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Everything posted by Skara

  1. I'll crack out the calibre tonight but from memory it should be an M3 nut.
  2. Btw I own a C-08, it's my tournament gun Although there is nothing original left inside apart from the gearbox shell
  3. I'll elaborate more: Having a realistic feeling gun is great, but in terms of actual performance on the field, the body being polymer or metal doesn't make any difference. Thing is, we are mostly lumping around our guns all day and slowly drain our energy. The weight of the thing will determine at what point in time you'll start to hate your life I'd rather have an all polymer gun that is light and manoeuvrable than something realistic looking but that will tire out my arms quickly. with that being said, Specna (along with Evolution, Dboys and Saigo Defense) offers more than G&G despite having a lower price point: proper steel bushings, decent brass barrel, QC gearbox and rotary hop unit, whereas G&G insists on brass bushings, pressed tinfoil barrels and those stupid geared hop units that a) are more expensive to make and b) they are flawed in design because they tend to unwind themselves. And they out screws on the wrong side of the gearbox -.- you pay for the brand (and a fancy polymer body with the 2.0 series) but get outdated internals. I know you can replace those parts on a G&G buy why pay more and replace parts when you can spend less and have them on board already?
  4. When I had the arp9 I couldn't fit anything in the pdw stock without the extension. Now mind you, I did have some extra wiring because of the perun upgrade kit, but still the battery space is too limited! I ran it on a pair of 11.1s that are roughly 130x17x18 millimetres.
  5. Get the C-25! You're getting more bang for buck than any G&G you'll ever come across and, let's be fair, it's much better to have a polymer body than a pot metal one!
  6. A retailer local-ish to me has one king arms pdw stock 😮 I'm waking up super early tomorrow to collect it on my way to my drone piloting exam Just need one more now (preferably in fde)
  7. Yesterday two kids got lost in the woods (very thick vegetation, especially in that area with trees so low you have to actually crawl underneath and you have no reference points to look at and track, it was also their first time in that particular part of the field). Now, we know the field like the back of our hands and finding them was easy, but why the fuck did you decide to NOT backtrack and instead you picked a completely random direction? Also, when people shout your name, why the fuck wouldn't you answer back? When confronted, one of them kept bitching because "he knew where they were" which was obviously false, if they knew where they were, they wouldn't have had to be rescued lol.
  8. It's the airsofter's natural progression: At first he plays with nothing but the gun and a couple of mags because that's all he can afford. Then proceeds to buy all sorts of stuff, plate carriers, pouches, tons of mags, optics and what not. The ultimate stage is back to gun + a couple of mags because the rest of his gear just slows him down.
  9. I had a rather bad day. Decided to take the t11 out for a spin, numbers were low so I thought it would be a fun easy day. Couldn't be more wrong. Wind kicked up instantly so I basically had to shoot ghetto style the whole morning, plus I kept making bad positioning decisions so I ended up with a whopping 0 kills day. Well, one, but still disappointing. I suck at sniping and my field doesn't help.
  10. What a rollercoaster! Glad your stuff didn't get stolen
  11. Then the Italian army poncho is the last thing you want lol I say get an mfh one, they're all pretty much the same rip-stop fabric and they all need a bit of waterproof treatment after a while.
  12. Not much to say about today's games. It was definitely a lesson for the new members to care after their kit, as 4 magazines and two guns died in the span of 30 minutes. We did end the day earlier because it started pouring, but technical difficulties aside, it was an okay day The weather has been inclement lately so a lot of trees fell and made my usual flanking routes an absolute nightmare to navigate but in the end I still managed to get past some pretty hefty defenses.
  13. Nothing special this Sunday, I shot some people, they shot me back, we were all shooting someone. In one game a lot of friendly fire went on and the attacking team wiped itself off, this happened because I found myself in the middle of said team, shot one person and then remained hidden in my bush. And I finally broke a flash mag the little anti reversal spring that keeps the wheel from unwinding itself snapped in half I have no spares so I need to sacrifice an old high cap to the Airsoft deities.
  14. Yes, but what if you're replacing a cracked unit? You can still use the "universal" arm
  15. It is still a good chamber! You can also swap hop arms with similar shape units, I, for example, swapped the arm with a madbull one once. Not the same dimensions but it fit nice and allowed me to use concave tensioners
  16. I can confirm they use an integrated type B tensioner. Definitely not an issue if you're not using a R-Hop or any other concave patched rubber (Maple Leaf and others of similar shape). In theory it works exceptionally well with PDI W-Hold rubbers. Adjustment is SUPER stiff but once tuned, they stay there no matter what. Before buying three Maxx chambers I had one of those (black) in my PDW and it worked flawlessly with a prommy purple.
  17. Today was....okay I guess. Had to lend my M4 to one of the kids because his motor committed sudoku so I ended up using the pdw, we also had three new people. Games were a bit slow and it seems that most people forgot how to play (direct assaults instead of flanking, communications and team play in general), but overall it was a nice day. Next Sunday hopefully my sniper kit will be somewhat ready.
  18. oh it's you sneaky rich!! Been finding this IG profile with cool pics, so gave it a follow will sub! Also please make headshot chiitaah videos
  19. And the E&L curse just hit me too.


    Didn't touch the rifle for a while, now it's rusted to all fuck -.-


    Oh well, time to make it look battle worn -.-

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Just some wd (or your preferred gun oil brand) and a rub-down with a rag.


      Tends to clean up nice most of the time.

    2. Skara


      Yep, I needed to take it apart anyway since the mosfet keeps shutting down due to overheating.


      I'll give it a good clean tomorrow

  20. Update: I just asked for a refund, $60 postage is stupid high AND I can incur in further costs should the parcel be stopped by customs and I definitely do NOT want to pay over €100 per stock. If they don't answer I'll open a PayPal claim.
  21. And I got stung with $60 postage -.- considering both stocks are $75 -.- Fuck it, it's super expensive but there is no other way to get them.
  22. Fucking found'em! Just ordered two King Arms PDW Stocks for my M4s, one in black and one in FDE
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