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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i'd be more interested in the ford system for antifog with the tiny wires to heat up the lenses. i vaguely recall seeing some images from shot show or somesuch for a product that worked like that, but i can't remember who made them and no idea if they're still in business. there was also someone on here looking at doing it DIY, going all fancy n shit with moisture sensors.
  2. as mentioned i'd guess that the choice of filler is going to be a cost/weight balance. if you want a white bb then you couldn't use iron so whatever you're using (eg ceramic) is probably going to be more expensive. aside from curiosity, i'm not entirely sure how much it matters what they're filled with? the effect on target is going to be largely dictated by the energy, and anything strong enough to not shatter/permanently deform is going to have largely the same effect regardless of what it's made of?
  3. it's also why afaik a lot of the heavier ammo comes in "stealth" config, whilst some manufacturers can do the heavies in lighter colours (presumably with a different filler) a lot of them are like that. never thought to try something as simple as testing them with a magnet.
  4. i'd guess it's a covid thing, either shops not ordering or polarstar not shipping.
  5. that was a ballsy move, but it's nice to see the gears of comedy still spin freely in the modern age. edit: as a side note, was chatting to my mate and he was suggesting there's about a 25% change in hardness with the stuff he's been working on. different polymers to what we're using but loaded up with iron nanoparticles up to 35% (forgot to ask if that was by weight or volume) he also made a point that fillers aren't the only way to increase density, i'm not a polymers guy and i got lost somewhere at the point where he started talking about chains being different lengths but the gist of it seems to be you can just make it more dense without adding anything, although not sure what the limit was (ie wether or not you could double the density for example)
  6. with the caveat that you ask 10 different people you'll get 11 different answers: personally i'm a fan of the autobot green, the metal sealing ring especially is good (although some of their other styles do that too). ZCI 6.02 on a budget, PDI stainless if you're feeling flush, i like their 6.01's but then i'm cool with cleaning halfway through a game day. afraid i can't help with those.
  7. it could be the nozzle, but it's not the only possibility. there's also the feed lip position in the hop unit, the quality of the magazine and the quality of the ammo. if the mag is weak or cheaper bb's with a rougher surface are binding in the tube then that can cause some real nightmares. what sort of ROF are you getting in auto? as speed can be a factor too.
  8. true, although i'd argue 2 points: -given our plastic bb's can already do that, a heavier/stronger bb isn't going to make it worse. -[kickingmustang] anyone who isn't wearing face protection is willingly taking on that risk [/kickingmustang]
  9. that is bad, at least the place i was talking about they were doing it to break the stalemate and didn't really have a home team.
  10. i really hate that, just as i hate when sites will change game rules mid-game in order to break a stalemate. for example place i used to play had pretty damn rigid "thou shalt not do the sneaky flank going this way" rules for a certain game mode, except when the defending team were doing a good enough job to halt the game they'd then open up the aforementioned flanking rules without telling the defenders kind of makes a mockery of putting the effort in to attacking through a choke point, which given the layout wasn't really that hard to do if you put more thought into things than simply returning to the same cover you got shot at 3 times in a row.
  11. yeah, that statement of mine needs a big "citation needed" slapped on it, but if they were then that sounds like the best option.
  12. why do i have it in my head for some reason that lct are supposedly looking at making a FAL?
  13. this is the thing, i have a suspicion some of the harder bb's like geoff's don't deform much on impact, but i have no evidence to back that up. problem is i work in a uni, so pinching expensive equipment to do a homer is questionable and i sure ain't doing that kind of test on-site for obvious reasons. yes and no, for our current crop of hop designs most likely it'll be difficult to put enough backspin on it yes given the average airsoft contact patch is so short, but i've had guns that would send .48g's to space on 1j so it's not out of the question that lifting heavier than that within reasonable limits is possible. golf balls aren't solid, they're filled with rubber, so not really comparable to a bb. there's also the issue of the target- what area are we most concerned about when it comes to a bb strike? a hard strike against steel would only really represent a gun hit, and lets face it we don't care about those from a safety perspective. proper eyepro (as in stuff that is of suitable rating for airsoft) is tested to resist a steel projectile, so it's not really relevant there. so really the impacts that matter are bare flesh and clothing.
  14. Question comes down to how much do our bb's deform at airsoft energies. Wonder if work would mind me stealing the high speed camera for a little while.....
  15. y'know this is an interesting question, think a mate of mine is doing some work with fillers in polymers will ask him see if he has any info as to what it does to the mechanical properties.
  16. i'd argue the v3 box is easier than the v2, although more due to it featuring in designs where getting it out of the gun in the first place is a hell of a lot easier. however for hpa that's much less relevant. i'd suggest having a read through here: the short version is for the most part simply installing an hpa engine into your standard v2/v3 box is gonna be pretty straightforward, at least compared to trying to work on them as conventional gearboxes. where you might struggle here is in the specific choice of the AEG. there are 2 key areas: the nozzle might be a different length, if it is then there tends to be a range of options available for each engine, although you may have to go with a longer nozzle and turn it down to length yourself. the 2-stage trigger. if i'm remembering AUG's (and owners can chime in on this to point out if i've gone wrong somewhere) but the first set of contacts uses the original ak style trigger/cutoff lever, with a second set of contacts mounted externally. you have 2 avenues to solve this: if you don't care about select fire (for example if you're building this as a cqb or dmr platform) and can forgo auto then you can likely use the standard v3 trigger board, you'll still be able to set it to auto via the fcu settings but this isn't a field expedient thing. if you do care about select fire/maintaining the 2-stage trigger then you can use the universal plugboard and wire it up to the original trigger contacts, can't say for sure having not tried it but i reckon it'd be a case of wiring the trigger normally and wiring the second set of contacts on the trigger to the selector contacts on the board.
  17. Might be an issue with the mounting then. You'll likely find that if it's that far off then it might not be in the adjustment range and you'll have to shim it.
  18. never really tried, but it shouldn't take that long even during a game to get a close enough zero set (close enough being pretty much all you'd expect from an airsoft gun anyway)
  19. nope, every gun i've ever bought has been expected to be skirmished. there are only 2 exceptions: first is the unknown brand usp i got many years ago, because it never worked well enough to field (bearing in mind i've fielded a WE luger) second is my latest e&k ak74u as i haven't been out since finishing the build, but it has been test fired and will be fielded.
  20. ahh so you're not making this to use as a film prop, you just want to make a replica of a prop. i'm still not getting why it needs to be one use, would be easy enough to drop an aep into that kind of shell and have hidden access for reloading the magazine/changing the battery. edit: i mean just to throw this out there, but if the real prop was a blankfiring uzi in a shell then it too would have needed access to load the magazine and operate the action, i doubt health and safety would have been happy with the idea of live props sitting around waiting for their scene. edit 2: what are you planning to use this for? if you want to use it for airsoft then it's gonna be pretty useless without the ability to reload, and if you're not planning on firing it then why does it need to fire?
  21. what purpose does firing bb's serve in terms of the filmmaking? if you aren't using tracers then they're not gonna show up well on camera and i suspect requiring everyone on-set to be wearing eye protection might not be ideal. as mentioned a static prop, some theatrical shaking of said prop, and some time in post effects adding muzzle flash would surely be preferable? if it absolutely must be able to fire projectiles, then an off the shelf option is still going to be cheaper (especially if you sell it on after production) than trying to retrofit internals to a shell that doesn't have them.
  22. why the hell does it only need to work once? tbh, it's likely impossible, by which i mean if it's capable of spewing bb's on auto at all then that de-facto will make it reusable. as mentioned the cheapest solution is to just buy one of the existing products that already do exactly what you want, even with the depreciation selling it on secondhand when you're done it'll be orders of magnitude cheaper and easier than making something yourself that works.
  23. It is the unfortunate side effect of this pandemic that people have had some vastly different experiences, everything from mostly continuing as normal, working hammer and tongs on the front line, sitting indoors going insane on furlough or even worse ending up with no income and no certainty. I'm glad to hear as hard as your troubles were that you had the resources to weather the storm. You are right though, there are ways and ways, as i mentioned originally the way my local looked to solve this same problem was to open on more days, which gives both the site and the players what they want.
  24. Hence my point about opening more being preferable to double booking which i agree is a shitty way to go about solving the problem. Thats the problem with autism- at the "lesser" end of the scale folk can, especially as they age and gain experience, become very adept at appearing normal, right up until the point they're not. indeed for the older generations it's very common for folk to be undiagnosed (and by extension unaware themselves why they act certain ways). Possibly, although as mentioned it can be incredibly hard to tell in person let alone secondhand. Saying things either verbally or with body language that are just the wrong fit for the situation is a common symptom (leading to more frustration because now people are pissed off). Again as with above this could be interpreted either way. Given you were a regular there and had a much clearer view of how he was acting you could well be right, as mentioned it could be interpreted either way when reviewed second-hand in writing. Tbh the reason i brought it up was more just to plant the seed that there could be an alternate explanation, having read it and realised some of the similarities. For sure, i mean they could at least have been up front about it- let folks know what was going to happen so they could decide if they still wanted to make the trek or not.
  25. As much as i hate to be the devils advocate, it is understandable that sites who've spent the last year taking it rough from the government are gonna be desperate to get back to some sense of financial sensibility. However, there's a right way and a wrong way. My local's answer to the problem of wanting more money was hey, lets open more (as in doing wednesday evening and saturday shoots on top of their normal sundays) because our customers wanna play as much as we want their money. The wrong way is diluting down the service and not even giving your customers the common fucking courtesy of explaining why. However i might want to hazard a theory as to the way he was acting. I'm not saying this is what is going on, and without the context of being there it's equally possible he's just an asshole. However, sometimes folk who are on the spectrum can have quirky ways of dealing with confrontational situations, if they start to get overloaded then falling silent and walking off to do seemingly mundane tasks can be a coping mechanism relied on right before the bottled up panic gets unleashed as rage. If this is the case then the very last thing you want to do is to follow them/further elevate the situation as they may be very close to breaking.
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