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Adolf Hamster

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Status Replies posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Instead of playing and cursing people for not calling hits, I decided to do some teching today.

    The point was to install a Warfet and replace the hop rubber on the AK.

    Did the absolute worst solder/routing job ever done, the hop C-Clip snapped in half and I've glued it back together, the box is not really aligned with the hop chamber.


    If Luke saw what I have done to this gun, he'd beat me to death with a stick dipped in horse shit.


    When it shits itself it's gonna go to a really good Italian tech.

  2. Anyone know of any good biodegradable ammo to try?

  3. welp, f2000 curse strikes again, now i have to trawl the internet to find a replacement stock hop

  4. And there we thought bog roll would be the currency of the apocalypse, turns out its omega nubs

  5. And there we thought bog roll would be the currency of the apocalypse, turns out its omega nubs

  6. And there we thought bog roll would be the currency of the apocalypse, turns out its omega nubs

  7. Always found Bolt Action rifles a bit pointless as all the ones I had were only of average accuracy at best. However I am genuinely excited at the thought of using this that's just come back from Luke @ Negative Airsoft. The accuracy is phenomenal and bolt pull so easy and smooth for something which is kicking out 486fps.


  8. 0.7J arp9.

    0.28g specna edge BBs.

    Maple Leaf MR hop.

    Easy 60 metres.


    Can't wait to see the results once I fix the air seal.

  9. Even though I cut my finger open trying to open it up after venting the first two CO2 bulbs (because I'm an idiot who can't work these things out), I love the Wraith CO2 adapter. I'm just going to go out there and say it. This new VSR build with the Wolverine Bolt and Wraith CO2 adapter is my new favourite. Hands down. It's so good and is so easy to adjust the power to match the joules you need for your local site limits, or even run it as a 1J sniper and have no MED.
    Though, if you're getting one, make sure you have a set of Imperial measurement allen keys. Metric ones won't work! Found out the hard way when I forgot my set when I went down to the range this morning 🤣
  10. How does one not die in 30° weather? :(

  11. Why do people on eBay bid up items in the first few days? Was looking at a cheap Red dot sight and it's now £3 less than brand new.. with 4 days to go on the listing. Just watch the item and put your max in at the end. Get it cheaper? Boggles the mind. 

  12. Don't you just hate it when you're getting going on a good old VCRA/two tone rant on UKAC and the other bloke goes and deletes his comment.

  13. What are some other cool small pistols? Might pick up an src tt33 as the we version sucked externally.

  14. I'd like to apologise for bringing shame to the forum




    I'll be sure to commit seppuku on my bendy training knife 😢

  15. Just found out ML made a MR-Hop for AEGs 😮

    70m range at 0.9J here I come!!

  16. Just found out ML made a MR-Hop for AEGs 😮

    70m range at 0.9J here I come!!

  17. Just found out ML made a MR-Hop for AEGs 😮

    70m range at 0.9J here I come!!

  18. Just found out ML made a MR-Hop for AEGs 😮

    70m range at 0.9J here I come!!

  19. WE CT25 - yay or nay? (as a "cute" addition to the collection, I have plenty others which perform well)

  20. WE CT25 - yay or nay? (as a "cute" addition to the collection, I have plenty others which perform well)

  21. Finally managed to get back in to my account. Not that any of you lot care but I missed it here!

  22. WE CT25 - yay or nay? (as a "cute" addition to the collection, I have plenty others which perform well)

  23. Finally managed to get back in to my account. Not that any of you lot care but I missed it here!

  24. Mail call :D

    Nice smol box from AA

  25. Mail call :D

    Nice smol box from AA

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