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Everything posted by L3wisD

  1. Seems that way. Haven't had an email about a form to fill in or anything, so fingers crossed.
  2. Mine Left Poland, and ended up in Germany... and then left Germany rather rapidly and arrived in the UK! Get in! 🥳 Aaaaand is delayed again
  3. UPS Also holding my Gunfire package hostage for the last week: Especially annoying because on the 25th of Feb, this little bar had the delivery date down as Wednesday the 3rd. And then changed to, DELAY - Thursday 4th. Not so bad thought I... Then changed to: HELD IN WAREHOUSE - UPS is holding the cargo at a secure facility pending instructions and agreement (but still down for Thursday the 4th). And then it changed again to it's current description: Nice 🥴
  4. If someone PMs you about an advert you've listed here and it sounds very generic "My uncle has some guns for sale - email [email protected] for more info"  It's probably a scam. Please report them to the moderators for DESTRUCTION! :D 

    1. L3wisD


      Thanks for the report after this, the scammer you pointed out actually had made TWO accounts - they've both been blasted by the Virtual 40Mike

  5. L3wisD

    E&C M733

    Don't know if you're specifically after 2nd hand, but Bullseye and Weekend Warrior both have them in stock: https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/ec-ec-329-m733-airsoft-rifle-aeg-metal-body-black-42422-p.asp
  6. That looks very nice indeed! How much, where from etc? 😁 (Or dibs on yours when you sell it next week!😅)
  7. Umm guys... I think we've gotten their attention 😬
  8. Couple of things from @ak2m4 MFT Battlelink style stock: 2" and 5" Barrel Extensions: And a cool new supressor... like the texturing on this:
  9. Yep exactly But... Did you get any email from an actual insurance underwriter? If for example a police officer asks to see your defence to check it's validity, without confirmation from insurance underwriters, it's the equivalent to saying you paid £20 for some bloke at the site to vouch for you.
  10. For anyone looking at this, I think it's a good buy. This is a Gen1 VX Plate carrier - now discontinued and getting very hard to find. They had to change the design to not be such a copy of the original.
  11. Nearly! They're tiny! The'yre also not very good 😅 I had the MP5 about 20 years ago originally, they take about 80-100 bbs in through the top of the gun, like a hopper.. Fires about the same distance as a springer pistol and only does full auto. But they're funny as hell. Wanted another for ages now for the lols, but the Marui ones are hard to come usually unless you import from Rainbow 8 etc. Didn't want the shitty orange ones they sell at Justbb. The mini Uzi is the coolest of the lot I think
  12. It's a pain TaiwanGun aren't sending to the UK... The new CYMA MP5 looks really good. Would've had one straight away.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ak2m4


      Maybe you can get one from HK somewhere?

    3. rj1986


      But think of all the sovereignty you now have instead....


    4. colinjallen


      What are the FPS and RoF of the sovereignty?

      Is it easy to get upgrade parts for it?

  13. One of the New Specna Edge 2.0 rifles (The E05 - the CQB M4) Excited to see how they've improved it. They come with Flat triggers licensed from GATE to work the best with the Aster mosfets, the previous Aster-fitted Specnas used standard triggers which didn't agree with the Aster. And they've apparently tweaked the gearboxes to fix the problems they had with Edge gearboxes failing. Oh! and a Flat hop as standard - but I'm not sure if it'll need swapping for something softer. Typically Specna stock rubbers are too hard as they are meant for the 400fps players on the continent. But!.... we'll see!
  14. You're looking for the gun that's just hit UK shops at approximately £415 for only £200? You'll be waiting a while I think, Friend...
  15. Hey you guys.. if you could vote for The UKARA Police in the Popular Airsoft awards my.. err.. "friend" will appreciate it 😁

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Done & shout out for Luke also


      I could feel myself getting triggered there was no trans/non-binary player award - oh well maybe next year I might get nominated :D

    2. Druid799


      @Sitting Duck I identify as a fat knackered Welshman , where’s my p**sing players award ! 🤬🤬🤬

  16. Another new patch to add to my UKARA Police loadouts 😂
  17. 😬 I made this image about two years ago... Didn't realise they actually did shit like that 😅
  18. Show of hands please: Has anyone been messaged about an SL8 DMR Swap?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sharpe


      my hands up high 😂 wanted to swap for an ad i had up back in 2018

    3. L3wisD


      @sharpe could you do me a favour and report that pm please?


      It's the little flag icon in the top corner

    4. sharpe

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. proffrink


      @BeggarsBeleifUsing the same email domain and same region, so pretty easy in the end.


      Already implemented the policy of lower message allowances for new accounts as of last night. Post to come today about this.

    3. BeggarsBeleif
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