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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. ^summed up pretty well. Plus there's more to a high end build than just the box.
  2. i must admit, i've only experienced one site that had a site-weapon that could be used by anyone. it's a good idea though, some guns like the mg42 or the minigun don't really work all that well as a personal carried weapon but would be ideal for an emplaced "everyone can use it" kind of deal. nope, you can do islands if you want, as specified in the original brief elbonia has a mix of terrain that means you can recreate a reasonable facsimile of anywhere on earth. for those not aware elbonia is a forgotten weapons reference.
  3. i don't bulk buy, but i do keep a stock of them around. but then i keep stock of just about everything these days.....
  4. had a beard for as long as i could grow one proper, my face might be combat operator but sadly my gut somewhat spoils the effect
  5. anyone happen to know of any repro's/similar styled mounts to the RS-regulate BM-1?

  6. and this is why we wear earpro plus you get the following side advantages: -warm ears -radio connectivity -bb protection -looking operator af tbh i've given up on 'nades for airsoft, i'll occasionally dabble in disposable pyro but tbh i rarely get the opportunity to use it and when that rare chance comes i forget i have it
  7. fair enough, sounds like that guns had some butchering done to it in the past. chrono is always a good move, it's the second best thing to being able to actually shoot it at proper range to see what your consistency is gonna be like.
  8. There's a reason you see ten polarstar jacks for sale for every f2.....
  9. are you sure the cutoff is worn enough to be causing the overspin? reason i say is cutoff levers can be a right pain to replace, one of those parts that really highlights the "compatible-ish" nature of airsoft. the piston seal can be heath-robinsoned by stretching (or if your fancy replacing) just the piston o-ring (assuming the piston itself is in good nick), likewise ptfe tape (or doing it properly new o rings) on the cylinder head can sort that end. metal rack isn't guaranteed protection (and arguably a sacrificial plastic part can be good) but if the original is chewed up then might as well (you may need to glue the rack in yourself or it can get ripped out) i presume the spring guide replacement is to a bearing type? that is a worthwhile move as it means you can lighten the piston by not having a bearing in that end. spring i'd leave for now until you sort the airseal- could be perfectly good just the air loss is killing it. bucking/nub certainly a good option, ml macaron+autobot is my go-to combo these days. nozzle make sure to check the length, unfortunately not just the length can vary but also the internal diameter so if you're gonna change the head and nozzle try and get the same brand. mosfet wise, plenty of options for cheap and cheerful but i tend to like putting something like the nanoasr in as the wiring is identical to the higher end gate mosfets so you can easily swap to something like a warfet later down the line.
  10. is it really that badly worn that all of that stuff is gone? because if it really is then it'll be cheaper and easier just to buy a whole new box as a drop-in.
  11. they're all over the show tbh. some of we's stuff is pretty damn good, some of it is utter garbage. their products tend to fall down though when there's competition, the only gun they make that i can put my finger on and say "the we version is the best out there" is the makarov and it's long list of 1 blowback competitor.....
  12. am i the only one thinking there's a distinct star-trek vibe going on here
  13. yeah i can see what you mean. good thing about running ak's is the aftermarket hop unit of choice comes with its own nozzle
  14. http://perunairsoft.pl/products/nozz-x/ was debating wether or not to sell my soul to Gate and finally start running a titan in my main ak and whilst looking to see if perun offered anything in v3 stumbled upon this. seems like an interesting concept, although i do worry if it would suffer from f2000 spring syndrome where you start the day with perfection and by the end it's unwound itself.
  15. never understood skeletonised builds in airsoft. in the RS world it seems to be a 50/50 split between weight reduction and fashion. i tend to be suspicious of super high-end builds like that though, can't help but feel that things were chosen based on the criteria of shiniest/most expensive rather than being a good/compatible part for the build.
  16. Pretty much. End of the day because you want to is as good a reason to do anything in this hobby.
  17. Ooh fancy. I do plan on getting a proper soldering station if my 1996 iron that came with the real robots magazine ever breaks......
  18. except for the bit where it bends under its own weight absolutely agree, regular cleaning is the best value for money "upgrade" you can do to any airsoft gun. i do agree with you on the higher maintenance of the tighter bores, i do run 6.01's even at 450mm. even with religious pre-game cleaning a heavy enough round count can mean it needs another swab mid-day of course there are a multitude of factors that feed into accuracy, a beautifully polished perfectly cleaned top-tier quality barrel is gonna be absolutely useless if you're trying to yeet .2g bulldogs out of a gun with terrible airseal.
  19. Works for me, means i have 40m of space before i gotta worry about shifting position
  20. Voluming tends to be more apparent on hpa systems than aeg's, can be really quite dramatic actually. Used to have the dwell settings for my 2 main ammo weights carved into the stock to remind me what to set it to on the day.
  21. Whatever fits the gun you wanna use tbh. Whats important is that the cylinder is volumed correctly for whatever the barrel length is, easiest way to make sure its still good is just dont change the barrel length significantly.
  22. there are a great number of factors that influence accuracy, and barrel length is pretty much bottom of the pile. at least in terms of raw bb lobbing ability, think of how well pistols can shoot. however a longer barrel (or at least longer gun overall) can have some utility outdoors if you're trying to do sneaky shenanigans as you can poke it through a hedge and get a clear shot where a shorter gun might clip branches/leaves. of course that doesn't need to have a longer inner barrel, a long suppressor can fill that role just as well. if your idea of a short gun is a standard length m4 or mp5sd then you won't need to swap barrels just to go outdoors.
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