If you want to be in with a chance to win some free guns, just subscribe to the channel, like the Facebook page, watch my videos and share this video around like a mad thing on speed!

    The more people get involved, the faster I can start churning out prizes! :D

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