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Everything posted by L3wisD

  1. E05 Edge 2.0 actually Going to stick a battery in it later and have some fancy photos taken
  2. It's arrived!!! Out of the blue! Covered in dust and looks like it's been kicked around a fair bit. BUT hasn't been opened by border force, and everything is safe inside. But still.. 50 days this took to arrive! 😳
  3. As far as I'm aware E&C are still the guys on the original Specna One Series, which is why they are still the best in the range.
  4. These spam bots are getting smarter... The latest was even going to come to the forum meet-up!

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      did we figure out what he was trying to sell?


      because i still dont know

    2. ak2m4


      does the bot have a sister? 🙂

    3. Impulse


      Should've let them. Always wanted to meet a spam bot in person

  5. Ooooh my tracking updated! Let's see what it says! Very excited to see when it'll be delive... Oh
  6. Hoping it's just lockdown lethargy, but is anyone else not arsed about going back to Airsoft?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. #blackadder


      Book a skirmish - do it - see how you feel after . I’m sure your mojo will be back ......


      ......if not , can I have your stuff?



    3. IFartedOnTheWayHere


      I agree with blackadder - go play and see how you feel.


      I played my first game day in over a year yesterday, at Fort Wood in Leicestershire. I definitely feel a lot better for it, and I'm probably going to play more often now than I ever have before.

    4. Druid799


      I do want to get back , to get playing again and to see my airsoft buds more than anything but equally I can’t help thinking first few wks back are just going to be one clusterfuck after another due to the fact everyone IS SO keen to get back and start playing again that the gameplay/rule following/common sense/etc is just going to fly out the window ?

  7. Current Situation (No reply to my email yet either) Don't know whether to laugh or cry 😆
  8. I've emailed the Trustpilot email address this morning: Morning, I'm sending this email as requested from a response to my Trustpilot review. I've no idea what is going on, but after my review, the parcel went into "It's on it's way", but with no delivery date. And then on Tuesday night, it changed to "In Transit" with a delivery date of Wednesday the 7th, between 8:30am and 11:00am. It didn't arrive, and the tracking this morning still shows the delivery estimate being yesterday between 8:30 and 11:00am. But I've just noticed it hasn't been scanned out of Stanford Le Hope, so how it was ever going to get delivered to a Reading post code is beyond me. Please let me know when or if I'll ever see my parcel, as it has been 43 days since the parcel left the shipper. Meanwhile I've had DHL, TNT and FedEx delivering parcels from Germany to here within 3 days of being sent - I cannot fathom what is causing the delays with UPS as bad as they are. Regards, Lewis
  9. Hour and a half after the delivery estimate... and it hasn't arrived. It's not going to arrive again, is it? ...I'm not sure what I was expecting to be honest. I'm annoyed at myself for having hope again
  10. This could potentially be my final post in this thread! 😮
  11. I'll be able to let you know if my Gunfire delivery ever arrives 😅 Mines changed to "on the way" with no delivery day
  12. Just come off the phone to UPS to a Italian sounding chap. "I can see your parcel will be delivered tomorrow between 09:27 and 11:27am" "But tomorrow is a bank holiday...do you mean tuesday?" "Yes. You're correct. It will be delivered tomorrow" Oh.......-kay then.
  13. Still held in warehouse.. won't be getting it before bank holiday weekend then. Some guys in an MP5 owners group have reported some TG orders being sent back to Poland. 😨
  14. UPS are still holding on tighter than a kid on a roller coaster... Good thing I'm not playing until May 🤪
  15. @Johnnyg - if you're on Facebook, search out "Spring-soft" It's a group (hosted by our one and only Heroshark, above) all about springers. It's a great resource.
  16. And then your first dose of kidney stones costs you £50,000,000 in hospital fees 😂
  17. That would be great actually! Make a site that has 3 or 4 different replicas of video game maps! Play DE_Dust before lunch, followed by a bit of CS_Assault and maybe some TFC_2Fort to finish the day!
  18. Please use the existing Taiwangun / Gunfire / UPS Catastrophe thread:
  19. I'd probably buy enough land to build an exact Replica of The Mall to be honest.
  20. In the nicest possible way mate, if you want someone to part with nearly a grand you're going to need lots of good photos. A screenshot of some part numbers and a YouTube screenshot ain't going to cut it.
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