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Status Updates posted by Skara

  1. Just realised that the King Arms PDW has a proprietary upper receiver....

    And mine is slightly bent....

  2. TFW you work long hours and you can't sort your guns:


    Out of 4 AEGs, only one is in working order...

  3. Someone please help me (with my mental illnesses)...


    I'm buying a Land Rover!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. JinxDuh


      At least on the 1.5 hour drive back, you'll be able to find out if it runs "properly" or not 😂

    3. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      It was a sad day when the last proper Defender was pushed off the production line and towed home by their new owners.

    4. Jacob Wright

      Jacob Wright

      I owned a TD5, definitely pick one over a V8. Really easy to work on yourself if you're confident with tools, I used to service mine myself!

      Common issues are leaky sunroofs, rear air suspension failing, oil leaking into the wiring looms and the rear quarter chassis corroding away.

  4. Ruined a PTS grip yesterday.

    Applied threadlock and it INSTANTLY hardened, for some reason 😕

    1. Tactical Pith Helmet
    2. Skara


      It was a PTS EPG-C.

      Comfy, but not the best for motor alignment.

      Threadlock was loctite green (which is strong, but I've never had it have a boner the moment I put it somewhere).


      Not a big deal, I meant to replace it with a bog standard A2 grip anyway because in terms of motor alignment you just can't beat those.

    1. DerDer


      Nice but needs a Tigerstripe option.

    2. Skara


      It's just been released, I expect Helikon to dish out more colours with time. Ideally I would have liked US Woodland or even A-Tacs, but Taiga Green is fine too.

    3. DerDer


      Needs a Brushstroke option.

  5. What if I turn a ML MR-Hop into a R-Hop?

    1. Steveocee


      You have a ML MRR-Hop

    2. Lozart


      You'll break the very laws of physics and shoot yourself in the back of the head.

  6. Tracer unit suggestions anyone?

    Need one for an upcoming tournament :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamal


      Yes xcortech 301 is pretty good and also the wosport spitfire especially effective when used with gas guns.

      As @strykerlessays the xcortech has a long lasting battery.


    3. Skara


      I'm looking at something cost effective, I'm not going to use it that much to be fair, especially since 0.30g tracers are stupidly expensive and almost impossible to find.


      Maybe a Brighter C?

    4. Steveocee


      @Skara The brighter C is a very cost effective unit if you plan on "only" throwing greens. It's more or less the smallest on the market, is one of the brightest ones and has a nice auto off feature.


      I'm a little biased as mine has been amazing for the last year.

  7. I must be cursed.


    At first, the unity riser I got from AliExpress went back to China because the courier was retarded, then I ordered one specific stock and received a different one, then ordered two Helikon windstoppers that were never posted, now I ordered a Maxx ME Sport hop unit and got a Pro.


    What the fuck?

    1. Rogerborg


      That's what you get for not buying a piece of lucky heather from an old gypsy woman.

    2. Skara


      Next time I'll make sure to buy something :D

      For real though, I have never filed so many refund requests.

    3. strykerles


      Welcome to Internet shopping 😁

  8. Energy loss in semi, but not in full auto.


    That's a new one for me!

    1. Skara


      'twas the FPS cylinder that for some reason was acting up.


      Reverted to the old Specna cylinder and the muzzle energy is very consistent (again).

  9. Of course I have to shim the retro arms gearbox inside the receiver -.-


    Fucking Airsoft and its "standards"

    1. Skara


      Nvm, turns out the outer barrel was shit and forced the hop unit to sit at an angle.

  10. Alright, trying the infamous "bevel to pinion" shimming method..

  11. Tournament tomorrow, a bit nervous because I am the team leader.

    Also we are forced to use brown BBs which means nobody will either hit shit or call hits.


    Recipe for disaster tbf

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      I use coloured BBs to identify weights.  About 5% of my .25s are black, .32 are grey, .20s green etc.  


      Geoffs Black and G&G green work fine.  G&G do light brown from memory.   


      Good luck with your next game! 

    3. Skara


      Yep, we sucked.


      11th out of 14. Definitely need to work on my "leading" skills.

    4. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      It's all a learning curve.   Teamwork is not my forte tbh.

  12. Shortened M90, short stroked by 2, still 1.02J -.-

  13. I kinda feel bad for replacing my Perun Optical with a Hybrid. I may build a gun/gearbox just to use it again!


    I don't regret replacing the Titan though.

    1. Rogerborg


      Who had "2 hours, 51 minutes" in the Regrets Sweepstake?

  14. Out with the Titan and Perun Optical, in with the Hybrids!

  15. Just a quick one:


    My AK does 24/25 RPS on a 7.4v battery, it has a 36k warhead + SHS 12:1 gears.


    What ROF am I looking at with 18:1s?

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Rough estimate somewhere around(25rps*12)/18=~16-17rps


      Ofc might be a tad higher than that as the relative load on the motor will be lower with the lower ratio.


      Maybe 16:1 might be better gives an estimate of 18-19rps


    2. Skara


      Yeah, figured something like that.


      I'll get a 16:1 set then, hopefully it'll bring the RPS down enough to make the gun feed fine on high caps, gonna short stroke by 4 (1 pickup, 3 release) to keep the same energy output.

    3. Skara


      Change of plans, I'll use a 18:1 set instead.

  16. Gate Titan's brushless option is useless..

    All it does is disable AB -.-

  17. Trying this out tomorrow:


    If I like it, I'll buy it from my teammate.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Steveocee


      Needs a Supreme patch.

    3. Skara


      I'm probably gonna give it back and buy a HSGI micro grip pad, so I can turn my FRV belt into a suregrip sort of thing.


      Nonetheless it's a great belt!

    4. Jake_RFT1695


      @Skara Let us know how the FRV x HSGI MicroGrip combination works if you decide to go for it. I've been looking at doing the same for my setup. 


      Cheers, Jake

  18. Hosting a 12h night tournament this weekend.

    I don't know what to wear, or what gun(s) to bring.



    1. 1st commando

      1st commando

      wear the pink heels , they liked those last time :D


    2. strykerles
  19. I have four V3 tappet plates.


    All four have different lengths and each one of them pulls the nozzle up to a certain point (only one pulls it all the way).


    Wii tech



    Small Italian brand.

    Guess which one seems to be working best?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara




      I now need to buy one more.

    3. Rogerborg


      Four?  Four?



    4. ak2m4


      @Rogerborg I miss old TNG trek, new stuff doesn't do anything for me. Sniff.

  20. TaiwanCunt parcel is due tomorrow :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Well, at least we've taken back control of our borders, our laws, and our money.















    3. strykerles


      did it turn up?

    4. Skara


      Yes, yesterday afternoon:)

  21. Fuck Combat Union.

    Fuck E&L.


    Fuck me for buying both.

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Skara


      The problem with wedging the gearbox forward is that the motor is then pulled back by the pistol grip, and in my case, no matter how well I shim the box it'll always sound like a bag of nails because the motor is pulled out of alignment.


      I'm gonna give it one more shot tonight, if it fails, I'll buy the Cyma.

    3. Skara


      Yup, as expected, the last attempt failed.

      Cyma CM.045 here we go!

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah it can be a tricky thing,


      suppose tbf the fusion build wasn't exactly concerned with the motor engagement.


      i've had some limited success with a grub screw through the alignment tab on the motor cage to put sideways tension on it, but that doesn't always help.

  22. I wonder what could be a decent colour for things like trigger and selector switch/dusto cover to match with a 74u...

    Red? Silver?

  23. E&L gearbox crapped itself and now the selector lever screw hole is fucked.


    Should I call it quits and install a cyma gearbox shell in it? (Will transplant all the internals obviously)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Yeah thats about all you can do with the e&l original bolt, surprised its managed to fail.


      Sadly cant really advise on the shells, all me e&l's were running original casings although one would presume your standard cyma pattern wouldnt be too far off (subject to usual airsoft compatibility)

    3. Skara


      Yeah, but heh, it's dead now.


      At this point I am considering a Retro Arms gearbox, once I am sure it'll fit 

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      hard to say really.


      the only work i've done with a non-standard shell in an e&l body was installing a v3 fusion engine, which took a little fettling.


      i have worked on a retro arms box, although that was in an lct body, can't say i was particularly impressed with it, shiny yes but didn't seem to be practically any better than a stock casing.

  24. Turns out my piston head shook itself loose inside the gearbox.


    Now there's a metric fuckton of thread lock in there.

    Try and come out now, twat!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      The sheer brutality of 1J builds. 😢

    3. strykerles


      I had something similar happen, the screw on the piston head came loose and the attached bearings spilled out and jammed the piston.


      made a sound like a wailing cat 😂

    4. Skara


      Mine was working fine! Except that there was no air coming out of the barrel..


      I got very lucky the screw didn't make its way into the gears!

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