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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. lol, it's a bit dated now but still worth a shot. not a game with much replay value though.
  2. local shop did a build a few years ago converting a martini to take aps shells, its impracticality was matched only by its authority.
  3. at the minute not much in the way of rif's. i do want another aksu but i'm undecided wether to go e&l or ghk.
  4. it's a massive troll if you don't know what you're in for, basically a half and half mix between the heart of darkness and a ptsd simulator. if you ever play through it, and you need someone to talk to about "that room" just let me know.....
  5. think the issue is that any kind of transfer bar is still gonna be pretty spongey compared to a microswitch. certainly that's the way i'd so it, just accept it's part of the trade of going bullpup
  6. certainly elbonia has more than enough cash lying around. but in the real world i agree it would also be kinda fun. wonder if the yanks have something like that going on same as they do for their cowboy action shooting. neither, it has a pretty extensive coastline with some small islands in its territorial waters but its borders stretch quite far in-land in some places (read: if you want an island or a mountain range to play with it has both)
  7. party membership is bought with loyalty not cash......
  8. or we could get the same for £24 less, and it comes with free bonus pixels! https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/src-sr-33-replica-tt
  9. i can only assume that such a thing would involve finding real furniture and a lot of tinkering.
  10. wasn't there a manufacturer literally did just that with one of their mags, can't remember what rifle it was for i wanna say an sr25
  11. y'know i'm down with that, good to mix it up a bit. are we keeping the murderous androids?
  12. i can't find it now, but the pinty 1x30 red dots are pretty decent and look not too bad on an ak (looks almost like a rakurs if you squint really really hard), it's amazing what the chinese can knock together for sub £20 these days.
  13. so you've taken my arma 2 campaign and turned it into spec ops: the line?
  14. damnit google, that was my night vision fund!
  15. Look its 18 inches with a tmi of only 4 that can only have minimal statistics for girth, angle of attack, tip gyration centre etc.
  16. ahh, so we're talking a low angle of attack noodle then
  17. so for my version, i'm thinking big, super big. a giant milsim, draft in an aircraft carrier from the navy and take over a couple of coastal cities. the civilian populations of the cities are all given eyepro and chronographs and aside from checking players nearby for cheating they're to go about their daily business unless they wish to interact with the players. any civilian owned firearms in the game area are replaced with airsoft equivalents that may be taken and used by players, any damage to civilians personal property (broken doors/windows, items taken by players etc) will be replaced after the event. the game mode is a counter insurgency type deal, the opfor team gets to start in the mountains nearby and players can commandeer whatever they want from the local populace (eg rock up to a farm and nick the farmers pickup to make a technical) blufor gets to start on the aircraft carrier and can use the carriers comms, boats and helicopters for transport (which will be operated by elbonian military personell to ensure safety) blufor's job is to find and destroy opfor, opfor's job is to survive as long as possible and inflict as much damage to blufor as possible using any techniques they see fit. fps limits are based on weapon class: pistol calibers- 0.75j no minimum engagement distance for semi or full auto intermediate rifle calibers- 1.3j, semi in buildings but otherwise basically uk rules full power rifle calibers- 2.3j with 20m MED or 30m for support guns extra high power calibers- 3.5j with a 40m med (eg barrets, m2's etc) no rof limit but this will be somewhat controlled by the ammo limit. all magazine capacities are limited to their real-world counterparts, no limit on the number of magazines a player can carry. extra loose ammunition may be carried but dummy rounds are given on a per-round basis. eg if you're happy to carry around a 250 round belt of 5.56 you get to carry 250 bb's to reload your m4 mags, you are only permitted to drop the dummy ammo when also dropping/firing the respective amount of bb's. all ammo will be geoffs .48g bb's which be supplied at the event (as this is known ahead of time it's the players responsibility to ensure their gnu can lift that weight) explosives are handled by physical effect or 5m radius eg a pea grenade kills' everyone in a 5m radius and anyone outside who gets struck by a pea. a supply of TAG grenades (both thrown and launched) will be provided to both sides at the start of the game. hard cover does count although breakables such as doors/windows do not count. protective equipment is down to the players discretion- ie if they don't want to wear face protection then they must also accept the risk of personal injury. medic rules are single hit revives by assigned medics- only medics can revive players and each player can only be revived once. players cannot move on their own once hit but can be carried by other players to a medic. medics cannot heal each other (so they will be a prime target) deaths are permanent- elbonian military personell acting as marshalls will occasionally sweep and escort "dead" players from the field replacing them with mannequins. players are required to leave their equipment (guns, webbing, ammo etc) with the mannequins. mannequins may be cleared by the civilian populace during quiet periods. any subsequent damage or loss of players equipment is considered part of the game (ie players know they might lose their toys). once off the field "dead" players may return home or stay and watch the event, if a player willingly quits the game (due to fatigue, personal life commitments etc) then a "dead" player may re-enter to replace them if they so desire on a first-out first-in basis. the event will be free to enter as a player, however prospective players must pass a lie detector asking them if they intend to cheat during the event, that they understand the rules and accept the potential risks. intentional cheating during the event will, if caught (remember there will be more marshalls than players with every civilian acting as such), result in immediate and permanent banishment (ie they will never step foot on elbonian soil again) i'm sure there are a lot of plot holes i've missed, but you get the general idea edit: unfortunately my traitorous underling who i put in charge of organising and managing this event forgot to tell any of the civilians that the event wasnt real so they spent the first few days terrified of all these terrorist looking blokes running around nicking their stuff and threatening to shoot them.
  18. bit of a tricky one. what type of box is it? if it's a standard v2/v3 then you could feasably use an internal mosfet and re-wire just the trigger externally (i'm thinking of something like an ascu where there's a convenient microswitch) otherwise it's a case of a microswitch under the col, but getting it to trip and wait for the trigger reset rather than re-engaging the moment the sector rolls over is beyond my electrical knowledge.
  19. yeah you're gonna need a new charger. the skyrc s65 seems to be the current flavour of choice: https://www.modelsport.co.uk/skyrc-s65-ac-charger-65w/rc-car-products/438918 of course you might want to try and find a local danish supplier rather than deal with whatever the export system for the uk is now.
  20. ooh harsh, so basically cod zombies but with unwilling participants?
  21. sounds like the battery is dead. nimh's don't age well and one of the things they'll lose is their current supplying capacity. the voltage might read ok but it still can't supply the juice to crank the motor over. the motor twitching at all means it still works, the only potential issue there is if the polarity is reversed it'll still twitch against the anti reversal latch no matter how good the battery is turning it. the first thing i'd be looking at is a new battery, that'll eliminate one variable from the problem, of course there may be other issues but can't know that for sure just yet.
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