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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. you're doing it wrong. airsoft reviews are 90% listing how ambidextrous it is, 5% chrono test and 5% accuracy test all conducted within 20 minutes of opening the box you're not supposed to give people actual information or give them any notion of longevity.... i jest of course, good work actually reviewing the thing properly over a period of years.
  2. Not sure getting the reference precludes that assessment.....
  3. True post is true. Its a game that when you get a good site, good weather and a good crowd can be an amazing experience that'll leave you happy, exhausted and broke in equal measure. Sadly like any competitive game there's those who's objectives centre more about "winning" at the cost of sportsmanship and it doesnt take many creative implementers of game mechanics to spoil the fun for all. If you approach it from the right frame of mind with the goals of just having fun doing something that's realistically pretty stupid but with like minded people then it's a decent sink for your time, energy and cash.
  4. Cybergun (the old G&g version) f2000. A great way to learn that the path less trodden has potholes, generally it was quite solidly built and was easy to work on, but it suffered dearly with a few key areas notably the proprietary hop unit which wasnt quite strong enough and the rube golberg trigger mech that means reliable semi auto fire is basically a pipe dream. Kept it a long time although it was rarely fielded once my collection started including less awkward options. Did eventually go.
  5. I feel like its worth pointing out that whilst this is a joke thread, CO poisoning is absolutely no laughing matter. N2O poisoning however.....
  6. tbf, i've tended to find any lube on the hop rubber will wear off after the first half mag or so, less if you've done a decent job drying it off before installation. that said, hop rubbers are wear components and not particularly expensive relative to the performance you get from a decent setup, so frankly replacing it wholesale would also be my preferred path in this case. same goes for gearbox seals, especially the piston head although the cylinder head and any nozzle o-rings too if they can't be saved by a little silicone bath. ofc that's going with the caveat that the op feels confident in their ability to strip, clean and reassemble the box with fresh lubrication, otherwise 'borgs suggestion of a little silicone lube down the nozzle would be the cheapest and easiest route short of getting them booked in with a reputable tech.
  7. Ime it's not confined to one particular group, for example as much as we jokingly berate speedsofters a lot of them aren't really that bad, same applies to the milsim types, hpa types etc. The only thing they have in common is failing to take the game seriously enough, or taking it far too seriously.
  8. i dunno, his earlier videos aren't particularly egregious, but you can very definately see the transition as the first natural cheater encounter goes viral and moving further down the rabbit hole of keeping up the clickbait. needless to say there's not enough natural drama in many places so he ends up having to manufacture his own, which is where the site bans start.
  9. i did wonder how much there was to the ol' "it's a tokyo marui" argument he'd trot out every time someone complained about the state of his pistol. the issue i have with the likes of km is that's the advertisement for the hobby the world is more likely to see, he has a responsibility to the hobby as a whole and has chosen to adopt a toxic attitude for his persona. the fact that cheating videos are more popular is sadly just human nature, no different to the floods of violence we enjoy seeing on tv, in movies or video games. the problem is that whilst yes, we all know fine well that cheating and conflict absolutely exist in this hobby, but at nowhere near the frequency these channels often show. i do agree, although it's a tricky one when so often airsoft arguments ultimately boil down to he said/she said with many sites not having the numbers or experience in staff to be able to tackle the problem head on. although that said, i'd wager the majority don't bother because they don't want to alienate paying customers (and by extension that customers freinds) if people can't/won't vote with their wallets and go elsewhere.
  10. Ffs i'm busy today, can we postpone the burning at the stake till tomorrow lads?
  11. usually i tend to go with the nanoasr, however that doesn't feature battery protection. something i've got away with by monitoring and being pro-active about my battery changes on the day. the nanohard does feature battery protection, although probably there's other brands with similar specs for cheaper. swapping might be an idea, the warfet's precocking system is essentially a timer that runs the motor a little longer after the contact is severed, in semi auto this means when tuned right it'll stop a fixed amount after the cutoff lever trips (the pre-cocked position), in auto it means the gun runs a tad after you release the trigger (stopping wherever in the cycle that happens to be no different to a non-mosfet gun in auto). which is a long way of saying you wouldn't strictly need to reprogram it when using it in the m249.
  12. in that case, for lmg type use (ie a lot of auto) then the extra features of the warfet like burst fire/precocking are irrelevant, so you might as well buy a cheaper unit that just does what you need. unless ofc you maybe want to set it up to hot swap to other guns where, with a bit of reprogramming, you'd be able to benefit from the additional functionality, or you don't care about cost then yes, a warfet will do what you want.
  13. Odin solves that problem very quickly.....
  14. no real right/wrong answer for this. personally i prefer mid caps in 90-140 round range, a bit more ammo to make up for the issues of wind/leaves etc but still has reloading as a factor compared to just having a box mag etc. but if you wanna change up the dynamic and try running them on lower capacity why not, especially if you don't need to buy a whole new set of mags to do so.
  15. I dunno, for decent companies with reputations to uphold i doubt they're gonna want to be caught mis-advertising safety products. Literally a lawsuit waiting to happen. Granted they wont be testing every pair that's made, but that applies to many products (eg car airbags). Ofc knock off amazon specials aren't going to give a damn, which is why those who care want to trust their eyes to companies with decent rep like bolle and products with proper ratings.
  16. might be they're b rated and the site has it wrong stating f. they also seem to have ANSI Z87+, which some rough calculation appears to be ~3j equivalent for its high velocity test (1/4" steel ball at 170mph). regular Z87 by the same math works out 1.06j. if this thread shows anything it's the absolute cluster that is trying to figure out if something's been tested to a high enough energy for our uses
  17. it's the F suffix to the en166:2001 this should also be marked somewhere on the frame: https://www.wiseworksafe.com/blog/view/understanding-en-166-personal-eye-protection-standard#:~:text=It tests the oculars and,to goggles and face shields.
  18. you'd think, given i literally wrote the energy thresholds for each letter suffix earlier in the thread, that i'd have seen that.....
  19. fair enough, my google done been lying to me cos there was basically 3 shops came up for "dickies sp1045", none of whom mentioned any rating and i done checked as far as page 3..... kinda surprising, you'd think that the major selling point of any pair of safety goggles would be telling people if they conformed to an internationally recognized safety rating...... edit: scratch that, see @Lozart's post below.....
  20. the price being low as you say isn't the issue, the issue is having some form of assurance that the product has some kind of rating, hence why i asked for the source on them being en166 rated. there's also the question of factor of safety. taking a [insert maximum field limit] hit point blank is one thing, but there's also the issue that they might be asked to deal with higher than that in an unlikely but not impossible scenario of tripping over your local kickingmustang who will swear blind they didn't see you so close they were shooting at someone behind you check the footage bruv. whilst i'm sure such a scenario could and possibly would descend into quite the interesting set of lawsuits centering pretty much around the modern incarnation of an eye for an eye, i'm not sure it'd be much consolation to an involuntary cyclops, or the community as a whole that could do without the bad PR. ultimately it's on each individual to make a decision as to what level of risk they're willing to accept in the pursuit of sport, certainly airsoft is generally by comparison to many other hobbies a relatively safe one, but that's no reason not to at least try and make an informed decision as to the efficacy of the equipment you're using to prevent potential injury.
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