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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Yesterday we decided to switch things up a little bit: We set up a tournament-like day, so each game had an objective to accomplish (on top of eliminating the defenders), time was set at 10 minutes per game which made things incredibly difficult, so hard that out of 9 games played in this "mode", we only managed to secure the objective once Nonetheless it was a super fun day, hit calling wasn't the best but it's the usual suspects so we already know how to deal with them (aim for da face, KM style) and the kids enjoyed it so much As far as kit goes, I ran my standard "oh shit I forgot to pack the bag" kit, which is my pentagon flatpack clone + rigged 1 point sling, King Arms PDW with drum mag, random camo I found (this time a-tacs fg bottoms and m81 top), many light, much wow.
  2. Armorer works? They're WEs with fancy red gas routers, I have one 50 rounder which works really really well
  3. Hello and welcome to the club. As far as holsters go, you should definitely crack out the Dremel, but shave off the holster instead! This because the Warrior holster seems to have this design defect where the plastic core presses against the mag release on a few handgun models (hi capas mostly). This way you'll have a more versatile holster and keep the mag release as it is.
  4. Lucky, I spent my Airsoft day riding my BMX at the local skatepark, because the forecast said it was gonna pour and all my teammates chickened out, instead we got a surprisingly warm sunny day -.-
  5. Whatever feels comfortable, really. Gore-Tex lined boots are great for keeping (cold) water off your feet but you'll need to take care of them (just clean them with a soft brush when all the dirt dries). Also read the first line, over and over again. A pair of expensive boots that doesn't fit comfortably will be just as bad as a cheap pair of boots that doesn't fit comfortably. I personally run Crispi Stealth Plus GTX boots. My last pair (similar to these) lasted me 8 years of abuse.
  6. Well the energy output suggests it's a hop up issue. As you guessed, it's most likely the hop arm being wobbly/loose, or it could be the tensioner being way too soft. The harder the tensioner (and stiffer the arm), the more repeatable the backspin.
  7. Today was a very short (rainy) day. Played three games then a lightning struck a hill literally 300m from us, we decided to fuck off right after Nonetheless those three games were super fun
  8. Just got back from a tournament. Haven't had more than 15 hours of sleep combined last week, so I was ultra exhausted, nonetheless it was a really fun event and I think we got a nice first place (results are expected today, will confirm/deny later). Oh, it never stopped raining, I was soaked until like 30 minutes ago. EDIT: results are out, we ended up being 4th out of 12 teams, between us and the first place there are less than 200 points of difference, which is next to nothing, between us and the 5th place there are about 1500 points, which is almost two complete objectives.
  9. Yo. I'm not dead! I've just taken a small break from online airsofting I'll be back to fully operational in a very short time (on vacation in Lourdes atm).
  10. that's top tech shit for you. Also brace yourself as at some point in the near future the gearbox shell will most likely crack, they're known for being super flimsy. Plenty of companies do 416s nowadays
  11. Just swap the cylinder (or rotate it so the small port and the blowback system aren't aligned anymore). Keep in mind that disabling it will boost your energy output quite a bit, as all the air now is used to propel the BB, but in the long term yeah, disabling that useless gimmick is the way to go.
  12. G&G mosfets are shit and should never be trusted. Ditch the whole thing and go for a Perun V2 Hybrid, installation is stupid easy and costs pretty much a couple beers more than a complete G&G SHIT-TU. The Perun ETU Upgrade Kit/ETU++ are good options too but then the weak link becomes the G&G trigger board, which is rather flimsy because the micro switches it uses (three, one for the trigger, one for the selector and one for the COL) are also the cheapest, flimsiest (yes i know), lowest quality pieces of junk G&G can find. Oh and G&G mosfets generally don't work with 7.4s because some utter mong thought it was a good idea to set the battery protection to 11.1 only if it wasn't clear enough I hate G&G with every inch of my soul
  13. Yesterday we had the first game post summer break and it sucked. Or at least I sucked. Wasn't motivated at all and kept playing like crap, zero situational awareness and generally crap aim (if aiming in airsoft means anything at all). Won't be playing for a month now (close friend's wedding on Saturday and then I'm on vacation), hopefully when I get back I'll be a wee bit more relaxed so I can focus on having fun rather than real life bollocks
  14. Can't be arsed to start jogging or going to the gym.


    Might get back to BMX/MTB riding...

    Oh well, another 5k down the drain :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skara


      Was looking at decent completes but the only one available here is a Mankind Libertad (at about €600), full cromoly frame, forks and bars with what appears to be mid tier parts.

    3. Druid799


      Just remember no one ever got knocked down and killed by a drunk driver when they where sat on their fatarse watching Netflix and NOT out jogging ! You have been warned .

  15. You can mod it, of course, but I don't think it's worth the hassle, there are more suitable rigs out there (starting with the competition multigun rig) for 7.62 mags.
  16. I'm using an AW one, it's working fairly well and it's €10 cheaper than them WEs. I'll buy a couple more whenever I have some spare cash
  17. Maybe the newer ones have wider side pouches, mine is from the first batch ever made and it's pretty tight for anything that's not an M4 mag.
  18. It only takes 5.56 mags, or 5.45 ak ones if you flip them bullets (bbs really) up. I would go for a haley rig if I were you, it's more versatile than the TMR (or the multigun rig) as it takes 4 mags instead of 2/3. And you can still use it with 5.56 mags due to the mp2 inserts. wut? They look like steyr 5.56 mags
  19. Then the OG manufacturer is Eagle with their Operator's Belt.
  20. The drum mag is inviting, but the weight is definitely not I still need to pull the plug on two more AW extendos but I don't use the smg enough to justify them.
  21. I was supposed to play tonight, but thank God we didn't have enough people Anyway, we managed to play two night games, last Friday and Wednesday, pretty challenging as seeing stuff is impossible and using a torch is a death sentence. night games in the woods are 99% reliant on noise, so gameplay was a bit stagnant, but fun nonetheless. Note to self: mk23 as a primary next time and LAM upgrades.
  22. I kinda want to replace the whole set with cowcow parts but they're overly expensive to import. I might eventually just replace the hammer. Thing is, the AA hammer is just as expensive -.-
  23. Will he make me a speedsoft HPA TM recoil?
  24. You could also try spur first, you know, there's not only ONE way to do things
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