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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Any decent gun will fire between 17 and 25rnds a second on average dont see how your pulling the trigger quicker than that. I know I cant get close to full auto rof even with a mosfet and an upgraded gearbox and I know because I have tried using a chrono. Fast yes full auto fast not so sure would have to see it.
  2. Got to agree with loz its like marmite. Me I love it but I know my way around so well I dont use a torch and love smashing through choke points and going flat out all day. If thats not your thing then probably not.
  3. If your travelling a long way a Sunday might be better. But yeah Thursdays are good the mall always gets a good turnout.
  4. Probably would do but the wife moans about how much I spend a month on airsoft now. If I spent a £150 on bbs it would be nothing compared the solicitors fees after.
  5. Spot on I mainly use 40rnd mags and since doing so find I rarely use full auto and pick my shots more. Also set up your gun properly, if you fire 6000rnds then I guess your missing a lot. (a hell of a bloody lot)
  6. Thats a great idea but I mainly user 0.25 tracers and a box of those works out at over £150.
  7. Greenpeace will be after you for deforestation cant be a leaf left in the place.
  8. Not my injury but I did knock some poor guy flat on his back yesterday. Sprinting through a doorway and he came running out of the shadows I hit him full pelt he looked a bit messed up for a minute. I thought it might be time to get a solicitor but he was ok in the end. Fair play to the guy he didn't bitch about it when I spoke to him in the safe zone after and it must of hurt. Seemed like a nice bloke which made me feel even more guilty.
  9. Jesus I use about 1000rnds max in a whole day at the mall and thats a target rich environment. How many kills did you get for 6000rnds or were you just spamming?
  10. Will PM you info when I know possible dates. You've got a definite invite because shooting the murican is always good fun.☺
  11. Going to try and organise a milsim type game there soon and will be chucking it up on the forum. You can come along to that one. This is just friends really not a forum thing.
  12. Right need confirmation on who is coming by tonight. Still a couple who have been offered places who haven't confirmed.
  13. Allrighty then time to leave that one alone.
  14. If you want a recoil aeg the only ones worth getting are the TM Recoil series or the PTS Erg m4s. MP5's that would be worth looking at are the TM high cycle if for cqb, if you want something a bit higher power check out the Ics MP5's. Dont worry about the pistol straight away just get a decent primary and dont listen to people saying about how much you spend its your money spend what you like. You will be better off with an aeg rather than gas gun for your first airsoft gun.
  15. You shouldn't have to do anything other than fit it. Thats some piss poor quality control.
  16. Yep good service bought a prommy nub and firefly bucking from them this week myself.
  17. That spring is very important it pushes your hop on to the air nozzle, if its not doing that then you will have issues. Find the spring or you can try packing it out to test but you definitely need a spring to use it properly.
  18. Thats evilYour an absolute barsteward You should buy him a real airsoft gun to make up for it.
  19. Nice people?Friendly people? Helpful people? Angelic sweet natured understanding charitable people? Which one fits best?
  20. Hes after a Par mk3 which is an AR platform gun so has a buffer tube.
  21. 99.9% of the time I agree with you 😝 but on this one I am right 😎
  22. Get a magpul prs stock. Looks awesome on a SR25
  23. Succeeding not trying. Get a sense of humour its more important in airsoft that anything else. If you were offended you can find the number for the samaritans in the yellow pages.
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