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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Dont run a 11.1v lipo then. The gearset and motor will give you a decent trigger response and reasonable rate of fire. You dont need to shoot 35 rnds a second just make sure the first couple are on target. The PDI 6.08 or 6.05 are a good choice and wont affect the fps from standard. You will need either a m90 or m100 spring depending on your compression. If you want a good bucking nub combo try either a Firefly bucking and a flat nub or a Maple leaf bucking and nub. To be honest though I wouldn't do anything regarding the gearbox and motor until the originals break. All the money and upgrades to your gun wont improve your play much just playing regularly and improving your skills is the main thing. The most important upgrade is the player themselves.
  2. Whats the gear ratio on the box you are looking at?
  3. The pdi 6.08 or 6.05 will out perform the tighter barrels. I find bucking and nub combos are very much in the eye of the beholder just try different things until you find one which seems to work.Wouldnt go any higher than 90 or 100 spring other wise it will start going over site limits and forget the 11.1v lipo its not necessary. What are you actually aiming for with the build?
  4. 2/3rds is normal resale value. So that would be £345. Taking into account non working ebb plus missing buttstock end cover and some of the internal upgrades are no better than what it comes with as stock then £300 is probably about right. Sorry for the bad news.
  5. Gay originally meant light hearted and happy long before it was used in reference to someone's sexuality. Anything can be used or taken as an insult it depends on each individuals reaction. What has this got to do with airsoft anyway? Its not like shooting someone in the arse is sexual assault. At least not with a bb gun 😀 Is Idiotphobic a real term because if so I am one and proud.
  6. Thats a bad idea, half the fun on the forum is winding up the sellers who are trying to rip people off.
  7. Marshalling at the mall is always pretty good.Come on the 28th I will be there.
  8. http://www.socomtactical.net/sights-scopes/acm-flip-up-scope-sight-protector-with-clear-and-yellow-lens.html Think it might be worth investing in one of these.
  9. Your stock gearbox wont take the 11.1 for long. Just use a 7.4v lipo and your high speed motor.
  10. Wouldnt buy the vfc everybody I have met with one seems to have nothing but problems. Krytac guns seem to be getting a lot of love at the moment and the couple of people on here with one seem to swear by them. If it was my money I would buy the Krytac or the new Ics Hog or Ape.
  11. And people who dress up like action man and run around with toy guns aren't.Bit of a case of the pot calling the kettle black there.
  12. I wish but I have the kids 😟 Next game for me will be 28th.
  13. Get a lonex titan motor in there, trigger response is more important than overall rps. Use a 7.4 lipo with a 25c plus rating. Try a firefly bucking with a flat nub over the prommy bucking maybe but thats personal preference.
  14. I agree with duck you only want to run a 7.4v lipo. If you really want to use an 11.1 thats your call but that takes a lot more work to get running right. All Ics I have used have averaged about 19 rps with the 3000 motor and rest stock on a 7.4. You dont need the 11.1 for what you want its overkill.
  15. Pretty much what lozart said Shs 13.1 gear set Lonex blue piston Lonex pom piston head Lonex a2 titan motor Gate nano ab mosfet Do lose the turbo 3000 they are not bad but for £45 the lonex is better. If you haven't changed to deans connectors already do that as well. Change the trigger switch to a micro switch and get an adjustable trigger and away you go. It will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger and be solid as well, as long as you shim it properly.
  16. I always buy from UK stores when possible because I am a firm believer in supporting the uk economy.The problem is its very difficult to get a lot of high quality upgrade parts in the UK. If you do find them half the time its bedroom sellers who buy from abroad in the first place an sell it on and dont pay any tax on their sales anyway. Tried finding a Firefly flat nub this week ended up having to order from abroad, only two UK sellers neither had it in stock. Maybe if UK stores got rid of all the madbull crap and stocked what people really want they would do better.
  17. The two best Hong Kong stores I have found, Airsoft club Airsoft tiger 111hk Never had any shipping issues with either and prices are good.
  18. I hope you didnt shoot people and giggle about it when you were in the forces.😦You'll be another one on the front page of the Sun. 😉
  19. What a lovely post gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.My boy is pestering me to take him problem is hes only just turned 5.
  20. You can get orga widebores from Socom Tactical and quite a few places sell laylax ones. I wouldn't use a widebore in that gun anyway you lose a lot of fps and have work on your box to get it back.I would go for a 6.05 like the one linked below. http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/1340/s/laylax-prometheus-returner-6-05mm-bc-bright-barrel-300mm/
  21. I actually think a decent 6.05 or a 6.08 is generally better. Tried pretty much every decent barrel out there and found pdi 6.05/6.08 or an orga 6.13/6.23 out perform tightbore barrels. I think the whole tightbore thing is a bit of a myth unless used in a dmr or sniper rifle.
  22. Barrel diameter is based on the internal size. External diameter is the same on all barrels. Try this one http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/1340/s/laylax-prometheus-returner-6-05mm-bc-bright-barrel-300mm/
  23. I tried paintball a few times but wasnt a big fan then a friend asked me to go to airsoft. I thought it was going to be a bit crap to be honest. Unfortunately I caught the bug, now I go once or twice a month depending on commitments. I actually find it less hassle to play on my own and quite regularly bump into other players I know now anyway. Forget your friends just go on your own you will still enjoy it.
  24. Could of been worse he could of said KY jelly that would have definitely raised some eyebrows.
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