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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. On an unrelated note, for some reason i find myself reminded of the phrase "playing chess with pidgeons"
  2. I'm finding it so hard not to make a joke about mobile phones having spellcheckers these days. Wait, shit......
  3. Given how this discussion has gone so far it pays to be sure... They are when you're dispensing self-defence advice on a uk forum....
  4. you do know retroactive isn't the same thing as pre-emptive right? again, we're talking in the context of one caffeinated geardo on an airsoft site losing his shit over being over-shot, it's a situation that happens regularly enough without descending into anything more than shouting, finger pointing and general handbaggery. life threatening it is not. you mean the stuff that's illegal to possess, let alone carry or use in the uk?
  5. so you are advocating pre-emptive defence, glad we're on the same page.
  6. the options were: -push -strike first -headbutt -sucker punch at least going from the original post:
  7. you realize i wasn't quoting the bit about pushing people back right? i was quoting this: because that will get you kicked off site..... we're talking about one geardo losing his rag at an airsoft site, not taking a walk in downtown mogadishu....
  8. ladies and gentlemen if it may please the court i propose the following motion for "dreamer" be applied to the defendant. to this purpose may i present exhibit A: the charge sheet for which includes but is not limited to: stating it has been "upgraded" but without what parts have been used or who installed them use of what appears to be a brass cleaning rod intended for RS use, complete with brushes, one can only imagine the barrel scratches nuprol bb's cheapy chinese charger with an EU socket, for the nimh ad description says cyma, but lower receiver says specna arms portrait orientation pics all for 400 schmeckles, sans delivery charges ofc.
  9. i'm calling bs on that because that would mean marmite had utility, which i refuse to believe......
  10. pre-emptive defense sounds like a great way to get you kicked off site, and it will be justified.
  11. urgh, marmite, isn't that the shit they scrape out of the bottom of a brewing vat? yanno, the crap most companies throw in the trash? mayo is a tricky one, uk brands are crap flavorless goo, but you get the continental stuff? hmmm goes lovely on chips. however whilst we're on the topic of foods needing burned in eternal hellfire we can start with liquorice, it genuinely mystifies me how anyone can actually like that stuff enough to actually eat it, let alone pay money for it....
  12. Hmm, as you say could be trying to shift old stock. Curious if there is truth behind this, if only as academic interest. Certainly all of my experiences with nimh are years old at this point given i've never had call to use them since the lipo takeover. Ofc there are valid uses for nimh (even in its bad old form) in airsoft, when dealing with rental guns. Cant trust rentals to understand the gravity of not mashing the trigger until the gun stops cycling.
  13. Not entirely sure how much i'd trust a source that includes a sales link. But if there's been a reformulation of the chemistry of nimh cells to eliminate memory this is the first i've heard of it, surprising companies haven't at least re-named it to avoid the stigma of the old cells.
  14. Pretty sure i still have a discharger lying around somewhere from the bad old days......
  15. Am i reading that wrong? Because it sounds like your saying nimh doesnt have memory?
  16. if it's the type i'm thinking of there are also a bunch of pop tabs (the devils work) that hold the mech in (the screws go into them) iirc you also need to disconnect the springloaded plate from the telescoping puller on the underside, it's a pin but not a tight-fit one. more of a pita to reinstall than remove.
  17. The asg seems popular enough, cant really say havent used anything but geoffs in years, but something to keep in mind as a potential solution.
  18. A light bit of pressure can be ok, as long as it's less than what the mag is capable of pushing. I'd avoid sanding the bucking/nozzle, its possible to do so but so very easy to ruin air seal. Worth trying a delayer chip, worst case is it doesnt fix the problem but it wont harm anything either and is the kinda thing i'd put into most builds as a matter of routine. Another thing to look at is the ammo, i've "fixed" plenty of misfeeding guns by doing nothing more complex than emptying the mag and refilling with some geoffs.
  19. I wanna say delayer chip, a cycle in semi is gonna be slower on average than in auto (after the first round at least) so if its feeding reliably on semi then it may just be on the threshold of too fast to feed every time in auto. The macarons can occasionally give problems with the longer feedlips, kind of a trade off, most of the time they give a better seal and the accuracy that comes with it but certain guns it can cause issues, although thats usually much worse feeding even in semi if it feeds at all. Way to tell is to drop a round into the feed tube, if it falls all the way through then it wont be feedlips.
  20. Qft, you want the motor to top out not the battery.
  21. a faster motor (or more juice to the existing one) isn't a pure technical solution to the issue, but it can practically solve the problem by making a lockup scenario less likely, you can only pull and release a trigger so fast after all. same applies to using mosfets like the ab++ or warfet, they don't remove the physical conditions for a lock to occurr but they can be setup to prevent the box ever stopping in the region where a lockup can occurr.
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