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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Just buy a TM recoil and be done with it then.
  2. Its probably £50 a time for a rental package but about £25 walk on so it might seem like you are saving £25 but your not really add up all the costs and owning your own kit doesnt save you much as you think. Gun a couple of batteries and charger about £170, face protection/eye pro £25 so that gives you £195 give or take a few quid.So when you play it costs £25 walk on and say you use a couple thousand bbs a time £6 that £31 to play you save £19. So you would have to go 10 times to get your money back for your gun and eye pro but if you play 10 times you will end up buying more kit within those 10 visits so you never really catch up. Give you a tip for me to break even I would have to play at least a 100 times more and never buy any more kit and thats not going to happen. Airsoft is not a good sport for trying to save money but great for divorce and bankruptcy.
  3. As has already been said above rent for 3 games get your ukara membership (its not a licence) have a look at what other players are using and talk them about the pros and cons of the weapons they are using. When you have done that make a more informed decision on what you want. Remember other peoples opinions are exactly that opinions and they are subjective choose what YOU like.
  4. Difficult question you need to be more specific. Whats your budget? What type of gun DMR, SMG, Assault rifle or other? Aeg or gas? What type of game do you want to play woodland, cqb or both? And most importantly do you have a defence?
  5. Kind of feel sorry for him and hope he gets back most of the money he paid for it.
  6. He actually said he paid £150 for it in an earlier post so its even worse. At the end of the day its an entry level gun with a couple of bolt on accessories, nothing special about it at all worth a about £100.What was the point in OP asking for an appraisal if he was going to ignore whats said?
  7. Feeling a bit beaten up this morning but it was worth it.

  8. No dont say that word they have computers that detect it. They will be monitoring us now. You've DOOMED US remember everybody its Josh's fault I didnt have a heart attack or just fall down a hole its all a conspiracy. Got to go kiss my kids goodbye its only a matter of time till they come for me now.
  9. You never know they have been experimenting on soldiers for years, look at gulf war syndrome. Might have been contaminated by chemicals or some sort of drug you could get some trousers and end up growing a third testicle. Dont get anything American for god sake it could be from area 51 and be carrying a deadly alien pathogen or a little bug that could burrow into your brain and take control of you. Got to go and put my anti esp tinfoil hat on now think the feds are monitoring me again. 😒👽
  10. Cant say as its ever really bothered me. There is the odd time when the same few people get you time and time again that maybe needs some form of retaliation but thats either a friendly please stop or worst case remove them with pyro so they get out your way for a few minutes. At the end of the day I have shot teamates loads of times so I cant really complain myself.Would rather be shot by a proactive team mate than be the only one pushing.
  11. Am I the only one who doesnt give a toss about ebay. All the cheap stores that use it generally have their own sites as well so never felt the need to use it. I think the only thing airsofters are really losing out on is the couple of extra seconds it takes to type in tiger111 or airsoftclub. But for that you are gaining the peace of mind of using a legitimate store. How many people on here have problems with ebay sales? Ebay are the only ones losing out, I guarantee soon you will have airsoftbay or something else pop up anyway.
  12. But it is fun to drop one from the top of the main stairwell you cant do that with a bfg or chuck them on to the balcony from the concourse. I know what you mean about the not lighting part though had two on Sunday where the striker had come off and its always the last one in your pouch.
  13. Normal pyro work better because there are less rules on how you use them.
  14. Soon as I saw the word operators I felt the bile start to rise up and the red mist descend.
  15. If people can argue about it it will always get a good response.
  16. Yeah pretty much about it. Took him a bit longer to get up than Wiley Coyote though.
  17. I got a better one on Sunday the marshall told me off for running someone over.
  18. Yep bloody P.C brigade, soon have a rule where you have to give someone a cuddle and band aid when you shoot them.I say kill all the time there is nothing wrong with it, it just a term.
  19. Its nice to get a new member without having to answer which combat machine or g36 to go for. Welcome to the forum.
  20. Difficult question really. I wouldnt say they ever have two many players in there as such, its normally about a 100 which is ok as while its cqb its still a big site.The problem is new players can struggle a bit trying to get around because they dont know the layout and how to play the site to its best. The other problem is if you get a lot of people camping in doorways and corridors it can create a lot of choke points and that can grind the game to a standstill. Its more a problem with players not throwing themselves in and not the site itself. The marshalls are usually quite good a coming up with games to prevent that though and nothing breaks a choke point better than the Terminator. I love the place but I have a bit of an aggressive play style so it suits me.
  21. To be honest I do try to keep track when on a roll as well but its difficult when its quite often in the dark and happens pretty fast, so its usually a bit of a guesstimate. 9 is ok wont say what mine is as I dont want to be cruel 😎
  22. Sorry mate dont know why I didnt PM you unless I deleted your message by mistake. To be honest I have dropped the invite to AFUK members because I had enough of not getting replies or people saying to put them down then dropping out. Dont really need players was just offering a few people the chance to explore when its not so packed.
  23. Couldn't care less. The only game I have ever counted how many players I get is the first infected style game at the mall. Hits I take I have never counted because to be honest its more fun to throw yourself in than hide in a corner worrying about getting shot.
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