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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. ftfy imo if you're gonna run magnified stacked is the way to go, although you'll probably find yourself using the dot for 99.9% of engagements anyway.
  2. whilst you have a very valid point about the accuracy of site chronographs, and i absolutely agree that it's not ideal to be making decisions based on one machine that gets rough use (if in doubt use at least 2 different chrono's that provide the same reading). it's why you tend to see folk suggesting not to push to be exactly on the limit in case the site chrono over/under reads and you can't play. it's also why i take exception to the whole "ermagerd one shot out of 10 was 0.1fps over the limit, ban 'em, ban their mums, ban their kids unto the 7th generation" kind of site policy because unless they're using a superbly calibrated system they can't rightly claim that the reading was correct. however minor variability of a gun on a shot-shot let alone a day-day basis is very much the norm, indeed the purpose of many "upgrades" is specifically towards reducing that variation for the purpose of accuracy. you'd also generally expect variation to get worse rather than better over the long-term as parts wear/degrade. it's also worth considering that there's potential that one batch of bb's are a slightly different average weight/standard deviation to another batch, even when sticking to the same nominal weight and manufacturer, ofc the more premium ammo you'd expect less variation which is part of the cost factor in the quality control.
  3. yep, best i've managed is trying to angle my head and use the blockaded optic like an oeg, which kinda sorta works and is only marginally slower than pulling a qd optic and just walking the rounds in the pk-1 says hi
  4. the worst one is when trying to fire through a narrow window or the like when in order to have the barrel clear of the bottom the optic is obscured at the top. in RS you'd just tilt the gun sideways and it'd be close enough for government work but ofc that's not gonna work so well in airsoft....
  5. simple, the majority of the time we're not being given the luxury of a man sized target. we get a hand, or a leg, of half a face poking out from behind cover, a much smaller target. having the precision of both the pew and the optical setup to take advantage of those opportunities is useful.
  6. I really ought to know the proper word for it, but essentially the gear can be slightly off-square compared to the shaft, so if it's running very tight to say the sector gear then at the high point it'll hit the edge and have a tight point. Look at the overlap of the teeth (ie that the middle of the tooth overlaps its neighbor when viewed from the top)
  7. Hmm, just thinking logically it would be kinda dumb for them to be protective of tech a different country developed, but then i've heard the tale of the mk14 torpedo so i suppose there's precedent.....
  8. isn't ITAR about not letting american technology get sent to places like china, how does that apply to a foreign manufactured weapon? genuine question, it's a law i'm only vaguely familiar with.
  9. sounds like one of the gears isn't running true. surprisingly common issue, you need to figure out which gear it is (usually the idler) and how much it needs to be moved up/down (or the gears around it) to have enough clearance. look at the gap between it and the sector when spinning to see if it's moving in/out. it's one of the reasons to not start with the bevel gear, as things like the idler being off mean you might be limited as to how much you can raise/lower the bevel by whilst still having sufficient clearance for the other gears.
  10. i did see versions mentioning that when digging up that meme, remarkably accurate too given low bore offset wasn't invented by the ar crew either
  11. but then you'd lose the straight-line recoil impulse which is why the stock is mounted that high in the first place? that's why the og ar had to have the carry handle- you needed to rise the sights that far above the bore to get your head onto them. wasn't an issue on previous rifles because straight line stocks was a new idea. funny enough, the em2 which was specifically designed for optics from the get go (unlike the ar/fal/g3/ak where optics were kinda afterthoughts) also had a carry handle to rise the optic above the receiver. you don't see it as much in other designs because the barrels are mounted lower, you look at the ak/fal/g3 they all have stuff mounted above the barrel which fills in the space where the ar carry handle would otherwise be. which is a great combo imo, you've got your risen optic but you've also got a magnified optic, and no faffing around with levers/magnifiers to switch between the 2 you just shift your face.
  12. night games can be fun, although a few things to consider: 1. think about warmth, it'll get colder than you'd think. 2. any light system you're going to use should ideally have a momentary activation, you'll be wanting to have the torch on for the bare minimum of time needed to aim and fire. 2.1 having extra lights is handy, wedging a torch in a tree branch to cover an area whilst you hide elsewhere is an effective tactic, although expect said torch to be shot a lot.... 3. you'll want to be very, very sure of your gun's hop and sight settings, you'll be relying on your gun hitting where your sight says it is and if isn't then you're gonna have a bad time. 4. be prepared for close encounters, even if it's outdoors, you can be practically tripping over someone before you notice them. 5. think about some kind of head protection against tree branches and the night, they'll sneak up on ye. 6. tracers are cool, but they work both ways. a good defensive game at night, smoke grenades being lobbed everywhere, beams of torches lasers and rounds flying through the air as shadowy figures shift around while you wait for someone to spark up some pyro on the other side revealing their position that's the stuff so atmospheric....
  13. yes, that was the point.... you seemed to be arguing that the op was at fault for having a pew that would read hot when tested under different conditions to those it was being used in-game, unless i've misread your intent?
  14. hasn't got "fully upgraded" in its title, so it's not that bad.....
  15. If you'd passed on green gas, then been booted off because the marshall at the spot check put black gas in your gun would you feel it was your fault?
  16. absolutely this, if it was made crystal clear that the field-standard was on .3's and ammo was provided at morning chrono then i absolutely agree, and would have recommended the op's friend set their gun accordingly using the heavier of either the test weight or their intended play weight. wether or not that's a fair ruleset in general is a matter for debate but if that's the rules of the site then that's what you have to work to. like you, i applaud having a zero tolerance policy when it comes to chrono, however if you're going to enforce a rule then you'd better have it well founded in knowledge of how different systems operate and well communicated to the players.
  17. this is the key thing. if it's not made clear that the standard of chrono that will kick you off site is different to the posted limit, then it's an unfair test. i have no doubt had the op's freind known that they would need to pass on 0.3's rather than the 0.25's they were using then it would have been trivial to set their system up accordingly. the argument could (and imo should) be made that whilst players might have no need of understanding how different pews work, the marshalling staff absolutely should know. it's not like the information is massively complicated either, you just need to be sure you're chrono'ing on the players weight when looking at gbb's, hpa's and basr's as using heavier they can creep up and if using lower they'll creep down. that's it written in one line....
  18. yet i'm guessing scorpion evo users get no such denial......
  19. Ahh, that would make a difference....
  20. That sounds like at least 2, even 3mm too much.....
  21. could be the original? used to do that until i gave up and just chucked em all in one box and adopted the "hmm, needs more, this one feels a bit meatier" approach to spring selection.
  22. lemme guess- running out of bolt space? you can sortof get away with running a longer bolt. it's not perfect, but it would work if you aren't pushing for speed, but given the motor that's gonna be driving it along i'd be tempted to get it a bit further back (so the full face of the tooth is hitting the full face of the piston). listens to the distant reee-ing of negative airsoft usually i'd be against just blanket dropping sorbo into a gun as often it can end up over-correcting, but given the aoe seems to need a bit more than the usual spacing it may well be called for here.
  23. he mentions a laylax spring in the ad, which i'm assuming would be a reasonable cause.
  24. sentences i never thought i'd write: just embrace the convenience of pushing things through the sphincter when you need to dump, and make sure it closes up relatively tight so you don't go accidentally dropping anything..... as for the mag pouches it's always a balance, the speediboi stuff comes at risk of retention or in this case lack of specialization, more basic pouches aren't going to be as fast to access but on the flip side your mag is at least going to be there when you need it.
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