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Gepard last won the day on February 19 2019

Gepard had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    CM16, CM16 Mod 0, ICS L85A2, WE G19 G4, ASG M40A3, LCT AKM
  • Loadouts
    British Infantry (Afghan MTP, Iraq DPM)
  • Sites
    Alpha 55, Outpost, The Ex Site, Bristol Airsoft, Spartan Airsoft,
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Flying, shooting, gaming.

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  1. I've always wanted one of those flip to side magnifier / eotech combos. Finally managed to log in to AliExpress (god their website is trash) and order one. Quality is actually really good!
  2. Getting back into airsoft after a recent move. Was looking for some cheap storage for my guns. Went from wall racks to gun lockers to stands. Now, I knew that Novritsch guns were overpriced. You're paying for the brand, sure. As you please... But this did make me laugh. He's marketing a guitar stand as a gun stand and charging almost twice the retail price! Absolute dreamer 😂 Guarantee there's a few people who bought it too!
  3. I always wanted some Eutylone Crystal Product Strong Effect Stimulantimage.thumb.png.6ffb165687872938b4901ffd8bd095d3.png

    1. EDcase


      Just what we all need for game day 🥴😆

      Got my order in already to beat the rush 😁

  4. I think you've mistyped the price 😄 If you haven't - DIBS!
  5. I'm liking the new forum interface.

  6. Why do people on eBay bid up items in the first few days? Was looking at a cheap Red dot sight and it's now £3 less than brand new.. with 4 days to go on the listing. Just watch the item and put your max in at the end. Get it cheaper? Boggles the mind. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Dumb eBay auto bid.  Used to have to enter each bid individually, so they would go up steadily or not. Then they introduced auto bidding where the system will keep adding another until it runs out.  So if two people place their max bid, the system just bids to one increment above the lowest one.


    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I prefer the Buy It Now listings

      or where people are a bit desperate to sell items...


      Apparently, "do whatever the f*** you want" doesn't mean what I ...

  7. Bought one of those mini RMR sights a couple weeks back. Looks pretty good on the Glock and ACOG.
  8. Been awhile since this thread got updated. Here's a CM16 in the Spanish TV series 'Money Heist'.
  9. Seems a little steep considering I bought mine for £20.
  10. Finally got around to buying one of those RMR sights for the Glock. For £22 You get a decent amount of stuff with it and it's certainly one of the better looking replicas on the market. Figured I may as well get the mount rings for my Acog whilst I'm at it too.
  11. Prefired down for anyone else?

    "Forbidden, you don't have permission, etc"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rogerborg


      The https certificate for www.prefired.com expired on 02/08/2019


      Like with an expired passport though, it still proves that it's them.




      Chrome is happy to connect.


      Firefox does a GET www.prefired.com, which returns a 200 success status, but the response body contains 403 forbidden.  Then the GET favicon.ico is 403.


      Absolute clownshoes.


      tl;dr version - use Chrome, it's sloppy and accommodating.

    3. Musica


      I wouldn't put your payment info in to any site who can't show a valid cert.  

  12. Thanks, I saw. Just can't justify spending that much on a stock - even if it is RS.
  13. My cantilever scope mount arrived today. Just need a UBR stock and I'm sorted!
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