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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Do you want one or have I already done your gun?
  2. If you have access to a 3d printer it is simple enough.
  3. Unless ASG have changed something very recently you should of been able to remove selector without disassembling gun. You can turn the selector to the right position and unscrew the grub screw with a ball ended allen key. I have done a few in the safezone between games, takes less than 2 minutes.
  4. If I was a ginge I would never leave dahouse!
  5. Wrong you just have to make sure you cover the nose as well as the mouth.
  6. BROWN you bullying bastid But if we are doing Yoda memes I matched your Yoda now I raise you a Boba Fett
  7. No you are safe everywhere the Crye shield 2000 extends around the wearer for at least 3 feet or at least that is what I was told.
  8. Best kill any player will ever get is with cheapest gun. Saw one guy run a whole day with a springer pistol for a laugh, happiest airsofter out there.
  9. If that is who I think it is love you too you twunt
  10. Well bollocks to you because I is Strawberry blond 😛
  11. No he is serious apparently my humour is abrasive....fair. Im am elitist ....not fair A wanker, a tosser oh and ignorant.... whatever. But the real shit one is he called me ginger... I AM NOT FUCKING GINGER
  12. Yes you fucking can so fill your fucking boots. Think that was just someone being polite which is fair.
  13. Read down the thread and realise something you fired a shot I took the piss back and you threw a hissy fit. Is not me who needs to grow up.
  14. You started the sarcastic comments for fucksake.
  15. Amazing how you like to chuck shit around but don't like it coming back isn't it.
  16. After seeing you play I must congratulate on a job well done then 😜
  17. Yeah when you only manage to shoot one person a day agreed a counter would be pointless.
  18. Yes and it was a shit idea and that is a shit unit. If you want a counter buy an Xcortech
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