I once held off a whole enemy team for 4 hours with nothing more than than a rubber chicken and the power of my imagination. I had 900 hundred confirmed kills (the spotter elf told me) and nobody managed to kill me once. This was all because I am a ninja terminator with the super senses of spiderman. Then I went home for cuddles with my mommy. Yay go me ☺
You can get a lonex piston and piston head for about £22 and a new hop rubber for a fiver so pretty cheap to fix if thats all thats wrong. Ask the guy you got it from to pay for parts, he sold it faulty and lied about what its worth so it would be the decent thing for him to do.
Thinking of a matt black textured finish with a faint blue pearlescent effect. But that might change yet I want the artists opinion my imagination runs out at daisies and stick figures.
Good point didn't check. Go for the widebore. They are good in aeg's as well but take some work to get right I lost over 40 fps with mine compared to a stock barrel which is why I think PDI barrels are better in general for aeg's.
I have one a 6.23 and its great but it will seriously lower your fps. Be prepared to drop a new spring in at least. Other option is to look at P.D.I 6.05 and 6.08 barrels they wont mess with fps but will improve consistency.
You dont have to ignore your hits to be a good player you just wear body armour so heavy you couldn't feel a 10mm steel bb let alone the light plastic ones. I am going to buy some hard shell protectors and one of those vests with a big flap that covers my crotch like an armoured apron. I love those juggernaut players they move so slow but own everyone in fast cqb games. They have all the toys that are so good that you never need to learn how to set the hop up. Thats what I aspire to be.
You definitely need the fuse. Mosfet is worth it to protect your trigger just get a Gate pico or a nano aab relatively cheap and reliable. If you really want one with burst control check out the spectre mosfet. Just remember to get the best out of a mosfet you might need to change motor and gear ratios to get a really quick fire rate on semi which is what most people are after.
Good but not really what I am looking for its still very much the camo/distressed look that most people go for. I dont want a real steel battlefield look. Not sure what I want exactly just something different.
Looking to get my Sig 552 painted but dont want to camo it. I want something unique to seperate it from the herd but want it to be subtle and look good. Looking for ideas and an artist whos good at airbrushing to do do the respray.