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Adolf Hamster

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Status Replies posted by Adolf Hamster



    Lots of drama, I know, but what the fuck?



    Lots of drama, I know, but what the fuck?

  3. after several years, finally had to replace a part on the odin

  4. after several years, finally had to replace a part on the odin

  5. after several years, finally had to replace a part on the odin

  6. after several years, finally had to replace a part on the odin

  7. after several years, finally had to replace a part on the odin

  8. I get a lot of PMs asking about some of my experiences with my somewhat esoteric rifles. The person who Pmed me bemoaned the fact that the could barely find anything about the rifle in his message. 


     It's such a shame however in response, you type out a large number of words that get's fairly in-depth, gets read and then... nothing for over 10 days.


    Despite the user being online, reading the PM more then once (The time stamp updates every time it is read) and posting since... nothing.


    A thanks really does go a long way. Why bother doing it when someone else comes calling otherwise?


    I'll get off my nelly high horsie and back into my pink fluffy house now. :(

  9. I get a lot of PMs asking about some of my experiences with my somewhat esoteric rifles. The person who Pmed me bemoaned the fact that the could barely find anything about the rifle in his message. 


     It's such a shame however in response, you type out a large number of words that get's fairly in-depth, gets read and then... nothing for over 10 days.


    Despite the user being online, reading the PM more then once (The time stamp updates every time it is read) and posting since... nothing.


    A thanks really does go a long way. Why bother doing it when someone else comes calling otherwise?


    I'll get off my nelly high horsie and back into my pink fluffy house now. :(

  10. Don't you just love it when you make an offer for an item and they ignore it. A simple no thanks would suffice!!

  11. Buy Cheap, Buy twice? This is the CYMA Platinum edition M4 I had delivered yesterday. Not entirely impressed with the externals (a few different areas quite wobnly/flappy). The worst offender is the suppressor moves around off centre to the barrel very easily and the inner barrel is even chipped on the front. Saying that the double Eagle seems to be far better put together and was half the price!


  12. I did a YouTube 



    Please help me out by dropping a like & sub.

  13. My spur gear doing an impression of a DSG

  14. Looking for suggestions. Either a small primary or something to sling when I'm sniping. Currently considering the ASG MP9 or the ARP9. Any others thoughts welcomed 

  15. So I was working yesterday, surveying a building.

    This little guy showed up, my instrument has a built in laser pointer. (visible in the picture, right next to Mr. Cat)

    Could've been a 1h job, it ended up being 2 hours :D



  16. Has anyone else been seeing a noticeable increase in delays using Royal Mail? Had a few bits (incoming and outgoing) taking significantly longer to arrive than the name of the service used would imply, entirely understandable with everything going on. I've had a look around and just can't find any obvious reason outside of the very obvious one (COVID) for the sudden spike in delays. Asking purely so I can be sure to set expectations on arrival times where they should be.

  17. Hey Look, we can't play anymore in Italy :D

    But we can riot and break into shops without the slightest hint of punishment :D

  18. Isn't it lovely when your gun shoots lasers until you hit the field, then shots go everywhere but where you aim.


    Nonetheless it got me a couple of otherwise impossible hits :D

  19. STUUUURGEON! [shakes fist]




    I know, it only mentions hospitality, but I'm inferring no change to anything.  Sports only ever gets mentioned as an afterthought.


    Looks like indoor airsoft is staying shut until at least November up here.  I'd lay odds that it's not re-opening until next year. If ever.


    I've tried to stay away from politics, but this puritan wee bism is loving playing the reluctant dictator, while criminalising more and more things that she doesn't approve of (i.e. fun).  It's the Presbyterian way.




  20. STUUUURGEON! [shakes fist]




    I know, it only mentions hospitality, but I'm inferring no change to anything.  Sports only ever gets mentioned as an afterthought.


    Looks like indoor airsoft is staying shut until at least November up here.  I'd lay odds that it's not re-opening until next year. If ever.


    I've tried to stay away from politics, but this puritan wee bism is loving playing the reluctant dictator, while criminalising more and more things that she doesn't approve of (i.e. fun).  It's the Presbyterian way.




  21. so, ummm


    this is a thing:



    and they told me they weren't restocking them either......

  22. so, ummm


    this is a thing:



    and they told me they weren't restocking them either......

  23. so, ummm


    this is a thing:



    and they told me they weren't restocking them either......

  24. >Chronoes the arp, does 0.5J

    >Opens the gearbox and finds the spring snapped clean in half

    >Puts SP90 (around m100) in, chronoes at 0.7J

    >Puts M110 in



  25. >Chronoes the arp, does 0.5J

    >Opens the gearbox and finds the spring snapped clean in half

    >Puts SP90 (around m100) in, chronoes at 0.7J

    >Puts M110 in



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