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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Think maybe someone is taking the game with TOY guns a bit serious. 😯Bit too heavy for me just want to run around like an idiot and have a laugh. But each to their own. Dont hate call of duty hate simulations that make people believe its just like the real thing while sitting in their chair dunking their digestives in their cup of tea.
  2. Got an Ics box thats never been shimmed. Everything is original hasnt even been regreased done about 30,000 rnds still looks like new so yeah I have bought a box that doesn't need shimming.Most gearboxes dont if bought from a decent manufacturer. Seen a fair few die because someone has reshimmed them badly though.
  3. Everybody is scathing of walts except other walts.
  4. Never really been interested in M4 style guns before but I am seriously tempted by the krytac cbr.
  5. Try looking on Firesupports website they have some good prices on ICS and G&G guns on there.
  6. Or maybe he has a bit of PTSD and doesnt think being in a place where there are flashbangs going off and people aiming real looking weapons at you is a good idea.
  7. Yeah I missed the V2 bit my bad so apologies for that. As for the rest I cant be arsed would rather converse with the people on here who dont make me itch.
  8. Thats a shame but I understand where you are coming from. If you decide to grab a game someday come down south to the mall. I will join up with you, can even give you a place to crash if you want to go for a beer afterwards. Wife would probably moan but thats normal.
  9. Found out about what? As I said mine doesnt and I cant seem to find anything for definite that a version 2 is out. If it is great I will be buying one. My issue is the way a lot of your posts come across as though you are always trying to be clever and a touch arrogant. I have emailed xcortech to find out if a new version is available and will be a bit pissed if I have to buy one as I emailed them to point out this feature was a good idea when I first got mine.
  10. Couldn't care less what it says I have been using one since July last year. It doesnt stop the gun firing when you reach zero the number starts flashing.You do like to tell people who have been playing longer and have more experience than you all about how things are dont you. Have looked everywhere for a version 2 doesnt seem to exist? Will email xcortech to see because if there is a new version I will have to get it.
  11. The xcortech counts but doesn't have a stop function. You can hear quite clearly when you dry fire though.
  12. It doesn't you still need a defence to buy it. Looks nice though I saw one a couple of weeks ago
  13. Josh95 is selling an ICS G33 perfect cqb gun. Nice and light and uses M4 mags.
  14. Bit late kid dont think any regular forum members will be willing to help you after that. I wont tell you what you should do because I am an adult and dont believe in swearing at children.Bye bye past your bedtime me thinks.
  15. The Alphabeat-David Guetta Concrete Angel-Gareth Emery ft Christina Novelli Snap-Keep it up Anything that gets the blood pumping
  16. Firesupport stock them as well but are also out of stock at the moment. Im not flat hopping I am dropping it in with the firefly bucking. Not had as good results with the prommy flat nubs, I have tried them. As for madbull I am glad you are getting good results but I have never liked any of their internal parts.If none of the bedroom sellers have any I will just wait for eagle 6 or firesupport to get them back in stock. Cheers for the post though.
  17. Yeah there ok. I havent used the firefly set up for a while. Decided to give it another go but the nub has gone walkabout.
  18. Eagle 6 was the first place I looked as well. Need the standard one unfortunately.
  19. Does anyone know of any UK suppliers that have Firefly flat nubs in stock? Preferably someone who has the standard aeg bucking as well as mines looking a bit tired.
  20. Because he said he wanted an SMG but not an MP5 which is an SMG and he was thinking of the Vector which is an SMG. So what was there to correct? He was asking what particular SMG's are good and instead you suggested to him a whole different classification of weapon and not a particular one.
  21. Very true all the stuff I have had usually has a £5 or £10 value on the paperwork.It is a bit of a lottery with customs, one day they will open something up and I will receive a bill but its worth it for the amount I have saved. To be honest its a shame to have to do it but a lot of decent spares can be hard to get hold of in the UK or are just ridiculously priced.
  22. Keeping the drama off is fine. But maybe a mod could be checking some of the sales. Would be nice to have a forum where people dont have to worry about being ripped off.Too many people doing it lately. Not that I dont think the mods already do a good job just hate seeing people get conned.
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