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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. That bit when you hear your gun on a vid and you can hear the perfection. 

    Aeg whine can kiss my arse B)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      The accurate green tracer, I know that well :)

    3. Skara


      playing without gloves with an average 3 feet engagement distance xD

      must be painful...

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      I wear gloves just fingerless. Thats not my vid that is an SCA player. The only bit I really appear in is at 16.35 when I push them back and even then you dont see me just my bbs. I posted it to highlight the sound of my gun as it has kind of nice sound.

  2. Where did that thread go?

    I was having so much fun.

    @Jedi_Master come join the darkside it is far more entertaining.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      But it was still funny.

      Suprised I didn't melt under the heat being the snowflake I am :rolleyes:

    3. Jedi_Master


      Such a sensitive sole, when walking barefoot through the bluebell woods.

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Yeah I know might get a patch made up with callsign Tinkerbell.  

  3. The bb rolling through with no hop is normal. The double fire is an issue with the spring release. Its a simple fix that involves disabling the auto release when putting the gun into safe. Unfortunately I don't think that there is a video showing how to do this and with your level of expertise I wouldn't recommend attempting it without a guide. Best option is to send it to a UK dealer like Firesupport and pay them to do it for you. Seriously doubt the retailer will do much for you as it's not a fault as such.
  4. His picture got raped by him having a piece of clear plastic attached to his toy gun? Do I need to point out all the ways that statement is wrong? Doesn't matter what your a fan of thats what he has got. To be honest I hear people chucking shade at those protectors all the time and its just another form of delusional snobbery. That protector is good bit of useful kit and while others might prefer other options thats their choice.
  5. Ain't adrenaline it gets going. I gave up after 5th time on it. I was absolutely f*cked.
  6. Play that when it's full auto and a 15 second count then you will know suffering.
  7. Great now you can miss 3 times more
  8. I wouldn't mind but he needs to look up the meaning of passive aggressive. There is nothing passive about me! and I am not whining just being a bastard.
  9. Probably me Oh well no fucks given
  10. Sorry but in my defence I was really really bored.
  11. And don't even get me started on the I am a great marksman but army wouldn't take me because of hip crap. Next week you will be posting you have taken a super serum and are off to fight justice with a shield and your Stark industries wonder gat. I love the word cockwomble so I wont sully it by using it on you.
  12. I doubt it because I reckon your all bravado and bullshit. You made a bullshit claim then you tried to backtrack with a bullshit story, just another fantasist. Christ your bigging up a Nuprol Defender I would feel less embarrassed toting round a £50 orange Ak.
  13. Actually everyone was calling you out on your 50yd claim. Yeah reading back there is some claim of oops measuring wheel blah blah blah get out of a hole side story. Before you claim people suck you should check yourself because I would lay money on the fact that I and some of the others could out play you. Actually I would take that bet if I was hanging out my arse and only armed with a nerf gun and my mate Hambo.
  14. How can someone be a seasoned noobie? Someone really has to set off my cockwomble meter to get me to post on here nowadays but you have got a whole conversation, well done for being super SPESHAL. You are arguing with the sort of people who have lots of experience and have heard every line of bullshit going so give up. As for that Defender I wouldn't have one if it was free would rather own a Combat Masheep.
  15. That proves nothing you could of been 3ft away. Go buy a good tape measure and measure out 50yds. Its a lot longer than most people guess. As for getting better seriously behave.
  16. You claimed yards and my AEG cant do a 50mm grouping at 50yrds and I will guarantee it pisses over a Nuprol Defender as it pretty much pisses over everything its been tested against.
  17. I will second that, thats 45 meters and Cheesy is spot on most airsoft guns have very little accuracy at that range and certainly not a 50mm spread. Complete and total huge screaming pile of bullshit.
  18. Best way to increase range on this gun is to improve your shoulder muscles then you could get at least 15mtrs further away from the skip before throwing.
  19. Anyone at the mall on Sunday?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Carlobear was good to say hello and add another face to a name.

    3. CarloBear


      Same goes ! Sorry didn't get to say bye, didn't want to interrupt you talking to the marshal mate, Until next time :D

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Should of just butted in was probably just talking crap so wouldn't have interrupted anything important.

  20. One of my favourite pistols puts a smile on your face whenever you use it.
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