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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. PDW stands for Personal Defence Weapon Its a category of weapon not a specific gun.
  2. Could always just buy a vice and make your head smaller.
  3. Shipping can be a pricey and should be mentioned. VAT depends on where you order from I have had several packages from a couple of places that always put them down as a gift so no VAT. Still can get most things cheaper. Thing I think is wrong is being able to take the piss out of sellers on other forums but not the iffy ones on here. Double standards I think. Also think the people selling guns for basically new prices and claiming they are new should be checked out and maybe removed. Its obvious they are buying cheap from abroad and trying to sell on. Any airsofter is going to spank a new gun a bit so all these people saying only fired a couple of rounds to test is crap. I would buy a used gun from an airsofter but wont buy from resellers. Wouldn't try to make a profit from fellow airsofters would rather tell them where the deals are and save everybody money.
  4. Love it only thing missing is a smiley daisy.
  5. I use a viper tac vest has all the pockets I need and is nice and light. Going to swap out to molle belt soon as thats even less restrictive. Not a big fan of plate carriers they look nice but deaden the bb hits too much and I all I want to carry in a game is the minimum kit I need i.e mags,batteries and some tape.
  6. Whats wrong with the colour? I think it looks nice.Nice gun Josh ignore the naysayers.
  7. Worst part is some mug will probably buy it. There are some daft ones on here too theres a two tone pistol going for a more than a new one from taiwan.gun and thats with postage.
  8. http://www.socomtactical.net/sights-scopes/acm-flip-up-scope-sight-protector-with-clear-and-yellow-lens.html You can find them cheaper if you go on amazon or ebay but usually they are from china so will wait a couple of weeks.
  9. Dont need any as such there is normally about 20 of us but can probably fit about 10 to 15 players in. Dont want too many as its good to have fast games with plenty of movement.
  10. Thursday evening games are great but I cant make it very often because of work and family commitments. Will be doing another Saturday night private game soon if any of the regular forum members are up for it send me a PM.
  11. I mainly play alone. I prefer just getting on and playing and not having to worry about anyone else. Or maybe I am just an antisocial barsteward
  12. Everyone always blames the rentals or the new guys but in my experience the worst offenders for every offence possible is normally the elitsist players.The type who think they know everything there is about airsoft and unless you have spent 1000s on kit your a pleb. There sort who run around shouting on your six or tango down usually followed by "take your fookin hits". We all have met them they are at every game day. Maybe its time to stop blaming the new players as we were/are all one at some point.
  13. Thats why face pro is always a good idea.Never understood the people who dont wear it. I have seen some people laughing about face pro and saying people are soft for wearing it but wonder if they still think that when paying £600 to get the broken tooth capped.
  14. Unless you prefer high caps or low caps or a drum mag or even poking people with a stick. Nothing is better nothing is worse its all about how you want to play.
  15. Had it happen a few times I wear a full face mesh mask so its only to be expected. Bit of eyewash at site and sorted . I think at the end of the day if any of us was overly worried about getting hurt we wouldn't be running around like children shooting at each other with bb guns. Look between games in the safe zone how many people are proudly showing off their latest welt like its a badge of honour.
  16. Not clumsy just part of the fun in playing at the mall.
  17. Hurt my neck and shoulder muscles by running headfirst into a fire door in the pitch black. Bruised shoulder, elbow and ribs falling down stairs. Lots if scars on both arms from playing in a short sleeve top. Still cant bend my little finger 9 days after being shot in it, so god knows what I have done that. Think it might be time I slowed down a bit.
  18. The Mechanix Covert gloves have less padding on the trigger finger so work well. Nothing stops injurys to the fingers completely though, cant bend my little after over a week after taking a bb in the joint and thats got a padded rib across it.
  19. As long as its covered and you have a legitimate reason for carrying it there is no problem. The police have to prove you are carrying it for malicious purposes.There are a lot of grey areas in the laws but I have never heard of an airsofter being prosecuted for carrying a airsoft gun. I regularly take mine on the train and will be taking it on the train in July when I go to a skirmish in Dorset will be travelling with my police officer brother and his son. Dont think he would appreciate it if it was illegal.
  20. Yeah the cheek weld is crap with the mask you have to use a riser on your scope to be able to use it. Might give your idea a try.
  21. Or you could just buy a black bear rampage mask.
  22. Wrong. Its completely fine to carry an airsoft gun in public as long as its concealed in a bag or case. People regularly use the train or tube wearing combats and carrying gun bags.It only becomes an offence if you take the gun out and start waving it around in public. You can even carry it in the box it comes in. I really wish people wouldnt keep giving out duff info.
  23. Think he might of missed out the word, case or bag.
  24. Think I am going to have to get a tshirt made with this on. Will be my new airsoft top.
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