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Everything posted by L3wisD

  1. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT What the heck dude?
  2. I'm sure it's a lovely pistol - absolutely moistening nice, but I'd never ever spend that much on a pistol. It's the sort of collectible thing that @Marc.RG1 would like though? This is the other one I saw today it's not so much the price, which I'd say was reasonable, but it's this line: Reliability cannot be gauged from a bit of plinking and one game? You can only really say it's reliable if it's got through 8 or so games with no issues, surely? Especially given how fickle these G5s can be. Didn't @sonofsammo have his break after one game?
  3. Hang about, you took the piss out of me for my.... "Tactical girdle" I think your words were
  4. Need to shift the Nuprol rail I've got for sale - £34 now!

  5. It shall henceforth be known as "Mack's Law" For example: Find "£" £ = Cost of Gun when new -10% + RRP of "upgrades" x11.5% A CM16 RAIDER S with a cheap red dot and a nuprol silencer and vertical grip would then be: £132 -10% = £118.80 +£30 red dot +£9 grip +£9.99 = £167.79 x11.5% = £187.09 Sounds about right to me
  6. Why did you take of a photo of your gun in an allotment?
  7. Love that @Dredd! Looks well cool!
  8. Going to be listing a bunch of stuff for sale later.

    I've got a rail, torch, grips, rail covers and... My Tippmann :'(

    1. Gepard


      Malltwats will jump on that. No postage :D

    2. Duff


      Surely a divorce would be cheaper and less painful?

  9. Oh! If only I could find a combat machine raider, in two tone, for only £3 less than the cost of a new one... Waitasecond...!
  10. Need money to fix the car. Guess what has to go....

    Last in, first out - Tippmann has to go :(



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Albiscuit


      Sucks dude!! Sorry to hear that..

    3. Marc.RG1


      No problem Lewis, if I've not sold it in a few weeks I'll just give it to my nephew he's after a new gun. Hope you manage to get both sorted soon mate. :)

  11. Really want an incentive designs MFG, Anyone know anyone who wants to sell one? Now ID have gone down the pan there's no hope.

  12. FFS, just as I'm happy with my AceTech Lighter for being so small Xcortech have got the XT301 which is even smaller!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Albiscuit
    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      That one on amazon is for users whose style is...


      " spray & pray "


      ok I'm getting my coat

    4. Albiscuit


      Your getting your coat, im getting one for my gun ;) 

  13. Thank Christ it's back... I was having withdrawals there for a minute

    1. Duff


      I felt like a crack addict every time I checked and it was still offline!

    2. Prisce


      So glad I wasn’t the only one. Was getting that twitch..

  14. AFUK MallTwats assemble!

    Who's playing next Sunday the 1st?


    1. ImTriggerHappy






      Hoping to



    2. Duff


      With brass bells on! I got a new Morriss dancer loadout!!!

    3. L3wisD


      Looks like you're catching the train then... :lol:

  15. Finally got around to buying a Nuprol hardcase. Used the eBay 20% off voucher code and got it for £51. First thing to go is that foam and replacing it with Kaizen foam.
  16. I've only just seen that post by Dev that said he's handing the forum over... I, for one, welcome our new AFUK Overlord..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Soz, but just saying a big thanks for a great forum

      Thank you to the original guys for setting this up

      Keeping it going, plus all great members old/new....




      thanks again chaps

    3. Robert James

      Robert James

      Its a good move. Maybe your patches will become the Unofficial Official patches :blink:

    4. Albiscuit


      well they are already the official unofficial based off the official ones ;) 

  17. A Scuba tank fill up station for the Tippmann. And an HPA tank Pouch
  18. So... Those are good boots then I'm guessing from everyone's reaction?
  19. I've just bought a Tippmann M4 setup from a certain member on here. Just without the long keymod and silencer. The wife was very happy to hear this news. It's ok, I actually like sleeping on the sofa.
  20. Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/ycqassye As it's my first belt set up, I only wanted a cheap one to try it out first. Then I'll probably get ones of triggers in two months time
  21. I wanna get in on this "Belt only" set up like all the cool kids have! Got this coming Tuesday
  22. You can also ask @Albiscuit and @Jedi_Master as they have them too. I think the consensus is that they are great but take some getting used to. I believe anyway..
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