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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. in that case doubly would i be walking and never coming back. ignorance can be excused on the one-off but willful favoritism? nope. sites should be cable tying hpa regs as a standard part of chrono, but the only time it's ever been done to me was when i voluntarily did it myself to show the marshalls that it was a thing you could do.
  2. that was an asshole, if the site didn't at the very least kick him off the field for that (or better yet permanently ban him) then i'd be getting my money back and walking.
  3. i can kind of see the point you're trying to make, although i'm not sure it's the best anecdote. possibly the issue is people that care enough about performance to be happy dropping that amount of cash are also not put off by the process involved in tweaking an aeg.
  4. been trying to sum it up but this is pretty much the same lines as my thinking. an asshole is an asshole wether he hunts cavities or scuds for a living.
  5. unless you're running true wanker rate of fire (and tbh even if you are) if it's properly maintained (cleaned and greased every now and then) the reliability is much better than an aeg of equivalent performance. the simpler systems like the polarstar jack are stupidly easy to take apart for servicing although it's not the best system for accuracy. mate of mine had a fusion engine for 5+ years with zero servicing still perfectly functional. the only reason i ever took mine apart was to do things like swap poppets/nozzles for setup reasons rather than to fix any problems. the good thing about rate of fire is if its too fast for the box you just turn it down until the box can feed. have a read here will give you a better idea of what's involved, fitting an engine is actually pretty easy- it's dialing it in to perfection is hard.
  6. true, it would take work, but taking an aeg and building it up would pass better in most people's minds than dropping a lot on the gun all at once. i do want a tw5 at some point, because i want an mp5 and i dont think any of the gbbr versions are gonna suit my circumstances. but it's still a lot of cash to build up.
  7. sounds like a pretty accurate description. must admit systema is a brand i have yet to understand. different mechanism that yeilds good performance yes, very high quality yes, but from what i've seen of them running i wouldn't say they shoot than what you can acheive with a regular aeg if you know what you're doing. the spring swap is a consideration, but for example on a flat limit (eg if you only play outdoors, or play somewhere with a fixed energy limit for all guns) it's kind of a moot point. of course that's a passing impression, and i get the feeling that it's one of those "you have to own one to understand" kind of deals.
  8. yeah but what do they know about cqb? the other argument is nature-how many animals, predatory or otherwise are truly black (as opposed to variations of dark browns, greys or blues)?
  9. you forget sir that it is hard-wired in the British genome to moan about everything that is indeed taking things too far. being an ass on the internet isn't grounds for that kind of retaliation. besides, as much as we like to rip on km it's not like he's in any way the only one pulling the same shenanigans and arguably is still better than all those American "fights and flipouts" compilation videos out there.
  10. eh, we're all bored shut-ins at the minute, might as well have a bit of drama remind us airsoft still exists.
  11. the few times i've run indoors i've just ran my normal outdoor kit and it's been fine. it's no different to cqb player turning up outdoors in full black kit.
  12. tbh i can't entirely put that specific scenario down to malice, the guy on-site was pretty dead on and noticeably more honest in play than most of the clientele (it's a bad site for cheating). for all i know he just didn't bother checking the site specific rules and made an erroneous assumption. it was more to point out that regardless of how big or small the channel, you can't take video claims at face value. if you're just watching for entertainment it's fine but as with everything on the internet take it with a huge pinch of salt and use your own judgement. it's an evolutionary process, start doing yt for a bit of fun, randomly encounter a legit cheater in the wild, publish video, get that first pile of admonies, think "hey this is a lark" and start seeking them out. of course there comes a point where you aren't going to find enough naturally occurring drama to feed the machine so you have to fabricate your own. and that's where we've ended up. problem is if folk beleive the fantasy then you can either admit to the lie or as it seems km is doing double down and end up pulling stunts like this. tbh if i were the site i'm not sure what to think, on the one hand you're gonna be getting bad rep and losing players but on the other hand if the people you're losing are the kind of people who buy into the persona did you really want them in the first place?
  13. it's worth noting that not all smaller creators are immune from this kind of practice. mate of mine fell victim to this when a wannabe sniper claimed in a video "this guy doesn't call a gun hit, all the sites i've played at gun hits count" when the reality is the rules for the site where it was filmed the rules are very definitely that gun hits don't count (not even required to switch to secondary).
  14. suppose that boils down to making cheating/cheat calling a full on legal battle, which is Billy Mitchell levels of sad..... even if you won it wouldn't change people's perceptions of km, people will choose to either believe he's a sniping god in a world of cheaters or he's a liar who spins tales to get that sweet sweet ad revenue.
  15. Apart from the heavier piston side of things it's pretty much all done in the name of a higher rate of fire. It's a debhilitating condition that starts with fast motors, evolves to short-stroking but if left unchecked can lead to dsg builds. The final stage of the illness is scrapping the gearbox entirely and fitting a hosepipe to it at which point there's nothing for it but a good ol' fashioned witch burning. Man that post got increasingly off-brand as it proceeded
  16. Is there an argument to be made via merchandising then? He does use his videos as an advertising tool for his own products and the people featured in the video as "cheaters" are being used to bolster the persona of km as a player who's skills, strategies, and therefore equipment are worth using/learning from? This kind of copyright law isnt exactly my strong point so i'm not sure how well that kind of scenario would be covered. Doesnt really matter either way, it'll be a case of videos getting pulled and by the time yt makes a decision either way people will have stopped caring.
  17. is there an argument to be made that a profitable film production is a business? because 7k from one video (according to the op's presented evidence) sure sounds like enough money to count.
  18. essentially making a claim that because the video features him that it's his copyright and anyone who posts it is infringing on that copyright. it's meant to be for music or tv shows that just get straight up ripped into youtube but in this context it's being used to silence criticism as the video tends to get immediately pulled while youtube/facebook decides if it's a ripoff or not. thing is, if a copyright claim is made fraudulently (people are allowed to use others work for "fair use" and criticism/commentary afaik is part of that, or if the used sections are short) then it can backfire massively on the one making the claim (we're talking youtube pulling your channel kind of backfire)
  19. it's presumably to try and make people think they're using a proper engineering material like pa66 rather than bulking out their cheese mix with some sand they found on the floor.
  20. not really seeing anything that's much of a revelation, but then if you genuinely believed airsoft video hit markers are accurate then you're probably a fan of many youtube channels. km is by no means the only one to do this and unless you actually see the bb land or the target call hit and walk off the field wether it's in video or in real life then you can't claim otherwise. hell even if you do see the target call hit and walk off the field doesn't mean you hit them, it just means something hit them at approximately the right place and time for them to call hit. as for doing it for the views/admonies? well that's no surprise, even novvy boy straight up admitted to playing the youtube game. i have no problem with the notion of spinning fantasies to create drama, but if you're trying to hide the fact so you can boost your reputation at others expense? well that's just not cricket.
  21. Gonna have a look, was looking socomtactical had the brown grip version for 120. Although now i'd probably just put the black grip on. I reccommend a ml macaron and some geoffs .32's for instant hilarity in a pocket sized package.
  22. The pmm grip is pretty comfy, personally i preferr it. Where'd you grab it? I'm in need of a new slide and its almost as cheap just to buy the whole pistol.
  23. could be a specifically bad batch they got? i mean airsoft qc is a lottery at the best of times. i very rarely use a pistol at all and when i do it's generally because my rifle's out and i can't be bothered going to refill mags. other than that maybe for a bit more free movement when hedgelurking but that's a one shot wonder kind of situation.
  24. if you think you're too old to play you aint, find an outdoor site, park yourself in a hedge and let the young ones come to you, all that running about means they'll only be tired when you shoot them otherwise the main thing is to be sensible, joe bloggs spots someone messing around with a gun shaped object it's gonna be awkward questions wether you're a regular player with an up to date ukara or not.
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