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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Just ordered a pair of Revision Sawfly glasses in size large to replace my Size Medium ones (I'd like to have a little bit more coverage). Also ordered a bunch of AAP internals.
  2. Did you fix it? In the meantime I have ordered 3x CowCow sets + 2x AA CNC hammers from wgc. Two CC sets are for me, the third for a friend and the two hammers for my local retailer since he has two broken AAPs waiting for parts (and he can't find any). Also, TTI is making a new upper receiver with an integrated TDC and a M4 handguard + M4 stock threads and mounting points. Priced at about €170, it's super expensive but I think it'll just blow every other carbine kit out of the market.
  3. I'm after a damping kit myself, but I'll most likely make my own whenever I can find silicone sheets, and buy a spare parts kit just in case. Because with my luck I'm sure I'll fuck it up right when there's a shortage of parts
  4. Can't beat a genuine Odin. I've had a clone and it was shit, mags wouldn't lock in or they were a really tight fit (meaning I had to yank the magazine out of the loader with quite some force). Getting the airtech adapter in and out was a struggle and once the mag reached idk, 80 bbs, the handle would become super hard to crank. The genuine? Nope, not a single issue, except it's not too easy to find in this country. For pistol/vsr mags I still prefer the good old syringe style loaders though.
  5. Today was interesting. We played in the lower part of the field (hardest one die to steepness and vegetation) which we haven't visited since last summer, vegetation had grown up exponentially, all the usual flanking paths were blocked so we had to improvise and find new ways around some of the objectives.. Games went relatively well, in one the whole attack got wiped out by a single defender and it was a rather fun scene to watch: this guy literally standing in the open spots the team, opens fire while still standing in the open and nobody saw him Could have been a very enjoyable morning if it wasn't for the many, many complaints I received about one kid who wasn't calling his hits. It's the same kid I had a couple of sketchy engagements in the recent past but didn't bother me too much, I just held onto the trigger a little longer than usual and ultimately he called it. Today though, every single game someone would come up to me saying this kid didn't call the hit, that they had seen BBs bounce off his body and this sparked a bit of tension towards the end of the day. Usually when this kind of stuff happens I just tell them to get smarter at dealing with it *ahem, just fire a slightly longer burst and maybe close the distance while doing so, pain can be an amazingly effective teacher* I guess I'll have a chat with said kid soon, he will probably deny everything but still worth a try.
  6. Been using those (Edges) for a while, never had an issue. Mainly 0.28s. Just don't buy the Core BBs as they're reportedly low quality.
  7. This reminds me that I need to buy an as03 at some point, just to meme around. I still have all my parts from the 02 including Peter's trigger and handle.
  8. I'd look at the feed lips, compare the drum to your standard mags and see if there are any differences in dimension or shape.
  9. 1st game of 2022 gone, it was fun.. What isn't fun is the hole I discovered in my mayflower rig. A perfect square in one of the side pouches. No fucking clue how it happened but I'm getting it fixed tomorrow.
  10. Well to be fair high ROF is simply a side effect of achieving fast trigger response and cycle time. I'm sure that back when MOSFETs were not a thing (and most importantly we didn't have dickheads posting on YouTube) nobody really complained about being peppered by 30 RPS guns.
  11. Just don't go for a super tight bore, it's all marketing bollocks and 6.05s will yield much better results than 6.01s.. Oh, and if you really want to sling 0.3s, get a new hop rubber.
  12. And that is why being forced to play in clubs is a massive plus We get to know each other relatively well and we can spot dickheads right away (and handle them properly before they cause any sort of damage).
  13. Yup, reduces power without having to cut springs or shorten the barrel. Plus helps avoiding PME and a bunch of other benefits like faster cycle time. Just make sure you have enough air volume before getting excited with a Dremel
  14. Knock one tooth off the sector and you'll be golden.
  15. Could be the phone mic but that doesn't sound healthy.
  16. Yo I'm not in the Sahara!!! My field is at about 600m asl and it gets as cold as you guys
  17. Yep 70s don't deform as easily as 50s and 60s, give much better results in full auto fire than the softer counterparts. 50s are way too soft even at 1J.
  18. Give me ALL THE FUCKING ROF! Actually I've had this very discussion with a couple of teammates (kids mostly) not too long ago. We were chatting about upgrades and they wanted to know what a good RoF was, told them it's around 22 because it still gives plenty of plastic being thrown over there but at the same time you don't empty a magazine in 2 seconds flat. (Unsurprisingly, 22 RPS is what all my guns achieve on 7.4 batteries except for the pdw, which uses a slower motor)
  19. I did the testing in winter, where it doesn't get much warmer than you guys I mean I'm in southern Europe but I'm not in the Sahara yet
  20. If you go for a macaron, I suggest the Super variant, the contact patch is wider and it has two convenient shoulders that sit on the barrel window for better alignment and rigidity. Also go for a 70, I got better results with 70s than 60s or 50s in terms of consistency and range. Omega nubs are fine albeit you want the hardest one you can find for a more consistent hop. Motors I use both SHS HTs and ZCI 22tpa motors, the latter is much slower but runs super cool, the SHS will run a lot faster but heat up more.
  21. That sucks! It appears that the only option is to get a CowCow set then... Great, the thing is impossible to get here in Italy..I guess I'm fucked
  22. Let's play a game:

    Guess what makes my AK mosfet overheat and shut down?


    (I have no clue btw, I am opening it right now)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Skara


      Thanks but I think I know how to put a gearbox together :D


      It's just a matter of opening it again, cleaning all the grease from the mosfet sensors and reassemble again.


      And then do a proper test on the field to see if it overheats.

    3. strykerles


      I had that problem with a titan, had a blob of grease right on the sensor 😂

    4. Skara


      Yeah it's a mess, just like my life 🤣

  23. It was okay today. Played with midcaps because my lonex are all in pieces for maintenance and repairs (got very little spare time these days and everything takes thrice as long), I genuinely thought I would be outgunned but nope, it was completely fine, I guess I should use them more (on the ak, for example, if I can fix the mosfet overheating issue). Having a proper Odin does help massively though! Next time, of it's not raining, I'll crack out the ak and smersh, haven't touched it since this summer.
  24. Tfw you're too lazy to fix your broken high cap so you use midcaps instead :D


    Now that I have a real Odin I might use midcaps more often

  25. I use flash mags and have owned a G&G manual drum for a while. The drum is convenient and being mechanical it's almost indestructible, but it weighs a metric fuck ton (it's 2kgs fully loaded). That's the main reason why I sold it. Winding it is easy enough once you get used to it. Can recommend both systems because they work really well, just be aware of the newer lonex mags because I've seen quite a few die (the little anti reversal springs seem softer than what they used to be).
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