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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Tell you what when I get my Sig back out I will let you have a go at the mall and you can see what I do. Find a buyer for half your liver, a kidney and maybe your left eye and I will even build you a gun.
  2. Just not a big enough market. Especially for what I do.
  3. No sarcasm there is a big market for high end stuff amongst the collectors and milsimmers. No offence to this site but I never even consider selling stuff through here.
  4. Yeah they will. Stuff like this is usually easier to sell than the cheaper end of the market. Probably not on here though.
  5. Once white paint has dried will package a pair and post.
  6. I did make a set out of aluminium that were way better than stock but too expensive to be viable. These are just to remove the tail section where it sits against your hand and knocks it into safe.
  7. Pm me your address and I will find a pair out and stick them in the post. Issue pissed me off no end but other than that best out of box gnu around.
  8. If you have a problem with knocking the fire selector on to safe by accident like I did give me a shout as I have some 3d printed ones I made to solve the issue.
  9. The Wasteland events are not airsoft though. They are an immersive experience like taking part in a film.
  10. At that price probably fake. Wouldn't wear them even if real. Salomons only for me.
  11. Ics Ape in tan and I hate it. Colour is yuck, trigger response is meh and rof is laughable. Accuracy once I swapped barrel for pdi and flat hopped it is ok though. Time to get the tools out and then send it to Geartech.
  12. If you want a really good belt https://frv-tailoring.myshopify.com
  13. Cant say a bad word about Ghostbusters my 7yr old is nuts about them which means I have to like them too......or else lol.
  14. Roll on Sunday. 3 whole weeks without shooting someone I am getting twitchy.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      No you just say going to airsoft and leave half hour earlier.

    3. CarloBear


      Enjoy your day boys, looks like I can't make it rip.

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Thats a shame hope everything is ok bud.

  15. That horrible bit when you are trying to decide whether you should do family grown up stuff or say sod it and grab your gear and go to the mall for a few games.

  16. I know its an ASG I was just pointing out that even TM who are the most popular manufacter feel a bit cheap and off balance at first. To be fair the TM one is slightly better but not price difference better the ASG is a good buy.
  17. All TM guns have the same issue but you soon get used to it and and the fact it will still work in winter makes any niggles worth it. Anyone who gets bugged by people using poly guns is not even worth considering.
  18. Don't know what you mean I love drum mags they make it easy to spot the sh*t players
  19. Nice but have you ever thought about modifying it for a Scar H mag?
  20. Come play the mall the games are way more inventive.
  21. So what you are saying is Italian airsoft is like the Crystal Maze but with airsoft guns
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