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  1. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Skullchewer in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    My friend Dave asked me if I could think of anything that could go wrong with a sentient spacecraft
    I said
     "I'm sorry, Dave.  I'm afraid I can't do that."
  2. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from StackUpAirsoft in Stack up Airsoft   
    There is a sticky post in this sub-forum relating to retailers.
    "A topic with a link to your website and a description about why players might wish to do business with you is absolutely no problem. Even better if you can come back to the forum and answer any questions that might be posted in your topic. Your own topic full of copy and pasted marketing spiel will get no replies (before it's deleted) and it won't look great on you."
    So this is permissable. Be good to get some more members' views on their shopping experience.
  3. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Skullchewer in Stack up Airsoft   
    There is a sticky post in this sub-forum relating to retailers.
    "A topic with a link to your website and a description about why players might wish to do business with you is absolutely no problem. Even better if you can come back to the forum and answer any questions that might be posted in your topic. Your own topic full of copy and pasted marketing spiel will get no replies (before it's deleted) and it won't look great on you."
    So this is permissable. Be good to get some more members' views on their shopping experience.
  4. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Rogerborg in Stack up Airsoft   
    There is a sticky post in this sub-forum relating to retailers.
    "A topic with a link to your website and a description about why players might wish to do business with you is absolutely no problem. Even better if you can come back to the forum and answer any questions that might be posted in your topic. Your own topic full of copy and pasted marketing spiel will get no replies (before it's deleted) and it won't look great on you."
    So this is permissable. Be good to get some more members' views on their shopping experience.
  5. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Jamsandwich in Vision Express...   
    Should've gone to...oh, you did...
  6. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    I own two shirts and some neckwear that used to belong to a guy out of The Mamas & Papas.
    All the sleeves are brown.
    And the tie is grey.
  7. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Skullchewer in Aggression! Insults!   
    Oops, sorry @Jedi_Masterforgot the no caps
    I blame Tackle. 
  8. Careful Now
    Jedi_Master reacted to Rogerborg in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    From his selling history, bloke's got one of those very specific mid-century history interests.

  9. CoolAF
    Jedi_Master reacted to Impulse in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Very well, in an attempt to bring this thread back on topic I will present you with an almighty wall that would make even the great orange cheeto himself proud...
    I went to Worthing for a skirmish day over the weekend and it was the first time I've played all through the day. With my health issues out of the way now, I've got a bunch of weight to lose (again) and fitness to build up (again), plus I was taking my new, lovely m40a5 out to play. I had set up the hop, zeroed the scope etc last game day in the regular m700 stock, but since the m40 stock arrived I took the receiver and barrel assembly out and just put it straight in the new m40 stock. Didn't need much beyond some fine tuning of the scope zero, but it was still flinging BBs out to the 75m target accurately and with ease, so I was a very happy little sniper. It hasn't been this consistently good ever, as first time I tried the Action Army hop unit it sent absolutely everything to the moon, but with this build (using the Action Army hop unit, but a Modify X-range rubber instead of a Maple Leaf autobot) it's lovely and consistent and sending plastic out to the ranges where I need it to.
    Also, fortunate that I always bring a spare gun as my friends' m700s were both acting up, so I gave him the ol' reliable Cyma SR-25 to go and have fun with (and have fun he did!).
    Anyway, first game was a very quick warm up game that the head marshall called Rorke's Drift. One team was set up around the Tower base, with their respawn being the chapel building next to it (as there was an infirmary in the film that had the wounded soldiers in). Defenders only had a single respawn from there and no medic rule; when shot, they entered the chapel from the front and left out the back. There was to be no shooting into the front of the chapel, but once they got out the back they were fair game. Attackers spawned from two different spots, one on each side of the Tower base, so the defenders were very much surrounded. Was only supposed to be a quick warm up game, and a quick warm up game it was. We were on defense first, so me and my friend set up to cover one side from near a fence line, as one of the only places where we knew we couldn't be flanked easily due to the site boundary. We hid ourselves incredibly well and had a great line of fire across the base, so we started racking up the kills, however after my friend got hit I didn't have nearly enough firepower with a bolt action rifle to stop the enemy team from just swarming into the Tower and taking it. Also, I was so well hidden that the dead players all came and stood around me, not even noticing I was there despite me not wearing a ghillie at this time of year, and my gun is so quiet that they didn't even notice the shots. 15 mins was their time and we swapped sides. I knew exactly where I would go on the attack, knowing a nice little spot I could take that would give me a really nice sight line on the rear corner of the chapel building. If they exited and turned left, they went straight into my crosshairs; not a problem if they move fast, since BBs have a flight time and there isn't enough of a gap to lead a shot effectively, but for those airsofters who just milled about (and you know airsofters love to meander and all stack up behind a piece of cover) it was basically a guaranteed shot for me. I managed to get into the position fairly easily, with my team clearing out those on the immediate barricades after I called out their positions, and once I was there I started to rack up the defenders. You would think they'd learn after someone gets shot standing about, but they kept standing and gawking around the corner that was in my crosshairs, so I spent all game just taking them out. Eventually, we got into the Tower in 11 mins, winning the game after a slow start that built momentum quite quickly.
    Next game was... useless for me. Three flip cans in an area of the site ironically called Clearing, but it is anything but clear. During the summer it is basically a CQB killhouse, but instead of walls it's thick bushes. Imagine playing airsoft in a very unkempt hedge maze and you're pretty much on the nose of what the gameplay in there was. Now, I had an MED of 30m and since you're lucky to shoot over 3m my rifle was basically useless. Also I had forgotten to gas up my pistol magazines, so I was running on residual gas charge from last game day (one mag was decently gassed, two had some gas in, one had barely any and one had literally none). So I just took it as an opportunity to practice my sneaky-beaky skills instead, sneaking my way along the boundary until I got to their side where they had to enter from and started cutting off their reinforcements. Unfortunately, my sneaking took the vast majority of the game, so it wasn't long before that game was also over. I think our team had all 3 flip cans in the end...
    Last game before lunch was a flag raising game around Bridge. Bridge has recently been vandalised by local yobbos so it's more like a platform across what is a small river outside of summer (it dries up in the summer though) and there were two flags there; one yellow and one blue. Obviously, blue team had to raise the blue one and yellow had to raise the yellow one, while making sure the opposing colour is down. While the first few games had been a bit one-sided for us blues, this showed that the yellows were more mentally resilient than the blues as a lot of blues took an early lunch after being frustratedly shot trying to push up. The bottom of the site where this game was taking place is another area that is very thick with foliage and the yellows had a few people laying under bushes and spraying us as soon as we got close. Furthermore, a few on their team managed to successfully flank around us and starting shooting us in the back, though the two of them learned to never try and surrender kill me and my friend; a surrender kill is not a bang kill and is optional. The idea is you shout surrender and the person can take it and walk off, or they can try and resist and risk getting shot point blank. Me and my friend never take surrender kills, so... They yelled out surrender to a group of about 5 of us and while the other three took it, me and my friend did not and we shot them, though he got taken out in the process. After this I managed to crawl up into a position with a view on the path, though the foliage was very thick and punching through it with a sniper rifle was difficult, but it was also so well hidden that when that same pair flanked around us again, I took them both out with the pistol. Had to wait for perfect shots though as I only had one good mag, so I couldn't afford to get into a gun fight! Suffice to say, with half of our team throwing their toys out of the pram and the yellow team staying resolute, we got absolutely hammered in this game.

    After lunch, the marshall decided to split me and my friend onto separate teams. He had managed to get his m700 working, but it was only firing at 0.5J. It was still ranging out decently well, but you could barely feel it and the projectile was slow, so as he was the only person on the other team who knows my spots (and I know his), I took that into consideration and stuck to spots where my 2.3J would give me a strong advantage. Unfortunately, this also made me somewhat predictable, as there are only so many sight lines at Worthing at this time of year. We got out for a three base domination game and I ran along a path, thinking their respawn was a lot further back than it actually was. I immediately bumped into my friend who was sitting to the side in a bush, but he screwed up his shot, missing me and then getting shot by the player behind me before I could draw my pistol and shoot him myself; he left his pistol in the safe zone as his bolt action had no MED at 0.5J, but it meant that his screwed up shot cost him and he couldn't make follow up shots quickly enough. With that near miss gone, and my friend telling me where their spawn actually was, I pulled back to make sure I wasn't going to be spawn camping. He came back (and I don't know why he did...) and immediately got hit by me. However, once he respawned again he moved into a position that I was never going to hit him in, since the gap to shoot through the trees where he was posted up was so tiny and at 70m+ range, plus it was in darkness so seeing the gaps was a challenge enough in itself, I was never going to hit him. I sent one shot his way, adjusting for wind and watching it sail towards him and apparently he told me afterwards that the shot was bloody close. It impacted with the part of the tree right in front of him and gave him a bit of a scare. I knew he couldn't hit me from that position, so I was fine where I was, but I moved on after a pair of his team ran down the path at me, not knowing where I was and getting lit up by my pistol, with all 5 of my mags now gassed! I moved off to another position and caught my friend again as he pushed up, waiting for him to step into a slight clearing in the holly bush before shooting, as I could see more of his team on my flank that I would need to shoot as well. This went well, but by this point I was now surrounded on all sides and enemies were less than 10m from me. I stayed very still, only taking the occasional shot with my m40a5 (as I had learned earlier just how quiet it was), but I was eventually shot in the boot by a respawning player who had pushed up again with a rough idea of where I was. I fell back, respawned and came back in, pointing out a sneaky flanking manoevre that the enemy team were trying and letting everyone know. I couldn't do too much about it, but my team cleared out the sneaky players while I focused on the middle area, which was far better for me as it was far more open. By this point my friend had also given up and was watching with two of the marshalls. I had laid down behind a tree, bipod deployed and sniping along a path that the yellow team just loved to move up and they were having a real giggle watching me pick them off every time. One of the players on the other team, who is also a marshall but wasn't marshalling that day, knew it was me, but had no idea where I was until I shot him, he gave a laugh and a wave my direction and went to have a chat with the marshalls, spotting me behind the tree (he was good-natured. He wasn't doing it to find where I was and he didn't come back or tell anyone on his team about my location). I wasn't sure how the game was going, but when the game was called, apparently we held all three bases.
    For the next game I didn't take part, as I had lost a magazine in the morning and King Arms m700 magazines are literally £70 each, so while I didn't know when I lost it, I thought I'd revisit all the places I had been in the morning to try and find it, as it wouldn't get handed in because very few players would've been where I went. Fortunately, I did find the magazine and breathed a heavy sigh of relief, but between having a chat with some friends and searching for my lost magazine, I missed the game entirely. Oh well, I got back for the last game which was a simple attack and defend on the Tower base, got into one of my usual spots and did a bit of target practice. It was quite a breezy day, so I had to adjust for wind, as well as taking a few elevated shots as I'm currently practicing my long range shooting skills so that I can more reliably make those longer range shots (talking 90m+) reliably and consistently, eliminating as much of the guess work as possible. I definitely need a new scope though as my current one has no mil-dots and that would make my life a lot easier for getting a bit more consistency in these shots. We managed to hold the tower for the entire game and I had gone through most of my ammo in my sniper rifle mags (don't let that fool you into thinking I'm shooting like crazy; I only carry 3x 28rd magazines and generally don't need to refill outside of lunch), but that was the last game of the day. Headed back to pack up, have a chat with friends and marshalls and then go home for some well-deserved rest. 
    All in all it was a fantastic day of airsoft and probably one of the better ones I've had in a while, even though two of the games were not friendly for guns with an MED. Really happy with how the m40a5 is performing and will keep using it for now, as well as its uniqueness as nobody else at Worthing runs an m40a5 or m40a3. All of the other snipers are using MTWs (eww), or Modify Scouts, or VSRs, so nothing that even looks similar. That said, I think I may put the SR-25 away for a bit as my backup gun, as I've returned to only running a belt kit for sniping, meaning my chest rig is freed up for me to slap 5.56 mag pouches on instead of 7.62 ones, so I'm getting the TM MWS (it's an m16a4, not an m4) back out as my backup gun. I've put a longer barrel in it now, so the barrel pokes a tiny bit into the flash hider (it's not far enough to be visible), and an NPAS so I can dial down the power when the joule creep inevitably strikes.
    Looking forward to the next one at Worthing as it's one of their special ones following a narrative that one of the marshalls has put together. Will be one long game in the morning that continues after lunch, with objectives changing as the gameplay shifts and time passes. They've already asked us which team our loyalties lie with on Facebook, since there is a bit of loyalty to each side of the conflict as players tend to stick to one team, but in true mercenary assassin fashion, I've already told the marshall that my answer is "whoever offers me the bigger bribe"  
  10. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to AirSniper in Memes to chill the f#ck out   
  11. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to Cannonfodder in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    Buyers can make offers just as much as sellers can turn them down. However a simple no thanks is all that's needed rather than "getting shirty". Remember Harry's words of wisdom

  12. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to Cannonfodder in Questionable politics and airsofters   
    On a different note, is the Jerusalem Post hiring proof readers? If not they should be
  13. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from proffrink in Wishlist / liked classified ads   
    @proffrink One for you
  14. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Skullchewer in Opinions on UKAPU   
    Moderator Comment
    Far too many posts derailing this topic. OP asking for opinions on the UKAPU, not about each other. I am locking it now.
    • Thread bashing/trolling
    There will be some posts or threads in the forum that you may not like. If you dislike somebody's thread or some of the people participating in the discussion simply don't bother reading or replying to it.
  15. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Skullchewer in Recommend me a 1911   
    No no, that was just one I happened to have my eye on at the time. 
    I ended up getting a second hand WE Night Hawk in silver. Performs adequately, but looks niiiice in its leather holster.
    For all the "Just get a TM" folks, I now have four, as I picked up a Desert Eagle yesterday too. HAPPY NOW? 🤣

  16. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to RostokMcSpoons in Recommend me a 1911   
    ... it's got a laser that probably used to be on a shark, and it's see-through like an iMac, what's not to like?
  17. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to sonofsammo in Would a £120 scope survive a fall?   
    Two things about Vortex scopes:
    1) Increased likelihood of survival, as they are well built
    2) Doesn't matter if they survive, as they will replace/repair ANY damage for free, forever.
    I was talking to a UK rep for Vortex about the warranty and they have one single instruction from the parent company - they're only happy if the customer is happy.
    Now that is a good warranty.
  18. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to Adolf Hamster in Opinions on UKAPU   
    To be fair, an organisation that doesnt charge for its use or for that matter be particularly overbearing with engagement (as evidenced by my penny pinching self having thorougjly forgotten i'd signed up) it's hard to care that much about what they do.
    Yes in principle a single unified body representing our hobby sounds like exactly what we need, ultimately many folks simply dont notice or care the "on the ground" effect and thus are unlikely to give a monkeys if #3457 of their 10000+ strong email spam list are or are not in breach of their constitution.
    Until ukapu gets the widespread site engagement that means you'd realistically notice and care for a ukapu approval notice on their webpage then the majority of players are unlikely to care so deeply for how its run.
    Having left the hobby precisely because of a lack of consistent good management amongst the sites i have access to it seems obvious to me that what this sport needs is not government lobbying or annual general meetings, but a widespread network of sites that agree with a real world noticable effect on performing duties such as marshalling, good chronograph practice and site bans that not only stick at the sites that initated them but at others in their region.
    But alas we're stuck with sites that ask "what size bb's are you using?" With no real effort to understanding the effects of joule creep or for that matter the difference between joules and velocity measurements despite it being something anyone with a gcse in physics should at least understand the implications of even if they remain ignorant of the factors that cause it. Hell even when explained something as simple as "you can put a cable tie on most hpa regulators, here's how you do it *cable ties his own regulator to demonstrate*" or "you know you can can just print the site fps  limit of various common bb weights and sellotape it on the back of the chono" is largely ignored with at best a token effort to ask what weight of bb's a player is running
  19. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Tackle in The Abyss...   

  20. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Rogerborg in Real Steel Magazine Sales   
    Real steel magazines would be a no.  They are not airsoft.  A real steel stock or scope can be used on a toy gun, but a real magazine does not really meet that standard. 
  21. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Duff Beer in Opinions on UKAPU   
    Moderator Comment
    Far too many posts derailing this topic. OP asking for opinions on the UKAPU, not about each other. I am locking it now.
    • Thread bashing/trolling
    There will be some posts or threads in the forum that you may not like. If you dislike somebody's thread or some of the people participating in the discussion simply don't bother reading or replying to it.
  22. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Super64 in Real Steel Magazine Sales   
    Real steel magazines would be a no.  They are not airsoft.  A real steel stock or scope can be used on a toy gun, but a real magazine does not really meet that standard. 
  23. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to Adolf Hamster in Opinions on UKAPU   
    Tbh at this point i'm not sure how the argument started, what its about or how its continuing, it seems to be mostly arguing about how people are being argumentative in their arguments from argumenters who argue they arent argumentative as an an argument to the argumenter they're arguing against.
  24. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Shamal in Opinions on UKAPU   
    Moderator Comment
    I have removed posts that were going off-topic. Remember to play nicely, not all posts were being constructive to the discussion, and not everyone has a sense of humour.
  25. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Speedy Sloth in Mandatory hi   
    Welcome .
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