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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Motorbike is not a problem I know a few people who use them to get to games. Look at some of the backpack style gunbags.
  2. People that rate rhops so high are usually just trying to justify their effort. They do improve things a bit but not to the level of the the urban legend they have become. At the end of the day its a little plastic ball that can be diverted on its flight trajectory by the slightest breeze.
  3. Lapping a cheap barrel will not get the same results as buying a decent barrel. Its not about the polish more about the straightness and consistency of bore. Companies like Pdi, prommy and orga have specialist tooling and machinery to get their barrels as perfect as possible the cheap manufacturers dont even come close to the same level of accuracy. I will have a go at making anything but would leave a barrel well alone.
  4. Actually I think the ability to comment more freely makes this the most decent forum out there.I think its the responsibility of all airsofters to help prevent people from being ripped off. If someone is selling something that is rare or collectible for more than its original value thats fine. But selling something for more than its worth in the hope of someone being stupid enough to buy it is out of order. Some people on here say its the fault of the buyer for being ripped off because they should do there homework, this is true to a point but I still think the seller has the moral responsibility not to take advantage of someones ignorance. Its called being fair and decent and if your not and someone trashes your sale its your own fault for being a nob. Sorry to hear about your sale going wrong but if the person who says they could get it cheaper doesn't provide any evidence then they should be ignored anyway,I know I would.
  5. Thats pretty much it and no they are not worth the faffing about. A firefly or maple leaf bucking will give you results nearly on par.Flat hopping will give you results that are just as good but to be honest the differences are not that much of an improvement over a standard set up.Wait until your bucking shreds then try something different until then best to leave alone.
  6. Thats my guess I think someones just having a laugh and maybe trying to reel in a bite.
  7. Colonel kurtz has a thunder maul kit on his tm m4 high cycle. I found it quite comfortable to hold but he could give you more details on the pros and cons.
  8. I prefer Sundays I enjoy the game play when its packed its more hectic.
  9. I really hope that was a piss taking comment.
  10. No but plenty of spare parts for your gearbox is probably a necessity.
  11. No they are not but when you use paypal you pay for a service which is payment protection that service is pretty well covered.Whether you buy an item or a service you still purchase a product. Would be worth looking into for someone who has enough knowledge.
  12. Its so tempting to 2 tone my gun for a laugh. Would just love to see peoples faces when the crappy two tone out shoots their pride and joy.
  13. £19 Gate nano asr mosfet at firesupport. Will replace for free if it ever fails. No hassle better made doesn't break the bank. But 10/10 for having a go yourself.
  14. Wonder if a tennis ball launcher is covered? its a projectile launcher that is used in a sporting capacity. Which is exactly what an airsoft gun is. Also how can they refuse to cover a totally legal sale? I cant see how this would stand up in court no matter what their small print says it goes against consumer rights. The withdrawal of a service for the reason of because we feel like it.
  15. A truer statement has never been said.I have spent a lot of time and money trying to get my primary perfect but its made no difference to my game still play exactly the same and get about the same amount of hits as before.
  16. Basically as bits break replace them with better bits but until they do leave them alone. Why replace something that works fine.
  17. As I said each to there own. I personally like the light show you get with tracers and want the bbs to glow as bright as possible. If that doesnt interest you then the asg is a good little unit certainly works as well as if not better than the madbull and g&g units. I use an xcortech but unless you want all the extra features its an unnecessary expense and eats batteries at a fair old rate.
  18. Definitely 3 I have broken the wire off the connector when changing mine midway through a day. Its not a lot of fun trying to nurse a half dead battery through an afternoon
  19. Seriously dont bother.I got mine to work by filing the internal guides slightly and using a firefly bucking above them. I managed to get ok results not great but ok. Problem was I only got it working right once after I uninstalled it I could never seem to get everything realigned right again. I wasted money and a lot of hours for poorer results than a stock barrel with a flat hop. Get a PDI 6.05 or 6.08 if aeg or an orga widebore if gas. Miracle barrel is a bit of an overated con.
  20. This is exactly why I am getting you to do it. Being in engineering I am good at the tech side but artistic wise if it doesnt say crayola on the packaging I am out of my depth.
  21. What did it cost to build? Does the acog come with it?
  22. Fair play to the seller shame more sellers are not that honest.
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